Preserved Sheet Indrahu

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Face Stealer
Dec 11, 2020
Reaction score
⪼ C H A R A C T E R ~ I N F O R M A T I O N ⪻​
Full Name : Indrahu
Main Shifted Form : Peruna Boškovic
Race : Mauli Slizzar
Age : 26
Gender : Genderless
Sexuality : If it were possible to have intercourse with the metaphysical concept of deception they absolutely would. Otherwise, Pansexual
Eye Color : Purple
⪼ C O R E ~ C O N C E P T ⪻​
A dangerously deceptive and intelligent creature hell bent on infiltrating and puppeteering the noble and political elite of Regalian high society, all in the name of personal glory and faithful servitude to Zaalaanzaal. Gifted in roguery, diplomacy, and linguistics, Indrahu has their claws meddling in almost every aspect of society in one form or another.
⪼ P R O F I C I E N C I E S ⪻
14 Points Total | 14 Points Spent
Strength : 2
Short Blade Pack
Flexible Weapon Pack​
Constitution : 5
Thread Craft Pack
Resilience Pack​
Wisdom : 0
Dexterity : 2
Stealth Skill Pack
Forgery Skill Pack​
Magic : 0
Charisma : 5
West Linguist Pack
State Saboteur Pack
State Diplomat Pack
⪼ L A N G U A G E S ⪻
Common 10/10 (Free)
Dvalan 10/10 (Native)
Zoram 10/10 (Acquired at 18 upon manifesting as a Slizzar)
d'Ithanie 10/10 (West Linguist Pack)
Altalar 10/10 (WLP)
Lëtz 6/10 (WLP)
Allorn 5/10 (WLP)
Saan 5/10 (WLP)
Vasar 4/10 (WLP)
Burdi 3/10 (WLP)
Suvial 3/10 (WLP)
Sulvaley 2/10 (WLP)
Ibeth 2/10 (WLP)
Katharic 1/10 (WLP)
⪼ A P P E A R A N C E ~ I N F O R M A T I O N ⪻
Indrahu's natural form is covered in brilliant silver scales all over. Like all Slizzar, Indrahu has a double-hinged jaw and a wide mouth; their head is crowned with beautiful silver horns sitting atop white tendrils of "hair." In total their length is roughly 14ft long.

Peruna Boškovic (Main Form): Indrahu was born as Peruna Boškovic to a Dvalan family, and upon realizing that they are in fact a Slizzar, they have chosen to continue living as Peruna in secret. Peruna is a 5'11" 148lb Dvala Ailor. She has long dark brown hair and pale white skin. In this form, Indrahu wears long elegant dresses in the latest of Dvalan and Regalian fashion.

Erwynn Dafiel: A 6'2" Teledden elf burdened with religious zeal towards spreading the Faith of Estel. He is a prideful yet pious missionary who is adorned with beautiful jewelry and sacred clothing. Indrahu uses this form to obtain favor among the Altalar and elvish peoples whenever the need arises.

Solene Ailaise-Looxois Lis Couer Auclair Colibri de Chavenon: A beautiful blonde 5'5" Ithanian woman of high class, hailing from some distant Ithanian noble family back on the home continent. Indrahu uses this form to seduce noble men and gain their trust, and hopefully one day marry into a family of considerable political power. But for now, this form has accomplished little.​

⪼ L I F E ~ S T O R Y ⪻
Indrahu was the result of an affair their mother had with a flirtatious Slizzar. Indrahu was born to a Dvalan family as Peruna Boskovic, daughter of Jovana Savik and Marko Boskovic in Baldmark. Marko, having no knowledge of the affair raised Indrahu and their twin. At age 2, Indrahu's twin Katarina, died of illness. Childhood was spent learning the family's trade and spending time with their sibling, who they are still very much close with.

In their youth, Indrahu spent most of their time with their mother, who was a woman of staunch faith and a spy for the Boškovic crime family. Indrahu always sparred with their cousins and sibling and learned the ways of crime with their family, through hard practice they learned how to properly fight with daggers and stilettos. Following in their mother's footsteps, Indrahu developed a love for languages and began studying them intently. Their father, seeing great potential in his child, sent her off to the Collegiate d'Évraux, a diplomatic academy located in Ithania where they learned the art of diplomacy.

Indrahu followed their uncle Svetozar to Regalia when fortune for their family turned sour back in Baldmark with their mother and most of their relatives were either thrown in jail or executed. Being too young to have been linked to any crimes, they was free to decide their fate. Indrahu chose Regalia!

After living out the end of their teenage years in Regalia and starting out adulthood by finding out they were actually a Slizzar, Indrahu's entire life changed. Having grown up to be naturally analytical and deceiving, becoming a Slizzar changed Indrahu's mental mindset from simply gaining wealth in crime and furthering the power of the Boškovic family, to studying and infiltrating into the culture of nobles in the Regalian Empire. To hide all the money acquired illegally, Indrahu has started a semi-legitimate tailor business in the heart of the city. Working part time as a diplomat and occasionally spy, and combined with their family's dreams of ruling the underworld, Indrahu has a lot on their plate. Playing a balancing act of living many secret lives, Indrahu has embarked on a path of ultimate subterfuge.​
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