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Introduction To Thinking On Astronomy


Jan 20, 2020
Reaction score
[Posters of this can be found all throughout the Regalian City! From the Noble Estates all the way into the Deepest of Sewers!]


(This is my first -real- Scientific Brief/Introduction into a character of mine's studies, I will enjoy all responses! Just hope not all of them are negative!~)

Astronomy in Brief: Why are Alorians Here?

This is not a notice forewarning panic, anger or argumentation among the masses. Instead, this is a call for any of the scholarly mind or naturally curious to find me. In short, Astronomy is the science of the stars and what lies beyond them. In our history on Aloria as a people, Astronomers of the world and of history have only been able to observe and notate the design and activities of seven celestial bodies in our known universe. In listing, these celestial bodies are listed as: The Sun, Moon, Crystallum, Solfa, the Red Dawn, The Maiden & The Father that occupy a portion of our space and the only close planets we can get an idea of.

I will not be going into detail with each Celestial noted before, yet if this gains traction or notice by the many of the city, I will continue with new 'Briefs' every so often. For now, we will be discussing Aloria's place. To many, Aloria is home, their homeland(s) widespread and expansive to ourselves. Yet, this 'expansive' nature is nothing but our minds unable to fully grasp the micro-sized lifeforms that we all are in the grand scheme of the Celestial Bodies.

Think of this scenario: An Ant sits within it's Ant-Hill going about it's life day in and day out. When the Sun is high in the sky and the Moon replacing it. Yet, now the Ant is wondering what life is like outside it's own Hill? A singular step outside of it's opening brings about the vast difference of the Ant's preconceived notion of life compared to what their eyes not cannot bear to understand. The 'Ant' in this metaphor is that of us Alorians, no matter race, height, gender or place in whatever noble hierarchy you believe to be. In all aspects, we are as small as that Ant compared to what may be found in the inconceivable universe surrounding us.

Yet, as my paper ends and my candlelight grows dim I must stop this Brief here. I expect many to dismiss my words as mere conjecture or hypothesis. That is why I ask to meet various minds or opinions on the subject to meet with me and see what we can do with ourselves in the near or far future.

- Calzagarr Tarkiirn, Scholar of the Deep Cosmos