NAME | Iris.
BIRTH NAME | Sekar Lintangayah.
AGE | Twenty-three years.
GENDER | Genderqueer.
AGE | Twenty-three years.
GENDER | Genderqueer.
SEXUALITY | Pansexual; leans towards masculine individuals.
OCCULTISM |Yes; Eidolon and Silence Mage.
OCCULTISM |Yes; Eidolon and Silence Mage.
SCHOOLS OF MAGIC | Light, Stillness.
OCCUPATION | Alchemist, Doctor, Hand-for-hire.
RELIGION | Unknown
Once upon a time, Iris considered herself to be a dedicated member of the Estelley faith. Now, she is lost in a fog of uncertainty, owing her former fellow faithful and the Draconists alike for her new start towards life.
A survivor of a great many difficulties now recovering from a long stint of Spirit possession, Iris is unsure where her path next leads; all she knows is that she wants to become "someone worth saving" to the people who put so much effort in seeing her reborn anew.
EYE COLOR | Amber irises, Black sclera.
SCALE COLOR | Myrtle Green.
HEIGHT | 5'3 / 160 cm.
BODY TYPE | Lithe physique.
SCALE COLOR | Myrtle Green.
HEIGHT | 5'3 / 160 cm.
BODY TYPE | Lithe physique.
»| Alchemy Hobby.
»| Medical Hobby.
»| Magical Talent. -
»| Allar are immune to any (non Magical) disease or illness, such as viruses or bacteria, though they can become asymptomatic carriers.
»| Allar bodyparts regrow over the timespan of 24 hours when lost, though scars can be left behind if desired.
»| Allar have sensitive taste, their tongue capable of deeply analyzing anything they taste, what the ingredients are, and whether it has alchemical functions.
»| Allar have perfect sight at night and in dark environments, capable of seeing in the dark without needing any external light source.
»|Allar can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely. -
»| Pidato
»| Sign
»| Common
»| Altalar
COMBAT STATS: Magic for Attack (d17), Wisdom for Defense (d15).
﹥Oceanic Pack
﹥Technique Parry
﹥Chem Ignite
﹥Chem Freeze
﹥Chem Blight
﹥Chem Bolts
﹥Chem Purge
﹥Chem Ignite
﹥Chem Freeze
﹥Chem Blight
﹥Chem Bolts
﹥Chem Purge
﹥Arcane Healing
﹥Arcane Counter
﹥Arcane Portent
﹥Arcane Cleanse
﹥Arcane Warp
﹥Arcane Snare
﹥Wardrobe Pack
﹥Arcane Counter
﹥Arcane Portent
﹥Arcane Cleanse
﹥Arcane Warp
﹥Arcane Snare
﹥Wardrobe Pack
﹥Hazard Presence
Iris does not often talk about her background, but she alludes to a troubled history caused by the Sendrassian invasion of Hadar. Perhaps enough prodding will let her open up about her past.
Raised by Draconists and manipulated by a force that guided her to Estelley, Iris now considers herself to be without a proper faith. She does not keep this information private, and is willing to discuss religion with just about anyone- save for Evolists.
If there's one thing Iris allows herself to take pride in, it's her skill with an alembic. She's more than willing to offer healing balms to those in need, or even teach an aspiring alchemist the basics of the craft.
Once a violent crusader against the Abyss and its creations, Iris, formerly Aegipane, now seeks to make up for her past misdeeds in any way possible- and by any means necessary.
[﹥] RELATIONSHIPSRahzarr: "View me as I once was, and I will view you as I once did- a pest."
Gorm: "You have changed- for the better, certainly - but I will not soon forget the times you have marched under Frida's banner."
Jhavartal: "I used to loathe you. Now, I just question your intentions. With any luck, we will get along."
Ishïka: "I heard you in the Temple that day. Your words were sharp, and they cut through even the heart of the beast. I can only hope you have changed your opinion of me."
Qamar: "I do not understand why you are drawn to me- though it is not as if I hate it. The fruit was delicious."
Subekti: "My love, my light. Forgive me."
Citra: "You said I reminded you of your sibling. I loathe to admit it- but you may be the elder sibling that I never had."
"Asmita": "Are sisters supposed to act as we do? Surely not- and I will wear your blues when it suits me."
Rhain: "The sting of your blade has not left my mind- but neither has your praise. I hope to live up to your expectations."
Sylas: "You are pompous, self-centered, cruel, and a fine ally. But I have my eyes on you."
Ailred: "We are both haunted by ourselves. I thought we could find common ground in that, but you have grown past me, haven't you?"
Neokarr: "I heard that you said I have no right to hide from my past. You are not my judge or jury, but I appreciate your input nevertheless."
Elamöna: "I see you wandering around, like a ghost of things that once were, but I cannot bring myself to talk to you. I am willing, but weak."
Vaëla: "I fear you like a castaway in a storm. I hope we never cross blades again."
Sabola: "I was a monster when you swore an oath to me in your Temple. Yet, I hope you have not forgotten."
Eydís: "I can only be wary of the children of the North- especially you, who cuts an intimidating figure."
Neiban: "You met me at the ends of my claws. Now, I have grown quite fond of you. Funny how things change."
"Scale": "Cur. I hope that when you become capable of grief it drowns you."
Erwin: "The scars we've left upon each other won't soon fade. Still- I hope we can find some common ground."
Aeda: "It's been so long, Ordvaan. I still find your philosophy grating, but I still would like to speak to you again."
Satokh: "You have turned over a new leaf, but don't think for a moment that I have lost my caution around you."
Sahuvi: "I never had a voice when I was at my worst. When you granted me one, I expected repulsion- but you saved me instead. You are a hero, through and through."
Rayne: "I see a lot of myself in you. That might not be a good thing. Still- I appreciate what we have now."
Khenari: "I saw you as a pawn, and now, I see you for your growing strength. I hope that you may flourish."
The Orchestrion: "Something about you feels nostalgic. Thank you for saving me, you-of-great-wills."
Levi: "Your devotion would be better suited for someone else- but you may have your uses yet."
Gorm: "You have changed- for the better, certainly - but I will not soon forget the times you have marched under Frida's banner."
Jhavartal: "I used to loathe you. Now, I just question your intentions. With any luck, we will get along."
Ishïka: "I heard you in the Temple that day. Your words were sharp, and they cut through even the heart of the beast. I can only hope you have changed your opinion of me."
Qamar: "I do not understand why you are drawn to me- though it is not as if I hate it. The fruit was delicious."
Subekti: "My love, my light. Forgive me."
Citra: "You said I reminded you of your sibling. I loathe to admit it- but you may be the elder sibling that I never had."
"Asmita": "Are sisters supposed to act as we do? Surely not- and I will wear your blues when it suits me."
Rhain: "The sting of your blade has not left my mind- but neither has your praise. I hope to live up to your expectations."
Sylas: "You are pompous, self-centered, cruel, and a fine ally. But I have my eyes on you."
Ailred: "We are both haunted by ourselves. I thought we could find common ground in that, but you have grown past me, haven't you?"
Neokarr: "I heard that you said I have no right to hide from my past. You are not my judge or jury, but I appreciate your input nevertheless."
Elamöna: "I see you wandering around, like a ghost of things that once were, but I cannot bring myself to talk to you. I am willing, but weak."
Vaëla: "I fear you like a castaway in a storm. I hope we never cross blades again."
Sabola: "I was a monster when you swore an oath to me in your Temple. Yet, I hope you have not forgotten."
Eydís: "I can only be wary of the children of the North- especially you, who cuts an intimidating figure."
Neiban: "You met me at the ends of my claws. Now, I have grown quite fond of you. Funny how things change."
"Scale": "Cur. I hope that when you become capable of grief it drowns you."
Erwin: "The scars we've left upon each other won't soon fade. Still- I hope we can find some common ground."
Aeda: "It's been so long, Ordvaan. I still find your philosophy grating, but I still would like to speak to you again."
Satokh: "You have turned over a new leaf, but don't think for a moment that I have lost my caution around you."
Sahuvi: "I never had a voice when I was at my worst. When you granted me one, I expected repulsion- but you saved me instead. You are a hero, through and through."
Rayne: "I see a lot of myself in you. That might not be a good thing. Still- I appreciate what we have now."
Khenari: "I saw you as a pawn, and now, I see you for your growing strength. I hope that you may flourish."
The Orchestrion: "Something about you feels nostalgic. Thank you for saving me, you-of-great-wills."
Levi: "Your devotion would be better suited for someone else- but you may have your uses yet."
Sathyk: "I wish I knew your true face. Then, I could apologize to you."
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