Preserved Sheet Irlion Charles

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I'm a Believer
Nov 19, 2016
Reaction score
Smash Mouth
Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Irlion Arc Charles

  • Age: 56

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Central Altalar

  • Sexuality: Straight
Skill Information (Required)
  • Total: 56 Points

  • +5 Tracking (From Points)

  • +20 Unarmed Fighting (+10 From Points) (+10 Racial Bonus)
  • +5 Rouge Training (From Points)
  • +6 Shielded Combat (From Points)

  • +10 Perception (From Points)

  • +15 Athletic Training (From Points)

  • +3 Historical Knowledge (From Points?)
  • +2 Musical Knowledge (From Points)
Body Shape
16 (Unarmed Fighting + Shielded Combat) + ( 15 (Athletic Training) x2 = 30 (Athletic Training ) = 46.
Racial Cap = 15 (Athletic).
  • Athletic Body Build.
  • Low Body Fat

  • Modern Altalar (Learned in Childhood)

  • Common (Learned in Childhood, taught by tutor).

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Deity being Ellea, Lady of Everchanging. Familiar Permission?: Black Cat. (Unsure where to put this- I will move it and add more if that's needed).

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Hair Color: Dyed Black (Dark Grey)

  • Hair Style: Messy, uncombed. No bangs, so it won't get in the way of eyes.

  • Skin Color: Darker Pale (White)

  • Clothing: His wardrobe varrys. He tends to wear loose robes with armour underneath as of now. (Legal Armour), and bags under the robe. The robe is red and black.

  • Height: 6'7"

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph:
On the surface, Irlion portrays himself as an awkward Inn owner, trying to make a steady living. He is seen as a kind, yet not very social. If a stranger perceived him, they may think of him as a middle-class man, or as a kind man the first time they meet. If they heard of him, it would be likely no second thought would be given as they have quite a charade going on for them.

  • Second Paragraph:
On the inside, Irlion distrusts most others. When seeing them for the first time he looks them over to get a feel, and if his gut doesn't trust them, he wishes them not to speak nor be near him deep down, but on the surface he will fake a smile. He has some anxities when around nobles, as they are powerful people with guards and such. He see's himself as a inn owner- one who has a dark past, but is trying to start a new life, and make others happy.

  • Third Paragraph:
Around friends, Irlion acts somewhat of a jerk. Knowing they are friends, he feels minor trust and feels they won't retaliate physically with a verbal joust. Around lovers, he acts completely different. He acts somewhat of a flirt, sneaking in comments and puts on a weak-man act most of the time. Around strangers he continues his awkward inn owner act. And around family- well, he has none, so it would be the same as a friend, lots of verbal jousts.

  • Fourth Paragraph
In all honesty, this would depend on the situation. He tends to be a Lawful Neutral, but if aggravated he wouldn't be so lawful. He manifests it to the point he has common sense, but if buttons are pushed, he feels those won't need those moral codes anymore- and the only thing to do is finish what he thinks is right. He dislikes deeds that he thinks are evil, or are evil towards him.

Life Story (Required)


From as far back as Irlion can remember, he never knew his real mother. His mother had given him to his uncle after their farm burned down, from what he was told. They lived fourteen miles east of Grae Rie. Around age six is when Irlion showed signs of wanting to be a fighter, he wrestled around on his uncles farm with the animals. Eventually, his uncle hired a tutor to train Irlion as that is what he wanted most. For the next two years, he was given private lessons of unarmed fighting, and other basic knowledge needed (schooling). Afterwards, his teaching focused more on musical arts and combat, as he only did well with those topics with his tutor. Until age 12 this continued. He practiced every day.

Teenage Years:

In his teenage years, he trained harder, wanting to join the army. He began to join public lessons and spend his earnings on private lessons for how to fight with a shield, as he thought defensive fighting may be a good thing to learn. He did continue his tutoring however, of unarmed combat, and musical teachings as well as reading now. He continued with these teachings until age fifteen, when his uncle sold the farm and moved into the city. He practiced even when in the city everyday. Irlion also moved to the city, and took on multiple jobs and began to save money. At age sixteen, he was brought into a gang. When his uncle found out, he disowned Irlion out of disgust, as he didn't want to be brought into that mess. The gang was focused on stealing, and Irlion learned how to steal and stay very perceptive. Eventually when the gang leader fell to the guards, Irlion left the city before the names of other members were spilled.


Right before he turned nineteen, he moved to the gang-filled city of Hallonq. He stayed there for six years, until he was age twentyfour, fighting, stealing, and assassinating. This continued doing so until he saved up quite a bit of money, where he then moved once again, quite far, to the City of Arvost. He lived there, trying to make a living of farm work. He joined local theatre, and was in small productions in his free time. Eventually during this he learned how to act. He remained here for twenty years, working on a farm, training, reading, playing his flute, and acting. He had saved quite a handfull of money, lots and lots now. He used this in order to purchase his own small farm, and hire workers. He began his own wheat farm, and over the next year he bought some animals for it. He remained here for the next ten years, until age 55, upgrading his farm and expanding it into a medium sized farm. Once it was quite a nice farm, he sold it sixth monthes before he turned 56. Hearing of a historical place in the Old Allorn Empire, he traveled there. He journeyed into the inner and outer pantheons of the place, and then went sinking in the pools of Talea. Then going to look up at the top by its domes, and also meditating in the water while looking at the domes. After this trip which took along time, he moved to The City of Regalia at age 56.


Once he arrived in Regalia, he dyed his hair brown. He began researching and reading, getting to know the area, still filing in his daily duties and practices. He eventually purchased a house, and turned it into an Inn. His current business is being the Co-Owner of an Inn known as a Mariposa Inn and Lounge.
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I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 24 hours.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • What kind of Altalar is Irlion? Central, Maritime, or Sundial? I'm assuming Central!
  • Altalar receive +10 Historical Knowledge and +10 in a Proficiency of their choice to add to your total. I'm not sure where the +3 that you've listed in Unarmed has come from. Fix this up and add the racial bonuses if you want them! Your total proficiency points also come to 67 (counting the +3). Make sure it doesn't come above 60, not counting the free racial bonuses.
  • -
  • Please list your calculations for the Body Shape stat!
  • Without any points in Linguistics, you can only know 2 languages: Common, and their native language. Please remove Alt-Regalian and change Modern Elven to Modern Altalar!
  • Why does Irlion despise others so much and wish them dead? This isn't really explained in the personality section, and seems almost unfitting for an inn owner. Is it a racial pride thing? Try and add some justification!
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
@Eccetra, edits made.
Edits make in some shade of this.
And fixed the entire personality paragraph as it had a lot of personality errors I didn't correct before posting. Apologies.
  • Your proficiencies now add up to only 50. You have 10 more that you can spend, plus the +10 Historical Knowledge free that you can add. Remember to calculate it all together before posting!
  • Racial bonuses don't factor into body build calculations, so the total should only be 40. That wont change the outcome though due to racial cap.
Tag me once those two edits are made!
@Eccetra, edits made in orange.
I added +6 Shielded Combat which equals 56 points because he is 56- if it is 60 points then I'll change it to +10 Shielded Combat.
Thanks! =D