Archived In-game Staff Praise

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Shboop (finners4444)
Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Empireless (???)
Roleplay Guilds
Ive been thinking, in reply to this thread here:

I think that not only on the forum, but in-game staff should be praised. Perhaps that link could be sent in a broadcast every so often, or perhaps at 'uspawn' there could be signs stating all RP staff's names at the back.
Its a simple enough idea, I just wanted to post this, as it would be misplaced in the thread I linked above.

Feedback is welcome, I see no negatives, but there probably is. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before or whether something like this is already in action, I just think not everyone checks the forums, but everyone should be thankful to the staff.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I know this is a rather skeletal and vague suggestion, its just something to build on. Many things could be done in game, I just wanted to bring that to attention.
Thanks! :)
This would have to be OOC and probably not in the medieval universe. Maybe in the info or meta
This would have to be OOC and probably not in the medieval universe. Maybe in the info or meta

I was thinking in the spawn building at /uspawn, seeing as signs there already contain OOC content, of course I was only thinking this as a base idea, so anywhere its welcome would probably support the staff.
Why not make a feedback system on the ticket system such as a simple questionnaire with 1 or 2 questions such as "Did the member of staff manage your ticket well on a scale of 1-10?" and "What more could the staff have also done?". In that way, they will be getting recognition and also it will be able to get decent feedback for each staff member and how well they do their job to show to admins at each meeting or something.
Another thing that could be done is, a member of the community could go about collecting the names of all the IG staffmembers, then people's feedback on them. E.g. go privately to people you know and ask them to write their positive feedback for the list of members, any that apply, etc. Even go to the staffmembers and poll them on their fellow staff members. Results could be posted on the forums in a truly gratifying experience for everyone involved.
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