Archived Increase Job Island Limit To 5

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
Hello! So, im going to be quick with this- which knowing me means a long rant lol probably. Essentially, due to one vote site not being linked to votifier properly and one being down for the last 2 months, players only make roughly 40 regals a day on all vote sites. If your renting three houses, that hoses 900 a month. In order to barely afford all three houses- assuming your houses are ONLY 300 a month and you dont have one of the rare 400-500 ones - you have to vote every day. Its a bit stressful, especially when compounded with the fact that the sites work on 24 hour limits DEAD SET.

The issue with this 24 hours Hard Limit is that, if your voting every day, your losing at least 30 seconds of time on each site. By the end of the month your vote schedule, if your trying to keep up by voting before school or after school, is being pushed back by half an hour or more. An thats not even considering if the sites randomly decide to start making you solve captchas, which can add upwards of a minute for each site depending on the level of dickery the site uses to verify your human.

My long winded point being that its near impossible to make enough money to sustain three regions off the current money system. My solution : Up the limit on Job Island Quests from 3 to 5. This would add an extra 30 regals a day for those willing to put in the time, and would be a huge help in maintaining houses.

I agree with the reasons behind the vote reward being reduced, but it has put a lot of people who lack a backlog of regals in a tight spot where its nearly impossible to keep up with rent.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
While in theory this would make sense, to make up for the fact that the voting reward was reduced, however in reality, this is what it should have been at the whole time in regard to free daily money
I'm of the opinion that things are fine the way it is.

let's say of the 17 sites, 12 work. That's still over 1000r a month, which should be enough for upkeep of the average 300r property.

A tier III job isle job gives you 75r daily, which is an extra 2100r a month. So far the underestimate total is 3100r, which is more than enough to pay for upkeep, buy blocks to decorate, and upkeep a vault faction. And if you haven't unlocked tier three (which by now a devoted job isle player should have two tier three jobs) you still make 1260r a month, so still 2260r a month.

If the voting sites get out of whack, just skip a day and reset your timings. No harm done.

This also never factored in the regal lottery, which gives you even more help.

Case in point, There are enough regals to get via job isle and voting to sustain 3 rentable regions, a faction, and shopping.

Notes: For these calculations, a month consists of 7days*4weeks, or 28 days.
There are also many survival worlds where you can go and make money by selling items, killing mobs. There are plenty of options :)
Im going to mark my own thread Dated- my suggestion hasn't quite been implemented in any fashion, but with the new Elite Jobs that were just released, this will definitely help lessen the issue as its effectively an alternate solution to what I pointed out, in some ways, as long as your willing to do a ton of quests daily to unlock them.