Archived Improvement For /ignore

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Aug 18, 2016
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the nearest concert
So, /ignore deals with someone's messages but what about them visibility? Let's say, you're trying to RP but someone is bothering you. You /ignore, but they keep following you around, standing in front of you, just being distracting. What if you could make the person not visible for you? Obviously this would have to be separate from /ignore because of PvP. Any feedback is welcome.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If it gets to be that large of an issue then just make a ticket. I've only had to do that once in my year of playing, so that's pretty good.
Right but what in all other essences of gameplay...

I dont want to see messages from Sevak for example now hes disappeared. I cant see this ghost thats hitting me and killing me. It seems like more trouble than its worth in my opinion
Right but what in all other essences of gameplay...

I dont want to see messages from Sevak for example now hes disappeared. I cant see this ghost thats hitting me and killing me. It seems like more trouble than its worth in my opinion
He said it would be a seperate command from /ignore ya silly kiddo
I don't really see a use for it. I mean, I have had to put a ticket on someone I'm ignoring only twice out of four years of being here. If it's an issue, just ticket it; making an adjustment to the already millions of lines of code in plug-ins just aren't necessary. Us role-players shouldn't be entitled to that kind of thing, given how hard it'd be for it to only affect one world.
If it gets to be that large of an issue then just make a ticket. I've only had to do that once in my year of playing, so that's pretty good.
If staff doesnt answer
Right but what in all other essences of gameplay...

I dont want to see messages from Sevak for example now hes disappeared. I cant see this ghost thats hitting me and killing me. It seems like more trouble than its worth in my opinion
Obviously this would have to be separate from /ignore because of PvP. Any feedback is welcome.
This is something which can easily be resolved with a ticket in game and doesn't require additional feature coding.
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