Archived Ingame Faction Message Board / Faction Bans

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Lesser Noble
Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
While running a faction I had these ideas and I think they will make running one much easier

Ingame Faction Announcements:

We have all had a war against us at some point, although making peace and paying tribute is easy as 1 2 3, But informing your followers that a war is going on isn't. What if a faction member with the correct perm could set the current ingame faction message board so that when ever a member logs in they are greeted with a message e.g

N00b1 joined
Faction Message Board:
"A war has been started with lol raiders, all members are advised to stay indoor until further notice"

There can only be one faction message board message set at a time and would inform faction members who do not have a forums account about the war instead of mailing every single person ingame which could become a nightmare once you get a really huge population. Or it could be used to advertise that a new building or service that is open for use in the faction. The command may look something like this /f faction board set <message>

Faction Bans

We all have had these jerks who join our faction at some point and greif/chat abuse and steal, but if these people are persistent its possible for them to get back in via an ill informed officer recruiting ingame or one who didn't read the "do not recruit board" properly and when a faction allows for open recruiting which means ANYONE (including the people you want to be kept out) can join (which could also mean they can scout out your location).

My solution to this idea is to have a perm that allows faction members to ban a player/players from ever joining the faction and unban if necessary. And even check the current banned people . This would help stop people you don't want getting in and would make recruiting easier since you don't have to check the do not recruit list every time you do it. If a member recruits a banned person then the following will be displayed "X cannot join because he has been banned by the faction". If the player attempts to just /join without an invite from the faction then the message "This faction has banned you" will be displayed. The command may look something like this /f ban greifer1. /f unban greifer1 /f ban list.

Hope this helps :D
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Faction bans - I suggested this idea a while ago and it never kicked off. My idea was pretty much the same principal as your one but with an extra feature. In the permissions part of factions where it say's LEADER, OFFICER, etc, at the end there should be one called BANNED so you can actually make these banned players, no matter what, have no permissions at all in your faction, or only give them a few. This would come very useful if they ever decide to join an ally faction that has rights in so so's faction. I support.
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