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Interior Peace Minister's Ultimatum To The Rebels And Rioters


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
House Croy

From the Desk of the Interior Peace Minister, Percival Ravenstad

Ultimatum to the Old Gods Rioting in Dragenthal

The Interior Peace Minister orders you hereby to cease your rioting and disorder against the lawful rulers, and return to a state of peace. The case you make for your religion is only worsened by antagonizing the status quo of the lands you live in. Failure to comply with these demands will have consequences most severe.

Ultimatum to the Rebellions in Peirgarten, Typhonus, von Duerr, and Reinard Lands
The Interior Peace Minister orders you hereby to cease your rioting and disorder against the lawful rulers, and return to a state of peace. Causing harm and disorder in your own lands will bring no more money to the coffers, but instead, will simply deplete the family's more. This is a vicious cycle of economic struggle, and you are commanded to resume normality immediately to better comply with the rulers in order to relieve the economy. Failure to comply with these demands will have consequences most severe.

Advisory Warning to Imperial Knight Wulfram Kehlen
The Interior Peace Minister wishes to inform you, while you have no done no wrong and are in no form of trouble, that you should take no form of aggressive and/or inflammatory action with your "coalition" around your lands. With the problem of the Old Gods rioting in the Dragenthal area, and the general mood, the peace must be safeguarded as to maintain order. I will repeat, you are to take no form of aggressive and/or inflammatory action while this coalition is maintained. To repeat the events of the Drachenwald Crisis, even if on different terms, would be exceedingly harmful to the Empire at its current juncture.

Signed and Notified by Ser Percival Ravenstad;

Interior Peace Minister | Viridian Order Paladin | Grand Bellator | Imperial Treffer | Baron of Ansenbourgh
"Give me an excuse, Pagans. I will burn the whole damned Drachenwald just t' see ye run." Hengest comments to Percival during one of the great houses' hunts.
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Juliette scowled at the notice before murmuring, "Heretical Old God worshippers really can't be more then screamers, can they?"
"Well, he's already doing better than I did..." Edmond remarks, before going back to his paperwork.