Archived Interchangable Builds For Premiums

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Human Torch.
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Up North in that Minnesota place
Roleplay Guilds
Divine Intervention
This is pretty self explanatory. It gives premiums the option to set multiple builds of massive traits in order to interchange between traits with ease.

/t set [Name] : This will take your current trait build and save it under the name
/t build [Name] : This would activate the pre set build.

Questions? Comments?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't think the system was intended for people to be able to change out their whole trait load-out with ease...
The only objection I have is that you could maybe use it in enemy territory just before a raid or something, or just anywhere where you couldn't use the new signs feature coming out, which might be OP. I assume there would be the whole stand still and then not take damage for a while thing to for this, but maybe to a heightened degree? That might help balance out my previous point. Good idea
All i can say is no. It is possible to change between build using a single command (/t set trait1 trait2 trait3 etc) that is an upcoming command. check the weekly chainlog. And i don't think it is premium only. Personally I don't think we need any more premium features (Yes i am premium).
The only objection I have is that you could maybe use it in enemy territory just before a raid or something, or just anywhere where you couldn't use the new signs feature coming out, which might be OP. I assume there would be the whole stand still and then not take damage for a while thing to for this, but maybe to a heightened degree? That might help balance out my previous point. Good idea

This is an intentional limitation, if there was a command based structure, we would limit people from switching out traits unless they were in Regalia or PVP flag disabled and more than 30 blocks away from enemies.
This is an intentional limitation, if there was a command based structure, we would limit people from switching out traits unless they were in Regalia or PVP flag disabled and more than 30 blocks away from enemies.
I am confused, we can change traits anywhere as long as we didn't take damage for 5 minutes and stood still for 30 seconds. Are there new limitations? Can we use the signs anywhere?
I am confused, can someone explain.
I am confused, we can change traits anywhere as long as we didn't take damage for 5 minutes and stood still for 30 seconds. Are there new limitations? Can we use the signs anywhere?
I am confused, can someone explain.

I'm afraid I can't help much haha, I am technically on vacation right now so I'm sort of out of the loop, but when implementation was discussed, we mentioned that we planned limitations to prevent players from switching builds near PVP.
I'm afraid I can't help much haha, I am technically on vacation right now so I'm sort of out of the loop, but when implementation was discussed, we mentioned that we planned limitations to prevent players from switching builds near PVP.
Ok I have tried it. And what I know is at you can't change it 5 minutes after taking damage. And you have to stand still for 30 seconds. The regalia limitation is removed, and I haven't heard about the enemy within 30 blocks thing. But the regalia thing should be enabled I think.
im not sure if its already in but I agree on the first comment. Instead of step by step removing your traits and adding the others you should be able to almost make kits with them. I spent so long finding a pvp kit that worked well with everyday life too. Yes make a command to have kit like traits thing. I hope you see where im going with this. Basically im confusing myself now and il put it simple. you have 3 kits with the traits in them and you can switch between them with a command. How about regular members get 1-3 and prem gets 3-5? Is that OP?
This is pretty self explanatory. It gives premiums the option to set multiple builds of massive traits in order to interchange between traits with ease.

/t set [Name] : This will take your current trait build and save it under the name
/t build [Name] : This would activate the pre set build.

Questions? Comments?
Like kits?