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Investigations Ended...



On the morning of January the 29th, Monday of the Year 306 AC, the following is announced from a Herald and posted to Notice Boards in the Imperial City.
1. The investigation into House Ravenstad reaches a conclusion and the results of it are hereby announced for all to see. Members of House Ravenstad, chiefly Eleana, Vulmar, and Cecille used questionable tactics in interrogating Audrey d'Ortonnaise, using illegal contraband in the name of ending their own investigation. For this breach of the law and disregard for d'Ortonnaise's role as a noble, as well as a misuse of Charter Rights and corruption, House Ravenstad as a whole is to submit to a punishment that can be agreed upon by the Privy Council. The Grand Commisioner lifts the suspensions of Vulmar and Eleana Ravenstad, though encourages their respective employers to act accordingly. The The Grand Commisioner additionally condemns the use of contraband specifically used by Cecile Ravenstad, who usurped the rights of the Violet Order by both aiding in the non-arcane interrogation, and misuing the contraband her position allows her access to. Despite this, no suspension of her role as Lesser Vigil is announced.

The ongoing investigation into House d'Ortonnaise is simmarily ended, with a lack of evidence of any wrongdoing.

2. The Shendar Slave owned by Hamelin d'Vaud, currently under potentially illegal employ to the Order of Hightower is to be turned over to the Grand Commisoner for questioning within the next 48 hours, in a potential investigation involving said Order of Hightower. No other specifics are given on the potential brewing scandal.

3. The Wolfsräuber Sellsails are named as the first Mercenary Band to be properly organized, their Band now available for hire to any interested nobility, including the Admirals and Generals of the Empire. They are led by their Mercenary Commander Vilhelm Wolfzahn who can be contacted for employment. The Fighter's Guild mentioned last week is rumored to be related to the current Mercenaries in the Empire, and all interested individuals should contact the Grand Commisioner, in particular those of a high and active standing in their respective Combat School.

May the Imperial Spirit keep you Wise and Walking,
-- Grand Commisione Luchs Kade
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