Archived In Game Roleplay Moderation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luxor Ignotis
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Luxor Ignotis

Not Registered
Well, I was thinking that, due to the massive (no pun intended) inflow of God-Roleplayers,Meta-Gamers, and Power-Gamers, we could have staff members who, in vanish mode, catch said Roleplay "Rule Breakers" and punish them, this would include the following:

  • "Twilight" Vampires
  • Elemental Mages
  • Superheroes
  • Gods
  • pure Demons
  • "good" Vampires (yes I am aware that vampires can have good intentions)
  • People who can survive anything
  • People who are not compliant to roleplay
  • etc.
What do you guys think? Should this be done? Should it not? Any additions? Give me all your feedback, until then, adios!
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There already are rules against pure demons and twilight vampires and gods and superheroes, sadly. From what i hear the roleplay staff does not do anything but warn them of god rp, i may be wrong however
The staff would, to be honest, be wasting their time. If you don't like god RP, ignore the person. The troll feeds on people's reactions to his action. If you don't give him one, or at the very least the one he wants, then he'll just leave. And if the RPer actually listens to criticism, then try to tell him what he did wrong.

If this were to be implemented, the only place that RP staff really should be at is the tavern, but a bunch of them already go there on a regular basis anyway, so it really doesn't matter.
The staff would, to be honest, be wasting their time. If you don't like god RP, ignore the person. The troll feeds on people's reactions to his action. If you don't give him one, or at the very least the one he wants, then he'll just leave. And if the RPer actually listens to criticism, then try to tell him what he did wrong.

If this were to be implemented, the only place that RP staff really should be at is the tavern, but a bunch of them already go there on a regular basis anyway, so it really doesn't matter.

I absolutely agree with this, there is also groups of people who like to RP in secluded places, with groups of their own friends so they don't have to follow the "Perfect" rules of everyone's Common RP. So thinking of those people, I disagree with this idea.
I don't think this is a bad idea, but it would take a hell of a lot of manpower.
I think upon entering the server, there should be a way to check ALL lore and ALL rules whenever you wanted.
Some people find it hard to go and find this stuff out, and I really think it would be awesome to have a /warp Library of Lore command that took you to a place where you could just read up on stuff... and if you didn't do that, it'd be your own fault when you're a crap roleplayer. (Just a thought, don't judge me ;-; ... unless you're planning on judging me in a good way. In that case, judge away! :D But if not, why you! *Shakes Fist* >:o)

(Example in General)

hey can some1 make me a vampire

Do /Warp Library of Lore to read up on vampirism (How to get it, and why not to shout in global that you've got it)
That would be a total waste of the staff's time in my opinion. Also, I thought they said they would be working on PvP now that fenderfall is done and out?
Well, I was thinking that, due to the massive (no pun intended) inflow of God-Roleplayers,Meta-Gamers, and Power-Gamers, we could have staff members who, in vanish mode, catch said Roleplay "Rule Breakers" and punish them, this would include the following:

  • "Twilight" Vampires
  • Elemental Mages
  • Superheroes
  • Gods
  • pure Demons
  • "good" Vampires (yes I am aware that vampires can have good intentions)
  • People who can survive anything
  • People who are not compliant to roleplay
  • etc.
What do you guys think? Should this be done? Should it not? Any additions? Give me all your feedback, until then, adios!
Ehh I'm not on board with this idea. It would waste their time a bit, but someone who is willing to actually tell them or link them to the lore would be best, so you wouldn't be sitting around around a million vanished administrators screaming "FAIL, U GET PUNISH", considering it shouldn't be much punishable, but just something to remind them to keep in touch with or to watch.
Just try and be friendly and help them find a lore compliant character they would be interested in. Often these misconstrued characters are the creation of a newbie who doesn't know all the lore rules and such yet. Additionally, guards help to moderate these folks as well, as the guards can kill with justification, they don't need the permission of the roleplayer
By the way, wouldnt this make most people fear RP for the thought of doing something wrong? :/
By the way, wouldnt this make most people fear RP for the thought of doing something wrong? :/

Actually people are already fearing to messing up in roleplay. If you currently roleplay wrong:
People will degrade you for messing up in roleplay.
If you meta-roleplay, your reputation will worsen.
If you god-roleplay, barely anyone will or enjoy roleplaying with you.
If you erotic roleplay, you can be banned and severely shunned for doing so.
Lore needs to be followed.
You cannot kill another character without permission or being granted to do so.
You need to stay within your race's skills and usual instincts.
This is only the short of what we constantly need to look out for, it goes on pretty far.
Actually people are already fearing to messing up in roleplay. If you currently roleplay wrong:
People will degrade you for messing up in roleplay.
If you meta-roleplay, your reputation will worsen.
If you god-roleplay, barely anyone will or enjoy roleplaying with you.
If you erotic roleplay, you can be banned and severely shunned for doing so.
Lore needs to be followed.
You cannot kill another character without permission or being granted to do so.
You need to stay within your race's skills and usual instincts.
This is only the short of what we constantly need to look out for, it goes on pretty far.
-points at the "funniest screenshots" thread- So why aren't half the staff banned and shamed? You don't have to be so strict with role-play, people can do what they want when they are alone. Monitering a imaginary world is a bit silly when you can just ignore people you don't like. You don't have to ban and shame everyone who does things like this with their own little group of friends.
Oh look! There's a lore staff! I wonder what in the world these lore staff members, most of them being RP Staff, do? I wonder what could happen if a ticket was made complaining about God RP so maybe, just maybe, a lore staff member could assist you in this break of lore.
-points at the "funniest screenshots" thread- So why aren't half the staff banned and shamed? You don't have to be so strict with role-play, people can do what they want when they are alone. Monitering a imaginary world is a bit silly when you can just ignore people you don't like. You don't have to ban and shame everyone who does things like this with their own little group of friends.

Actually when I mean erotic roleplay I mean not in a playful way, in a legit SCARY way, and no, I didn't say you didn't have to ban or shame everyone, I'm saying how it seems the current community reacts to most of the mess-ups that happens. That or its just the people who I hang around.
Actually when I mean erotic roleplay I mean not in a playful way, in a legit SCARY way, and no, I didn't say you didn't have to ban or shame everyone, I'm saying how it seems the current community reacts to most of the mess-ups that happens. That or its just the people who I hang around.

Probably just the people you hang out with. Around me everyone is always very understanding and ignores typo's or smaller errors.
Probably just the people you hang out with. Around me everyone is always very understanding and ignores typo's or smaller errors.

ah, I didn't mean much of typos but more of the bit more "major" mistakes, typos are a quite natural thing. But if you talk with "plz" "u" in roleplay that's a bit different.
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