Archived Implementations Of Roleplaying Elements (potions And Pain)

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Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
OR, United States
Perhaps just a slight issue I've encountered while roleplaying is the inability to create actual effects caused by occurences that happen in game (Such as, someone says they punch someone, other person has to pretend it happened.), so as an idea for this, perhaps it would be within the powers of the administrators to find a few things to add more of a roleplay element to the server. Yes, I realize that sounds rude and inconsiderate, making it seem like they haven't already gone through huge efforts to make it roleplayable. All I'm saying is now that we have these huge things, when there is time it would be nice to have small things implemented as well. Here's just a couple small things that would be interesting to have implemented into roleplay:

Alcohol: Now don't try and tell me you haven't once wished there was some way to go to a bar in minecraft and feel as if you were getting tipsy from drinking of potions? I mean, yes of course we can always pretend, but wouldn't it be fun if it actually effected us? I personally think that just the addition of simple things, such as adding nausea to a potion, or perhaps making blindness a side effect of drinking heavy ale, could add a bit more interest into alcohol in minecraft.
To do this I have found a plugin known simply as "Custom Potions" (, it adds the ability for admins to make potions have custom effects to any potion in the game. Perhaps a person opening a bar could pay a small fee to an admin for them to turn say a Potion of Healing into a Potion of Healing with Nausea as a side effect. The player could then rename the potions as ales if they wanted to spend the time grinding levels, or they could just sell them saying they were ales so people imagined them as such.
Though a simple feature, it would be slightly enjoyable to have on the server if it didn't cost the admins too much time. The con of this is the fact that these negative effects may be weaponized by players. Who's to stop a faction owner from turning Dark Ale into a Splash Potion of Blindness? But granted, perhaps that would actually add an element to it? Granted I'm unsure if it's even possible to brew these custom potions into splash potions.

Pain: This is simple and will not require a lot of reading which means for me, less typing! (Yay!) The basic idea is that when roleplaying, there's always going to be an event where someone is hurt. I mean, how often have you been sitting around town when someone says they punched or stabbed you? Or perhaps you're pretending to be dizzy and you hit your head against a wall? Wouldn't it be simple to just type in a command such as /hurt or /pain then a number between 1-5 that hurt your character that much? (1 being 0.5 hearts, 5 being 2.5 hearts.) It again is just a simple thing that could add an interesting element to roleplay.
Sadly I could not find any plugin for this and realize it may actually take more effort to do even for such a simple thing it would do.

Thank you for your time reading this, I hope the ideas may be taken into account or at least acknowledged for trying to add a bit to the roleplay that is MassiveCraft.
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We already have the ability to add custom potions (like holy water bottled which already exists) but we chose to delay any flavour stuff like alcohol until the mod API is released for Minecraft or bukkit, so we can make these additions without the need of our coder to pile even more work on his lap. As for the pain suggestion, these kind of things were and will be considered, but we need to strike a balance between roleplay, and purely nuisance to gameplay. Concluding on both points, they were both considered, but cannot be implemented at this time, and will be reconsidered when the mod API is released.
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