Archived In Game Declaration Of War

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Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Due to the factions rewrite, i was wondering if it was possible to code in something like, if Jack declares war on Tom (for example); an in game announcement (globally) would come up saying "Jack Has Declared War on Tom" or "(faction name) declared war on (faction name)" .
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That would be easily abused. There could be a spamming of enemies. Unless Cayorion codes in enemy cooldowns, I'm not sure.
I do prefer to handle things in game ... in game vs posting on the forums.
Perhaps since there will be legitimate empires in the new plugin it could be limited to one empire declaring war on another since if one empire would enemy one faction with this current idea it would spam global.
Im not sure what the point of this would be, i know that i wouldnt want the world to know if a fac enimied me, for example if one owned by a popular player enimied someone, all their little fan's would enemy them as well, thats just gonnaa make gameplay miserable for players.
If it only sent the message to people with relations to one of the factions it could work.
I thought the term war is defined with

A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.

and does not apply to individuals warring each other?
By the future plan, wars will be bilateral.

Thus, one side cannot declare truce unless the other side agrees.

Abuse this sort of function will not be possible, so sure we might make a war declaration announcement in chat in the future.
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