Archived In Discussion For Traits...

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sometimes existing
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Crimson Doll
So. I have seen a few threads on traits being bugged or "Remove the traits" Or fix them.
I personally like the freedom traits have, but I know not everyone does. Now we do have that list of traits for each race and such, but not all races are possible to achieve, and some traits are bugged or OP (I have healalways, and was building in my faction when to random guys raided me. I sat there for about a minute before taking off my god armor and suiciding, as I do not pvp, and I was not getting below half a health bar. Not to mention I cant suffocate in blocks...) With that I suggest this:

I think we should meet it half way.
  • Add any traits missing from races plugin or plugins correlating to it. (Heal others, burn sunlight, etc. [Cant think of others.])
  • Add a preset command that has all the traits for a race, in which you could customize it if you want something extra or see a trait is bugged. I know we have this elsewhere, but most people wont follow it, and not all people know about forums and such.
  • Fix any bugged traits or nerf any that are overpowered.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I have a few posts and ideas I'm going to make on this thread and others when I get home.
This thread from my perspective:

I like traits, I think we should add more traits based on the race plugin, I was once killed by a PvP'er and
we should fix and nerf/balance traits.

My thoughts:

I don't think that you've got the whole point of this discussion about traits and races. The reason to why we want races isn't because of Yanar healing or whatever but being able to PvP again without the fear of getting instakilled because of the bugs that the trait plugin is causing. You could even say that we just want traits removed/temp-removed and get a defensive buff to sustain a little bit more damage.

AKA we don't care about the features of the Race plugin, we only care about the bugs of the Trait plugin and being able to sustain some damage.
To say I agree with this would be an understatement of insane proportions ^-^
Traits are not bugged.
To be fair, I haven't really explored the plugin enough to have noticed anything overpowered etc...
I just think that pre-made trait set-ups would be a great addition to the plugin, despite some coding needed for that to come to reality.
You understand that the instakilling and sharp 3/4 issues are with mcmmo right? not traits?
sshhhhhh! i've learnd that it brings bad fortune to even mentioning the fact that the most favorite toy of a kid is broken the hard way... don't fall into the same pit of endless misfortune as me! ur way to nice for that!
(this is a joke right? u understand? gud?)
@MonMarty, regardless, if they aren't bugged, they are really overpowered. @frederik049 I understand about the PvP side of traits, I do not pvp enough to have an opinion on this. Also, some people may care about this matter. I think traits has been a good changed, but it needs some modification.
@MonMarty, regardless, if they aren't bugged, they are really overpowered. @frederik049 I understand about the PvP side of traits, I do not pvp enough to have an opinion on this. Also, some people may care about this matter. I think traits has been a good changed, but it needs some modification.
Me and @2108U9 just tested it/recorded it and we'll be posting it on this thread. I can confirm that it is bugged though.
Me and @2108U9 just tested it/recorded it and we'll be posting it on this thread. I can confirm that it is bugged though.


Please do report this bug, as well as any others found, using the following form (also accessible using the Forms tab up top):

It's a big help when people a detailed bug report, including as much information as possible. Videos can be extremely useful as well. Thank you for that. Regarding MonMarty's statement, he is correct--the presence of a specific bug with a specific trait does not indicate that MassiveTraits as a whole is bugged. Additionally, most of the items that have been observed involve, as other have stated, mcmmo. It's important not to paint with too broad a brush with these sorts of things as one can either end up spreading misinformation or doing more harm than good.

That said, it really is helpful when players fill out a detailed bug report for things like this. The MassiveCraft staff is every bit as interested as you are in ensuring that everything here works and is playable.


Please do report this bug, as well as any others found, using the following form (also accessible using the Forms tab up top):

It's a big help when people a detailed bug report, including as much information as possible. Videos can be extremely useful as well. Thank you for that. Regarding MonMarty's statement, he is correct--the presence of a specific bug with a specific trait does not indicate that MassiveTraits as a whole is bugged. Additionally, most of the items that have been observed involve, as other have stated, mcmmo. It's important not to paint with too broad a brush with these sorts of things as one can either end up spreading misinformation or doing more harm than good.

That said, it really is helpful when players fill out a detailed bug report for things like this. The MassiveCraft staff is every bit as interested as you are in ensuring that everything here works and is playable.

210 is rendering the video. We'll fill out a bug report after.
Well, in any case. I'm just going to continue coming up with creative ideas to improve traits. Whether it's broken or not doesn't matter. As long as it has potential to change, we should use that potential to make it even greater.

  • Add any traits missing from races plugin or plugins correlating to it. (Heal others, burn sunlight, etc. [Cant think of others.])
  • Add a preset command that has all the traits for a race, in which you could customize it if you want something extra or see a trait is bugged. I know we have this elsewhere, but most people wont follow it, and not all people know about forums and such.
  • Fix any bugged traits or nerf any that are overpowered.
I want to point out that the staff have enough on their hand with coding and everything already, as they have said many times before. Some more reasonable ideas might be:
  • I agree with you on adding more race specific traits. Especially the Yanar's healing ability. Though that might take a little more time and patience to happen.
  • Manipulate the cost of certain traits so that specific trait builds will be more common. It's sort of like passive aggressive advertisement.
  • Majorly increase the cost of most positive traits, decrease the base amount of points you can spend, or decrease the cost of negative traits. This will force trait builds to choose more negative traits in order to have the positive ones that they want, thus making things less "overpowered".
  • Rename Race specific traits. From fly water to Maiar swimming, unholy to vampirism, or even blindness to dead man's eyes. This increases the factor of immersion, thus giving players a better connection to the roleplay of the server. It doesn't limit anything, since you can have vampirism and still have the Maiar's ability to swim. It adds that extra spark of magic to the system. Anyone can have fly water, but when you have the ability of a Maiar specifically, then it becomes that much more special.
  • Allow players to see the traits of a specific person. This plus the one from above can help players to correctly determine what kind of character you have and what to expect from you
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I too would like to see a few more of the things lost from the removal of races and vampire re-implemented as traits.

As you mentioned, we still have no "Heal Other" ability, or a "Burn Sunlight" (Actually igniting, as opposed to HarmSunlight, which only does damage).

I'd also love to see:
  • A Mekett "Swarm" trait (a buff increasing in magnitude based on the number of nearby users of the same trait, or something comparable, as the old Vespid ability)
  • A trait, or collection of traits, that emulate the original vampire feeding and healing system. (Food restoration based on the target of a melee attack and the attack's damage, as well as fast healing at the cost of food level)
  • Blood drinking traits (or, more likely, emotes)
  • A "Bloodlust" trait, or similar ability, granting a buff at the cost of damage/food reduction over time. (Provided, of course, the balance issues that plagued the original ability can be solved)

And, as a post-script: Please can we all try our best to be polite, constructive, and cooperative in these discussions about the trait system? Neither the community nor the server will benefit from negativity or rudeness.