Archived Intense Pve Event Series

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Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
I was thinking... And then this happend:

An interactive story. One which you could experience simply by playing in it. That is the idea of what I am about to suggest. So lets get into it shall we? :)

Alright to start this off. I wanted to suggest a series of events that would tell a story throughout the gameplay experience. The idea is to have several events setup so players can join in and play the story as it unfolds. Creating the feeling that you 'the player' made this happen. Together this will leadup to what I believe will be a great experience for all involved.

~The general setup~
There will be eleven event. Each event will tell a chapter from the story. During such an event players can dive in and have amazing player versus enviroment situations. Here they will get to fight armies of mobs. Boss fights. And objectives to complete. This will all happen in maps specifically build for these events along with plenty of room for players to wander around and discover hidden secrets. Players will in some cases be forced to work together to achieve certaint goals. Such as defending locations or taking down big enemies.

Now lets go in depth:

~The story~
The story I wanted to tell is actualy an inspiration from another game I played. But I want to tell it here in a more massivecraft theme. And thus the story itself will find a complete change of theme. Feel free to gues the origins while your at it ;p

The story will not only be explained during the events. There will also be forums posts to update players that have either missed the event, or could not hear all that was said. It will also provide players to readup on what they have either missed or whats awaiting them if they choose to join in lateron.

Now to give you a taste of what comming, I will tease you with the first chapter. Note that names may change eventualy as this is merely a teaser:

After several year of peace. The lands of Grandor fell under an incursion of orcs. The invading armies swarmed the massive cities of the region. Causing much chaos and disorder. Many citizens fled to the grant ports in the south, hoping to find safe passage to the other realms. But soon the port itself fell under a heavy seige. With the local guards barely holding the lines, the imperial host deployed a regiment of it's elite forces. It was now up to the imperial troops to retake the Port city if they wish to have any hope at retaking the region.
The core element in these events is PvE. (Player versus Enviroment)
We want to see senarios such as massive player vs mob battles. Boss battles with extremely tough bosses. And objectives where players have to work together to solve the mystery to unlocking the path to the next area.

Each player be it either premium or normal should be capable of joining this event. To make sure everyone can bring in their own specialities, traits should be enabled troughout the events. To ensure that both premium and normal players play, Item loss should be disabled in the event areas. We want this to be fun. Not risky for your inventory. But risk of loosing rewards can be present to add some feeling of risk during the event.

For progression trough each chapter. There will be announcments about the progress aswel as checkpoints to mark how far the event has progressed. This will make it easier for players to track how far they have come.
Every chapter will have its own dedicated map. But the enviroments will change up to 3 times, creating 4 themes in general. These maps will feature semi-open worlds. Having several main objectives but also having some side tasks players can try and track down.

There should be plenty to find in these maps and depending on the chapter, a general idea of where to go if the battle has progressed deeper into the map. Perhaps with the help of a teleportation unit to help put members in the middle of the fight. respawning should therefor be redirected to base locations aswel as forward outposts.
Let there be an abundance!!!
Seriously though :).

There should be more then plenty rewards to find. Some items can have as a reminder of this event. We want rewards so people will try their bests at getting to all the places there are. Now there should be rewards that anyone can get. But also some rewards dedicated to certaint tasks or efforts you put into the fight.

General rewards:
- Completing a chapter
- Completing a set of chapters
- Completing the whole series
- Completing a general goal

Easter egg reward:
- completing side objectives
- discovering hidden area's
- Finding alternate routes

Effort rewards:
- killing most mobs
- doing most damige to boss
- assist in killing boss
- having died least of times
- aided most times in objectives

What the gifts are specifically we can still debate on later :)
~Some notes for staff~
I gues I am asking for quite the limit of what massive can do. So please do tell. Is this all technically possible with massivecrafts capacities?

As for the story. If you want to go the extra mile of making this story exit in lore. Do tell. But it is not the reason I setup this whole thing. (This may require some research about location and compatibility)

The idea is that this will take place some time from now. As it clearly needs allot of preperation. Not intirely sure if you have room for this on your agenda's.

And if we go trough with this, what can I do to help out? aside from enviroment creating/planning and providing story.
Ok. Thanku for reading thus far. ;3
I hope you like the idea. And I definatly look forward to everyones feedback on this one. Feel free to speak your mind about this.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
And before I forget... If you like the idea and have a story of your own.

One thing I did not think of is that this could be used as a tool to influence the lore aswel! But that would be reserved for staff hosted events as they probably want to dictate the many outcomes.
Ok... Fundamentally this is a good idea, though it sounds more like a long term mini game that'd belong more on a large "hub" server than Massivecraft. I know that you're saying for this to be an event and all, and though I'm pretty certain that this is possible to do I don't think this is an event that's really needed for the server for one reason specifically. Though our current PvE events may not seem to tell a large scale story, there is a story behind it and players do "work together" to kill armies of mobs alongside the bosses that spawn within said PvE events. So, correct me if I'm wrong, the only possible ideas I'm seeing here is: a series of events that tell a story or a long term event that'd last at least an hour or so to complete that follows a story line and involved different maps. Also...though the maps wouldn't need to be great, they'd probably end up being top notch, and map making is a rather tiring and time consuming process if you're aiming for specific details.

When it comes to the server "needing" something, then yea, theres plenty of other stuff thats gets priority. As for trying to compare it to the current pve events... This is something quite different. Yes it involves some similar gameplay experiences. But it is so much more than that.

Lastly on your reply your point on if it belongs on massivecraft. I put up a vote for who likes it and dislikes it. That is how we determine if the community wants it. And if the community wants it. (including the staff ofcource) Then I think that answers if it belongs here. You may not know but we are basicaly a hub server already.

This event is a long term project. And for the effort that indeed needs to be put into it we may have to think of this as something bigger. A series of events that maybe returns. For example an annual tournement. At that point you could expect not only players from massivecraft to get exited about it... but perhaps even from beyond. (since it does seem like good advertising if we had it)

But since we don't, and it costs allot of effort. Lets not make it a one man project. And invite all willing and capable of aiding. The more that help the sooner something is done. And with all the world edit tools we have now a days.... Its indeed only the small details that need allot of work. Perhaps the most biggest obstruction is the coding part of it all. Since that is the one resource massivecraft does have 24/7 occupied and focusson on more pressing matters.

In the end it comes back down to the idea of the subject. Looking at the popularity of some events I would say we definatly have enough players for the scale of it.
tagging @Addrion and @Thortuna to give their input. I don't know the limitations of MassiveMob.
The MassiveMobs can certainly do some of these things but in the end this is a MAJOR project, from a quick skim you would need 3-4 worlds basically, specially configured, a full story progression, new teleport features, new features in MassiveMobs would also be required. Id say in total you need 1-3 months to set this all up.

MassiveMobs currently lack features in retaining when and how you will get items, specifying who gets what so there is no way to ensure XXX will get an item for completing a battle for example.

We have no way of giving items for finding an area either.

It is an interresting idea and something that would most definately be worth checking out and considdering but if it is actually doable in the way you describe is unsure from my side as Addrion is the main MassiveMob handler.
Thank you for your amazing input guys. As a matter of fact I thought I might needed more time considering all the work needed to get this done. Like 5-6 months xD

Lets see if I may be able to brainstorm on some of the problems and properly workout the first event. This event is most easily created due to it not requiring too much special instances.

as for one of the obstacles...
I remember something about the in-game quest system that allowed us to interact with some of the npc's. Im wondering if that ability can somehow be worked into the feature of discovering an area. Like when you find this area there is an npc that you have to interact with to get the reward for example.

Again many thanks for looking into this.
This would be rather epic, but take up a lot of the ataff's already busy time.
Agreed. Long term project. I myself im kinda busy too so... Im just looking forward to having the chance of building something I know will benefit the server. But its good to plan this thing ahead so it gets the attention it deserves once more important aspects of the server are finished.