• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Inrohl's Code

Passed around by word of mouth and slips of crumpled parchment, and only important to those mages who peak interest at it, would be Inrohl's Code. All contained would be the Seven Lines, and the title of its namesake, "Inrohl", and would not be distributed outside of the slums.

Inrohl's Code

Forged in darkness, I find eternal truth,
My knowledge, expanded, through suffering,
The Exist is inferior, weakness and disorder are their teachings,
Through the Void I further my horizon, I find enlightenment,
There is no excess, the dark unlocks infinite resource,
Together, we strengthen; apart, we weaken,
Power is achieved through this, not through Chaos.

[There is an expansion on all seven tenants, but it is restricted to only students of Inrohl to avoid metagaming.]

OOC Notes

What is Inrohl's Code?
Inrohl's Code is a teaching of tenants, and an ideology if you will, championed and created by the mysterious dark mage "Lord Inrohl".

What does it mean?
In summary, Inrohl's Code embodies Inrohl's own ideology of the arcane. The Code says that the Void, and all other dark magics, should in fact not be frowned upon, and are pathways to enlightenment, power, strength, and victory. It rejects the Exist, and all magics therein, believing it to be weak and chaotic, and plainly incorrect. This can be mostly interpreted by anyone who happens to hear or read the tenants.

Why so vague?
Because of the nature of this code, I can't entirely go around with slips advertising it in the Emporium, and advertising people to come learn it. This is best way for me to publicize this opportunity for White, Gray, and Black mages of all walks of life with minimal potential meta. Any more information would encourage that, and this is here for people ICly to know about and be enabled to contact me about it, if the roleplay plot interests you/your char.

How can I get involved?
The Code, and Lord Inrohl himself, holds no gang or formal organization. Rather, it's a teaching he preaches, and consists of followers. Inrohl usually takes personal apprentices and students, but guides them individually and personally, for maximum rp potential and character development. If you wish to have roleplay with Inrohl, learn about the code, learn magic or information from him, etc., you're welcome to. You need only message me, or find him in the Regalian Slums, preferably message me though so I can work out roleplay as soon as possible.
"You blow as if to douse a candle, yet only stoke the fires of Hel."
An all too real thought that came to mind was this; that the power he inherited was self-destructive. It was something their father had once said, on one occasion or another, being a favourite of his repertoire of one-liners. They thought it must have been a curse. Another to add to the never ending list, another problem to tack onto the others, another something they had to hide. Something that could never be tamed, a wild-fire waiting to happen, and the never ending burden that came with the power. With all of the training that went towards making them stone-faced, they simply couldn't believe that they wouldn't be able to shoulder it. Not with all of those years, all of the sacrifices, all of the time..

And then they read this. They had picked it up when they wore that cracked blue butterfly mask, donning a name not given to them. Even though these words may have been so meaningless to them before, it offered something unknown to them, and their surroundings. They sat at their desk with a clump of their raven black hair in their hand, straining over what drew them to it- was it the mysterious way it had been made, the promise of power, the underlying philosophy that laid it bare? After all, they thought, there was only one thing that hadn't been taught to them. Something that couldn't be passed down.

Temperance. Like it would be to temper a blade, or to tame a wild animal, or to confine a flame to its lantern. It wouldn't be ridding it of its previous use, and it in some cases it would very much be making it better. To teach temperance is to confirm and to stimulate some form of obedience, even if it was to some would-be 'lord' whom claimed to be in touch with the entropy of the universe. That didn't matter. All they wanted was a teacher.