Archived In-game Credits (massivecraft Credit)

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British Merchant
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
I have just come up with a EPIC Idea! :D

As some people dont have paypal or credit cards to buy donator ship, we could introduce a point system!

This is a E.G.

Every 50 Silver In-Game that is sent to the Massivecraft Credit Shop is taken out of the players balance. Then the player is allotted 1 MC (Massive Credit)
These can be saved up or spent on a selection of things from the MC Shop!

Diamonds - 20 for 1 point
Donator 1 Month - 10 Points

Not only would this be epic, but also take a lot of money OUT of the economy!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You can buy more diamonds with 50 silver than you get for 1 massivepoint which also cost 50 silver... just saying
No the server Dosent run on silver it runs on euros.
Yea, sorry Operationguard, i see what you are trying to achieve, but it is not realistic.

First of all, the server does not run on Silver, it needs real money to survive and grow. Thanks to the big amount of silver out there in the world would silmply halt out donator list, or at least reduce it to dangerous levels. Many out there on massivecraft could have premiums for years without having to donate... (i would for 500 silver a month be able to have premium for 12.5 years)
Second, we would not really want a connection between real money and silver. That would invite to even bigger black markets of silver-premium-real money.
Third, premium is a gift for for donating to the servers survival. By giving silver you would bring... nothing to help the server at all.

We already have something like that. People who do have a paypal or credit card sell premium for ingame money. I buy my premium of other people in the game. So this would just ruin the economy and also hurt the server even more
Then you are a part of the problem and not the solution.
Ok, thanks for your creative feedback guys. Just suggesting ideas! ;) Thanks again
Well im sorry to say this but, i support the server. by adding this in the server wouldn't have enough money to maintain in as well as all its developers and it would most likely ruin the economy. increase the prices (due to some calculations) and people would not be donating anymore, they will just simply download x-ray (this credit thing encourages it) and get the diamonds they wanted and trade it for this "credits". anyways it good to be creative but sometimes we have to put it aside :) i hope this doesn't offend you
How about make it so people can buy silver. Like 1.99= 100S or something like that. Would ruin our economy though... How about also allow players to "buy" events with silver or real money. So people will spend silver (which may make them buy more silver that inturn goes to the server) on celebrations/birthday parties etc... or pay IRL money for them.
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