Preserved Sheet Ineraz Cadaresh

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Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Name: Ineraz Cadaresh. Nick: Indie
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Al-Allar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Hunting Bow
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 35
  • +15 Light Bow Combat Skill (From Points)
  • +20 Medical Sciences (From Points)
  • +10 Alchemy Sciences (From Race)
  • +10 Literary Arts (From Race)
  • Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 15
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Languages
  • Common (Free Language)
  • Zasta (learned in childhood)
  • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None
  • Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: Yellow Horns
  • Hair Style: No Hair
  • Skin Color: Pale Green
  • Clothing: Wears a red robe held by a black waist tie, with the sleeves gently hanging over his hands
  • Height: 5'9
  • Personality and Abilities

    How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
  • Ineraz would display his joy by participating in a round of drinks at a local inn, however he would not stay past his first drink.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
  • Ineraz would take a distanced approach. Putting space between him and his foe would allow him to either escape, or turn the tides with a poisoned arrow.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
  • Ineraz would lose himself in study and work. Creating new potions and poisions, relentlessly harvesting his ingrediants.

    How does your character view Law and Authorities?
  • Ineraz respects the authorities in place. They keep him safe, if his possessions are theived, they use their best efforts to find and punish the guilty party. That is all he asks of them.

    How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
  • Ineraz has no natural disdain towards any of the Human or Magnus races, however he is always weary of the Slizzar, and is always on the lookout for a Mu-Allar. But when it comes to the Sa-Allar, Ineraz holds a soft spot for them. As their ancestors carry their lineage together.

    How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
  • Ineraz would not describe himself as a religous man. He does not believe any god worth worshipping would cause the ill-fate of the men and women he's witnessed.

    How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
  • Ineraz finds this deeply intriguing, as an alchemist, he has a natural attraction to all things magical and extra-ordinary

    How does your character feel towards their family?
  • Ineraz cares for them, he is protecting of them. Family matters to Ineraz and it will always be at the center of his heart.

    What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
  • Ineraz is prideful of his alchemy abilities. In crafting his potions and poisions with great effects. He will always create a few with more irrelevent effects, but something that will definetly put on a show.

    What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
  • Ineraz believes that one day he will have a family of his own. And a son, who will take over his alchemy arts and care for him in his old age

    What is your character's biggest insecurity?
  • Ineraz is terrified of faliure. He would rather die than create an unsuccesful potion, causing someone else to lose their life in battle. By his hands.

    What is your character's biggest fear?

  • Ineraz' biggest fear is being alone. Feeling abanadoned and lost. And dying alone with nothing to show for his existance.
Life Story
  • Ineraz was always interested in brewing potions and poisons, mainly potions. His father wished for him to be a warrior. He did not take well to that lifestyle. He became profitiant with a bow and arrow, just to the point where he felt comfortable in his ability to defend himself and his homestead. From there he poured all his time into alchemy. Brewing up the craziest concocitions he could. Crafting potions such as Wodnik's Jelly, to help fishermen breathe underwater by removing the need for them to breathe, or Maiden's Bane, allowing the weilder to create a cloud of thick smoke, allowing them to escape un-noticed. If you can think it, he probably has a potion for it. He spent a short time in the Al-Allar forces, creating battle potions and aggressive posions for them. But he didn't like that too much. The mass-production for hundreds and thousands of warriors made the alchemy feel less organic. So he decided to settle in Regalia, and brew complex recipies at an individual's request...
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  • Though your character's motivations are well and good, I would take a look at the Alchemy Section of the Massivecraft Wiki for a better reference of potions able to produce. I say this as you mention such things as an 'invisibility potion', which sadly does not exist.
  • As such, you'll have to use lore compliant examples of potions your Allar is able to brew.
Please tag me once the edits have been made, @boyancyoperated !