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Interior Peace Ministry Missive To The Nobility


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy

From the Desk of the Interior Peace Minister, Percival Ravenstad

Assigned to the Nobility of the Realm

Due to the current state of the Empire's wars, the Interior Peace Ministry is issuing a blanket status quo until further notice. Any and all inter-Empire acts of war, battle, invasion, occupation, aggressive internal military action, and et cetera not certified by the Peace Ministry will be immediately declared as a breach of the Emperor's Peace Law. Many families do not feel able to commit to the military engagements we are partaking in, because of threat from other houses. Because of how negatively this will affect the war, and potentially the Emperor's peace of mind, this blanket counter-measure is being instated. I hope this is reassuring to many families, and the war will see more troops flowing into the various armies. Any attempt to skirt around or ignore this missive will be dealt with by the full expanse of my capacity as Interior Peace Minister. If you are unsure about if your usage of your private army will coincide with this missive, you are free to write or meet with me in order to clarify, work it out, and/or get it certified.

Spirits Blessings | As we walk along the way.

Signed and Notified by Ser Percival Ravenstad;

Interior Peace Minister | Viridian Order Paladin | Grand Bellator | Imperial Treffer | Grand Duke of Ettrenach | Marshal of the Dread
*All Signets and Seals of the various authoritative office included*


@MonMarty @BillyTheScroofy @AntonVoron @Film_Noir @FireFan96 @Nudibronch @Zombiel3ait @seoulmate @Jouster @AlphaInsomnia @HydraLana @GodRoleplayer @Ryria @LumosJared @MantaRey @CRASHIR @Miss_Confined @darkarely @Jonificus @Dekuras @SupremeCripple @Eronoc @Tiber_ @WaterDruppel @Daekon @Mayaran @Tracenator1 @TheBioverse @ShipIt @Halsi @Miss_Confined @Rochelle_ @Patsie @AtticCat @Battlebrawn @Fatherland @Walrusaur_ @Lady_Ortonnaise @OnyxXIII @Plutopup @Mortisian @Cajetan_ @Nellaphise @Suicidium @MarquisAlex @NightLight12 @BleachForTheSoul @Last_Link @Lutsu
"I told them my concerns, and they acted on it. I only hope these word will remain true."

Audrey stated after her lil' meeting with Benedictus in the Mitau palace, before she signed off her troop orders.