Archived Infection Progression Idea

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
Sorry for the bad format here my PC is on the fritz ATM

Lo's reign had just ended when the dulofall was cured. The creatures of the sewers had gathered using an odd combination of blood magic to create an antidulofall substance that could disintigrate large patches of dulofall on contact.

Dulofall had almost disappeared and the city was buying loads and loads antidulofall from allar chemists. Then someone discovered that it can be ingested and give a large euphoria to the user. All of a sudden nobility got the leftover antidulofall from the government and most nobility got addicted to it.

Weeks of over production of antidulofall caused concern in the city when side effects started showing up. Human like races started to burn in the sun as their skin became brittle. Their addiction to the substance only got worse along with the side affects. Their pupils turned black. Their luster for antidulofall grew so intense that the worst of them cut open those just to get what antidulofall was left in their bloodstream.

The animal races weren't affected at all by the antidulofall and didn't feet the euphoria the humans seemed to be having.

Within days, regalia was tipped upside down. The people of the sewers started getting government positions from the nobility that had fled into the sewers. Racism was dwindling as most nobles where sewer rats and most non-humans lived on the surface and became well respectable.

What would happen if the antodulofall wore off? Where would the vampires play into this? What position would the slizzar play? There are many possibilities to all of regalia with this and it is bound to end up giving everybody some interesting roleplay. The main problem is that it affects everyone but it'll give everyone some major development which could really grow a character.

This is just a concept I thought up, it might be stupid but it sounds kind of fun and interesting to me.
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Sounds like Bioshock, but other than that, what's a Duofall? I need to wiki this for a sec.
EDIT: OH right! Dulofall! So you're basically making a duofall antidote that's an addictive drug now. I don't think that's a good idea. There's already addictive drugs, and having a duofall antidote like that overshadows the disease itself, which is quite intricate. It wouldn't spread so rapidly, or overtake regalia due to each persons personal choices. I would like to see an increase in plagues and flues. Duofall's mainly purposes to make Yanar succubi and to be a crop-plague.

Edit: Oh and, this implies making Regalia like China during the opium wars. No, I don't like the idea of children roleplaying being high, if it's going to be such an epidemic.
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idk I just like the idea of regalia flipping upside down due to some disease or something
idk I just like the idea of regalia flipping upside down due to some disease or something
Well in that case just tell everyone to never bathe, everyone would freak out. The thing is though, you can't get everyone to participate unless they want to. This likely will not work. I do love myself a good flu though. Just roleplay catching it and spreading it yourself, this shouldn't be an idea.
Well in that case just tell everyone to never bathe, everyone would freak out. The thing is though, you can't get everyone to participate unless they want to. This likely will not work. I do love myself a good flu though. Just roleplay catching it and spreading it yourself, this shouldn't be an idea.

I feel like the thing people don't realize is that a character gets boring if they are a "Powerful Noble" and everthing and it is a lot more fun to play a character that is going through change than sitting up on their throne in their noble court or whatever

oh yikes, is that offensive, sorry if that's offensive I just think people should be open to some change in the roleplay situation and like participate. I know that contradicts myself because I'm against lore page changes but ehh, I really think that something should affect some people because literally nothing is happening in regalia right now. Its so boring, nothing is changing. Sure the sewers are coming up and there is a wee little drama in the noble court but nothing is happening. At least during the Lo crisis everybody had to choose an opinion but here, everything is at peace. and regalia should NEVER be at peace. there is no movement within the city. There is no ruler casting tyranny upon the people. There is just, nothing. I just haven't found it fun enough to roleplay lately because there just isn't anything happening...
To be honest i'm still waiting for the world to hurry up and end already lol. As far as I can understand from lore, the reason Behesmal exists is because Estel existed, when they are in the mortal realm they both must be for balance and such. Well, Estel is off in the woods being a Disney Princess, and the things that made the Deathlings are presumably still alive as they were not mentioned after the Rise of Lo thing, so...

Wheres my apocalypse dangit!

But yea, a disease storyline could be fun, though with Light Magic being a cure-all more or less, I feel it would have to be linked to magic somehow to explain why it cant be magic-hand-waved away.
If you're feeling bored, you can check the calendar for events to participate in:

I've found that boredom is often a personal problem. Even if you yourself are bored, others may be having fun with their own things to keep themselves preoccupied. The solution is just to find something to keep yourself occupied as well. One solution is to go seek activity in new places. Try joining an active organization, or getting some friends together to roleplay, or making new friends, or hosting your own events, or creating a campaign for yourself and others to roleplay out.
If you're feeling bored, you can check the calendar for events to participate in:

I've found that boredom is often a personal problem. Even if you yourself are bored, others may be having fun with their own things to keep themselves preoccupied. The solution is just to find something to keep yourself occupied as well. One solution is to go seek activity in new places. Try joining an active organization, or getting some friends together to roleplay, or making new friends, or hosting your own events, or creating a campaign for yourself and others to roleplay out.
Personally, I thrive in a chaotic RP environment. Things like the Lo Arc, and especially that Battle of Rothburg siege thing where 50 players were all CRPing at once in that town, was amazing.

Otherwise, I can manage just doing interpersonal stuff, but I don't really... I can't keep motivated just off that. I know some people love Domestic RP but I can't stay interested in it for long without some anarchy to break it up.

Which leads to the other issue: Most people say, if you want chaos, start some, but honestly I've been close to it, and turned down twice. It takes a ton of build up and planning to get anything major done criminally, which is the only way a non-noble can stir chaos tbh. And all your effort towards building a nice fire and lighting the world ablaze can be undone from anything from a Lore update that makes you have to retcon an element of your plan, to everyone in the group suddenly deciding they hate RP for no reason, to staff just not wanting to pursue a specific plotline you were holding out for to use in your own plots. All of which have happened to me in my efforts, several times in fact XD Especially with Adventures (the PQ replacement) taking the back-burner in favor of the Magic Rewrite. Which effectively breaks the legs of and ends all momentum for any plots that would involve anything that you HAVE to do a PQ for. Which is most major movements like buying contraband to spying on government buildings.

Sorry if this all comes off as super negative- I still am motivated, I want to spark my own chaos and drive my own plots, but realistically there are so many roadblocks, especially during times of peace in main story, that its just not worth it. ATM my biggest block is nobody gives a crap about Crime RP, nor have they at all for 3 months, because everyone knows the sewers is going away, so nobody wants to rp crme until the Slums is out. And before that it was Adventures being delayed... and before that it was plot lines being denied OOC that I wont go into because spoilers kek...

TL:DR Making our own chaos is a Herculean task 90% of the time.
Personally my character doesn't use drugs and is a noble so it woudn't make any sense, nor do I want her to be some big powerful oped noble, heh, It just woudn't work out. Why would anyone else also take it if they saw the effects?