Archived Inactive Market Stall!

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
Forward: This issue has been discussed with @newarrior in game. He was very helpful, but was not able to complete my request without higher staff approval. He instead suggested I make this post on the forums, so here you are!

I am a business man. I run a large-scale firework business, and much of my sales are from my market stall, currently located in the Dark District. Almost no one accidentally stumbles into my shop; its rather "off the beaten path". I decided it was time to upgrade my stall to a better location, where I would recieve foot traffic. That's when the market stall 1-5 caught my eye! Great location, and it was almost entirely empty! But wait, what's that? Its owned by a player that has not been on the server for over three weeks. And as I mentioned, the stall doesn't have a single chestshop! To make matters worse, this player has 4133 regals. Plenty enough to keep making payments while inactive. Here's why I think I should be able to take over his market stall:

1. There are no other available market stalls along the main road. I'm not forking over thousands of regals for a richshop, and the district shops are too out-of-the-way to gain an increase in traffic.

2. The owner is inactive, and has enough money to remain inactive while making payments. I'd rather not wait months and months for this stall, and I think its highly likely the owner of this stall doesn't even realize he's still making payments on a shop. His money is being sucked away, month by month.

3. There is nothing in the stall. Its not like this guy made a stall with chestshops, and then decided to go inactive and make some money while he was off doing things IRL.

4. Its in a prime location; new players entering the market are walking by this empty shop every day! What wasted potential! Would Massivecraft not be reflected better with a beautiful, bustling firework shop in that space?

In conclusion, I believe for the above four reasons that I should be able to have that shop! I believe it would benefit myself, the inactive owner, and the server as a whole, even if it is only a minor detail.

Information about the market stall:

Market stall: 1-5
Stall owner: shetlandJ
Owner's money: 4133 Regals
Inactive for: 3 weeks, 2 days
Stall content: Absolutely no alterations or additions to the market stall compared to an empty stall, except for one unlabeled chest placed in the back right corner. This chest is not a chest shop, simply an unmarked chest.

This post was not created because I wanted opinion or approval, except by staff members. I was instructed to post this here. If you are not a staff member, I request that you do not comment on this thread, as it does not concern you. Staff members, to whom this may pertain to, you're welcome to comment or private message me reguarding this. Thank you!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Eh, maybe hes on vacation or inactive for a bit..? I mean, you could be right that hes quit the server or something of the sort, but still.
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I have run into this issue myself when I wanted one of those shops. I saw one about to expire, completely empty- then the person renewed the rent by hand a few minutes before it expired and a week later still had nothing in the shop. .. I don't understand it. I wonder if it is the same person.
@Omnomivore That's completely possible, and it is quite frusterating. I hope I don't come off as simply a money-hoarding salesman; I think that space could be used for something much better than a single, empty chest.
Now put yourself in the following shoes....

You've worked hard to get this shop you've always wanted. You're about to set it up how you want it, and than BAM! Something unforeseen arises. A family death. Computer craps out on you. Freak hurricane wipes out city power! (I kidd I kidd.) After your twenty days are up, you know all your privated items have unlocked, but you still hold onto that one hope, that one thing, your market stall. Your hoping that you can recuperate your losses by the market stall, but alas, even though you had the money to pay for it and the /autopay feature on, you were removed.

Imagine being in shetlandj's position, if this were to occur.
I suppose this is possible, but highly improbable. And besides, if you lost everything except your market stall and your money, would you not rather keep your money than have it dwindle away from a store that earns you absolutely no profit?
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