Archived Improvements To The Faction Plugin.

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Shadow of Hisoka
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I won't make a nice intro. I just think these are necessary for a better management inside the faction.

Faction Mute

Sometimes some members will get worked up, and start a mess in f chat. All leaders and officers can do is warn the people in the conflit, and try to calm the situation down. Most of the time though, the members will just ignore the warnings and continue, trying to have the last word. The only option left is to temporaly kick the members for them to calm their heads, and leave f chat clean again, but I believe that's a bit harsh and extreme as well.

The command to mute would be /f mute (player) (time), and there could also be a /f unmute (player) as well.

Faction Ban

With the possibility to change your username nowadays, you can kick a troublesome faction member one day, and invite him back the next day with a name change. Of course it would be your fault, for not taking all the necessary measures, like noting down the player ID, maybe adding him to favorites to follow the activity, ignoring the player to never see the invite request, but this is rather troublesome, and makes the recruitment process harder for people.

The command would be /f ban (player), with the opposite being added as well, /f unban (player). It would be linked with the player ID, so even if they have a name change, you don't have to worry, as this would make inviting the player impossible, with a message popping up:
"The player (player) is banned from (faction)."

Better Faction Access

Currently, the faction access is really simple, just giving a player or a faction access to an entire chunk, from bedrock to the sky limit. That's ok, but I believe it doesn't give the necessary management in some cases.

My suggestion is to leve this command intac, but to add a new command, which could be /f access advanced on.

This would give you something like a wooden axe, which map builders might be familiar with, at least people who used WorldEdit at least once in their life. With the axe in hand, you would left click a block to choose the first coordinate, and right click to choose the second one, creating a selected area.

With this area selected, you then could do /f access advanced (player/faction), giving access only to the selected area. When you are done with all the access management, you can just do /f access advanced off, and then the wooden axe tool would be removed, similar to how he tool works.

Better Subfaction Control

I saw the thread about the /f claim darkroom, which is a really nice idea to have, but some factions already have their darkrooms claimed with their alt accounts. This idea isn't only for darkroom management though, because some big factions have little subfactions to better manage their members.

Currently, you can't change relations in another faction, even if the faction has all the necessary perms for it.
To change that, I suggest the implementation/improvement of the following commands:

- /f ally (faction) (subfaction)
- /f truce (faction) (subfaction)
- /f neutral (faction) (subfaction)
- /f enemy (faction) (subfaction)
- /f claim o (subfaction)
- /f claim a (subfaction)
- /f unclaim o (subfaction)
- /f unclaim a (subfaction)
- /f inv a (player) (subfaction)
- /f inv r (player) (subfaction)

In the commands above, (faction) is the normal faction in the command, and (subfaction) is the faction you are remotely managing. Those are the only ones I remember, but the idea is to let you manage all the commands in another faction if you have the permission to do so.

If this is possible for some of those, please tell me how to. :P

I also thank you for reading all the post, and would really appreciate written feedback instead of just ratings.
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I definitely support all of these, however, for the /f ally (faction) (subfaction) type of commands, what would adding the subfaction part at the end actually do?
I definitely support all of these, however, for the /f ally (faction) (subfaction) type of commands, what would adding the subfaction part at the end actually do?
It's for managing another faction if you have the permission to do so. I put subfaction in the command to exemplify better.

Lots of players have subfaction nowadays, some for vaults, some for darkrooms, some to thin the amount of members, and so on, so this is to better manage subfactions, without the need to go back and forth from your alt to main account all the time you need to change a flag or permission.
It's for managing another faction if you have the permission to do so. I put subfaction in the command to exemplify better.

Lots of players have subfaction nowadays, some for vaults, some for darkrooms, some to thin the amount of members, and so on, so this is to better manage subfactions, without the need to go back and forth from your alt to main account all the time you need to change a flag or permission.
+1 ALSO!!! because the current only way to edit the sub-fac perms without switching to alt... is by allowing ally facs those permissions and making u the only ally. but that would encompass EVERYBODY in your faction. so you dont want that xD
But that would encompass EVERYBODY in your faction. so you dont want that xD
That's true, but it could be limited together with the normal permissions inside the faction, with only officers and the leader being able to change everything inside the faction and subfaction.