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In Light Of Recent Finances


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
A series of letters would be posted in a copied format, signatures would be reduced to mere mentioning of names and appropriate titles as they appeared on the original documents. They would be adorned at the base with the House dei Termini stamp, a golden wax crossbow above a single length of green ribbon, they would appear as such:


The following is a brief set of letters between myself and the Finance Minister. Let it stand that the outcome that arose from such was not my anticipation but has proven to be noted as successful none the less. Ultimately resolving potentially more conflict to arise. I leave them unadulterated at face value. I pray that the Finance Minister can accept that alleged treason was the proper course of action for this Empire and point to the surplus that exists, built upon ignorance of taxation.

To the Finance Minister Randul Howlester,

I hope this letter finds you well. I leave with you an ultimatum of sorts. I trust that you are presently aware of the strife and unrest that exists within our Regalian Heartland with the rioters and uprisings against the local governances. And I trust that you are aware of the tax bracket being set to 70% has caused the local lords to be in a financially disheartening situation. That being said, the riots are heavily influenced by the taxes that you as Minister have established. Is the number set for a reason? Very likely, but as Minister it is your duty to the Empire to adjust the taxation as it effects the climate of the region. Now, what does this mean? I am going to advise you to lower the taxation of those lords and ladies whose lands are currently ravaged by riots and arson. If I am correct in my deduction, then you will have solved the problem. If I am wrong, then you simply raise taxes again. Regardless of your decision, I will encourage those affected to drop payments to the State. The information I am providing to you I am also sending to the Interior Peace Minister, Ser Percival. The Empire looks at Dragenthal, Lord Howlester. Let them see results.

Lord Giovanni dei Termini


Lord dei Termini,

I shall humour you, despite your letter bordering on criminality. Please provide a list of the families who should have their taxes lower and provide more detail as to why they need to be lowered.

Thank you,
Randulf Howlester.


Finance Minister,

von Duerr

Each of these lords are currently facing rioting, while I don't see any result coming from the Black front, I consider it a necessary test. d'Vaud at the very least I expect to be the best representative for my proposition as his lands are outside of the Old God's rejection zone. The others, while still in the fray, could potentially see a reasonable solution from the reduction in taxes, but for now, all I speak of is a theory. Spirit watch over you.

Lord Giovanni dei Termini


To the Finance Minister, I hope that you are well amused, now take your job more seriously in the future. The Empire would appreciate it.

Lord Giovanni dei Termini
