Archived Iron Block At Essalonia Spawn

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
As someone who does repairs for others on the server, I like having my work done in front of a customer to show that I'm doing the work well. Essalonia spawn is the standard meeting point to exchange materials for repairs, so I think it may be a nice idea to place an iron block in the spawn tent to use for repairs.

This serves mostly as a convenience for players, and with iron blocks being affordable to many, I don't see it as game breaking to have a free mcmmo anvil just at spawn for use.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Even beyond that maybe a tiny forge skyrim style would be cool. Might as well make it look cool at the same time.
One could also just massivelock an iron block in the wilderness or use regalia for an iron block. There are alternatives, which is why the suggestion is geared to a convenience type of shindig than anything else.
In my personal opinion having an iron block at spawn would be detrimental, as it would give yet another reason to not join a faction.

I gotta agree with those above. Nobody is going to join a faction for the sole reason it has iron blocks. Thats a baseline so low that you might as well say we cant have torches anywhere because people won't join factions for the torches. Beyond that, the purpose is to make people feel more secure and foster more transparent trade, by letting Repairers do the work in front of the client in a safe neutral area. Its a small convenience with no real Cons.
Makes no sense, not adding one is like having 95% AF chance and thus no one uses it. Common convenience.
I gotta agree with those above. Nobody is going to join a faction for the sole reason it has iron blocks. Thats a baseline so low that you might as well say we cant have torches anywhere because people won't join factions for the torches. Beyond that, the purpose is to make people feel more secure and foster more transparent trade, by letting Repairers do the work in front of the client in a safe neutral area. Its a small convenience with no real Cons.
But it's one less thing.

Sure it's not a reason now but you have to keep in mind if we continuously remove 1 at a time for the reason "it won't be detrimental" eventually there will be no reason and individually they arent a big deal but add them up and it's less and less reason to join a faction
But it's one less thing.

Sure it's not a reason now but you have to keep in mind if we continuously remove 1 at a time for the reason "it won't be detrimental" eventually there will be no reason and individually they arent a big deal but add them up and it's less and less reason to join a faction
I don't see the point of factions being the small, simple things. Even if enchant tables, and more viable storage and markets etc were added to the spawn, the main reason people join a faction is to play factions. Teamwork, building, fighting, etc. Removal of a few or even a few dozen of the small element that drift around it won't be enough to damage the whole.
I'll be brief with bullets for the sake of brevity:
  • an iron block at spawn really only is useful for those with max repair or those who want to lose enchants (off of say lore items or crap armor to re-enchant)
  • grinding repair at spawn is impractical, since there is no cactus or magma block nearby to easily grind while you swap out armor.
  • Regalia and Silverwind have iron blocks at spawn. Granted they are for decoration, but you can still repair on them.
Adding in the iron block to Essalonia spawn only allows survivalists to repair blocks on the map where repair is most useful. Like I said in my OP, it's purely for convenience and to allow for direct supervision of repair deals.
Not to seem rude, but this seems a little bit frivolous. I mean, you have your right to your own opinions, no arguing there. The thing is... an iron block at spawn? That's not what spawn's for. Spawn is there as a safe zone, a little breathing room between new players and (possible) raiders in the wilderness. In my opinion, an iron block just isn't really needed, for the same reason you say it wouldn't hurt... because it wouldn't help most people. A good chunk of toplevel repairers would probably prefer to stay home and do their thing, and then most players just don't need an anvil at spawn. Yes, there are probably a few repairers who would appreciate the relative convenience, but if staff start putting utilities at spawn, why stop at an anvil? Next thing you know, we have mcmmo salvage and repair anvils, vanilla anvils, furnaces, workbenches, treefarms, cropfarms, animal farms, and a public mine. Why add these things? Well, because some players might appreciate them. Why not? Because, quite simply, it would be(again, IMO) a little silly. There's my two cents.
The iron block was intended for max repair people to repair stuff in front of a player who needs stuff repaired, vs just tping to my base and repairing behind closed doors without the customer knowing. Transparency was the main thing.

I honestly don't care since I use Essalonia now. But it says something when I tp to a non-survival world to fix things that are used in, well, survival.
Yes, but really, they know it gets repaired, since you know, the durability goes up. If you were going to steal their tool or armor and run off, you could do so just as easily from spawn as your isolated base. The agreement between the repairperson and customer is what guarantees they get what they pay for. I don't think I've ever spoken to someone who said to me "Oh no, I like to watch while they repair my stuff, it's more honest". I think that you may be trying to solve a nonexistent issue, no offense.
I'll pop this in the Game Department chat and see what the other folks say.