Introduction - Hello, I Am Bloodcoal.


Sep 29, 2021
Reaction score
Hello. My discord and IGN are BloodCoal and I usually go by Coal. This is the first time I have ever role-played so I don't really know much and I apologize if I mess something up. I found out about the server while looking up for servers to join and I was pretty interested in it after reading the website and looking at the builds. I thought I should join a server since I struggle a bit with interacting with others so I thought it would be good practice. I'm currently just waiting for my application to be reviewed so I'm scrolling the forums for a bit and found out about the introduction. A bit about me is that I like listening to music, playing Minecraft, I love sweets, and I also draw a bit for fun. It is nice to meet all of you.
Hi. You'll get hooked... I promise you.

(Welcome to the server! I hope to see you in game soon!)