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Iris Gold: An Essay On Goverment And An Apology


Local bear and kobold pal
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
Throughout the city of Regalia, a collection of twenty dozen handwritten pamphlets were placed. mainly under benches and a few places in the streets protected from the snow.
"To begin this written essay, which as always is written for both mind and tongue, I wish to issue an apology and condolences. I Firstly apoligise for my prior insinuation of heresy, there has only been one heresy committed as of late, and of that I will not directly speak. I Secondly wish to offer condolences to Icarus. He has been a forthright leader, abit in some ways a misguided one, for these words of enlightenment. It was he who has brought forth a lovely blossoming of discourse and words of betterment. In his honor that is what this essay will be about. Improvement in Regalia.

Regalia is, by its very nature, defined as a Monarchy, however there are viable arguments for other definitions, this is what I will set its definition as. Monarchy is powerful in that it has a singular ruler that is able to react swiftly when given news, this however also comes with drawbacks. In our modern era communication is not fast over large distances. This is fact. A monarch is slow to react in this way, despite being the sole authority. I would also like to notice that the monarch of Regalia is also put within a holy position as a spiritual figure which adds yet another stressor to them. Even a god can only react to so many things. Monarchy is powerful as an enforcer of power via an administrative body. They are weak however in the fact that they can only make so many choices at once and have limited power.

We also, living in Regalia, are the head of an empire. Empires are powerful obviously, but have a singular massive weakness and often fatal flaw. Size.

The north, as we all are aware, is a vessel of The Regalian Empire, they however rarely follow or have imperial law decreed upon them. The reason for this? They are simply too far from the empire for it to effectively govern. All government is entirely local.

As a result, this essay has one single solution to add. Regalia should be separated into differing districts, each ruled by a separate emperor. This in fact as some might think would weaken the empire, but this is not the case. It instead strengthens it by allowing more personalized law and quick decisive action. Our current emperor will not be gone either. He will instead be a new title known as the Almighty Emperor. This will put him away from his current status as lawmaker and enforcer of mundane law, and instead grant him a focused power over spiritual law, inquisitions, and the overall military. The Almighty Emperor is able to use the army of all the mundane Emperors as he sees fit, and also keeps his own holy army. Regalia itself will also have it's own emperor to enforce mundane law, again to empower the Almighty and to allow for them to focus on our spiritual power. With this, heresy could truely be wiped out, and vampies eliminated. Hungry could be fed, and the poor clothed. It would be a victory for all, and a powerful cry for the empire.

If this solution is not taken, I will not state what will happen as I am no seer. I will instead say that we may find that the government we instituted may no longer have the consent of its governed. When this happens there is only one path. Bloody revolt. I do not wish this to happen, but if not careful it may.

Stay watchful now lions among us, do not park yourselves as cowards in your homes, instead gather alongside the tree of wisdom and heed the words of those who have come before our dawn. The waters of kin do not sit still for long.

-Iris Gold"
"We already have sub-realm rulers." Audrey commented as she crumbled up the parchment. "There is no need to call them emperors and lay waste to the sanctity of that title."
A few of the pamplets were affixed to Drache holdings in the city, along with a notice under each one, in the hopes that the author may somehow come to reading it:

To the uninformed writer,

The suggestion proposed in this pamplet is based on ignorance of the Empire and nothing more. You propose that the Empire be broken up into various districts, yet neglect the fact that this is already in place so to speak.

The Empire is vast, and since our infancy, the Empire has created an effective way to govern that size. The Archipelago is broken up into realms, with various members of the aristocracy ruling over them. We are vassals to the Emperor, and as such we rule by His Divine Right. Ithania, Nordskagg, Lusits, Daenshore, and many others are ruled by their respective sovereigns or governors, who in turn pay tribute to our Emperor.

The merit of feudalism is that one man is able to rule effectively, by appointing those lower than him to serve under him. Just as the humble farmer works under his lord, the lord serves under the Emperor. This is the natural order of our Holy Empire, and how we rule.

I would suggest a trip to the library, as it is proven that you are at least literate enough to pen these many pamplets. Read up on our glorious empire and how it has proven to be effective in governing.

Graf von Drachenburg
Lothar Adler scanned over the pamphlet, letting out a hearty chuckle. He picked at the bandage on his forehead, stating aloud to himself,
"And this is why we study politics before we criticize it."
A lone figure would pass by the poster, studying it and the written replies with a critical eye. "Mm, not the most popular, though there's material. I can work within public approval with this, just a few minor edits..." and into the night "Appleton" disappeared.

Edmund Karhter would pick up a pamphlet and read it, before setting it back down. "That's what feudalism is for..." He remarked, as he walked away.