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Imperial Restoration


[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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The Nippy North
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Imperial Restoration
Tractate I
'A cure to our current ailments'
Authored by François Francisque de Bressuiveé de la Mont Bertu d'Goss

Translated into Common by Gustav Gaspard Fitz Abel


I. The Dire Situation.
It is with a heavy heart that I write today, as the chaos, violence, and social disorder runs rampant on our streets and amid Regalia Proper. I bethink of a time not long ago of which all who are of age will remember. A time in which the streets were ordered and fair, a time in which Ailor stood with dignity as our sole 1st Class Citizenry, and a time in which Non-Humans lived a life of acceptance in their lesser forms. It was a time in which we all knew where we stood in this world, and due to this natural order, we prospered alongside each other. It was a time in which we lived and breathed Holy Theomar's sacred and blessed vision: a world in which dominion rested in the hands of His chosen people of the Humanum, yet also a time of fair treatment for those who had yet to earn this Humanity through a life as Lesser.

Now, I walk the streets and hear mutters:

"They think they're superior. Ailor are just the same as us."

"I hate this city, they're all a bunch of racists."

"We'd be better under the Songaskians."

These vile... Vile words emit from the very lips of our lesser inhabitants. They are lost. Lost from the truth of our Holy Faith. They have been lost for some time, and only as the sprawlings of denouncements appear on the walls of our City, do we truly find view of just how lost they are. You see, brothers and sisters, The Churches of our fair City have been packed with the likes of these lesser citizenry, yet it is their hearts that are devoid of the message carried by our Clergy. They think of themselves, and themselves alone. In a desperate fit, much alike an animal in mortal fear, they lash out at Imperialists and Guards alike, in delusional fits of persecution.

I predict with the climate of uncertainty, and the growing rage of the non-human citizenry, that we will have in a matter of months a Race Riot on an epic proportion. You see, without a strong and centralised Governance, the many vices of these individuals have doubled in their volume. Wherefore, you ask? I shall make an explanation.

II. The Imperial Seat.
You see, we know our Emperors deeply. It is they who we have venerated throughout the centuries of our existence. In this essay, I talk not in a Religious sense - for, The Imperial Spirit has transcended the need for a Mortal Vessel, so say our clergy. I speak of The Emperor as a Head of State and His secular duties.

The Imperial Seat and its inhabitants have served always, as the utmost personification of all that is good of Ailors. Grace, dignity, marshal tact, nobility, command, dominion, and charisma. The Crown is a powerful image, something which not only evokes a sense of awe in those of the faith of Union, but also, in those who cannot believe. It is the ultimate device of Social Unity and exactly the device which is required in this time of upheaval.

While it may be near impossible to describe the superiority of the Ailor to a non-human stuck in their ways, the mere presence of an Emperor of our blessed isles can unearth passions and patriotism which one never knew they had. It is the majesty of Theomar's blood which presents us with feelings of the sublime, of being small in the face of a line of pure Ailor blood.

III. The Solution.
If it is not evident to the reader by now, I am a staunch Imperialist. I have thrice witnessed the coronation of Emperor: Justinian II, Alexander I, and Cedromar I, blessed may they be. All of these moments lingered heavily in my mind and emerged in times of darkness to inspire my way forward. It is in the zeal that I refuse the notion that I shall never see another coronation again.

I call upon any and all good men, who wish to see these times restored to peace and order. I call upon you to support an Imperial Restoration - to restore an Emperor whom would ensure a fair and amicable running of State, in the best traditions of our Empire. Alexander Kade, our 12th Emperor and Spirit willing our 14th soon to be.

House Kade is the unbroken line to Theomar's Holy Blood, and I shall stand beside it in its reclimation of its rightful Throne until my last breath. Ave Regalia.

IV. Summary
  • The current social unrest in the Archipel is reaching boiling point.
  • Jacobin sentiments are growing with the lack of centralised leadership to stomp out these thoughts.
  • The civic roles in which The Emperor played a part are lost, and as such the inspiration he provided is lost too.
  • To cure the ailments that are spreading in our lands we must place an Emperor on our Throne.
  • This man should be of the Holy Blood which flowed through our Emperors of old, though, by current Religious doctrine, he will not be the holder of the Spirit.
  • House Kade are the last legal champions of Theomar The Holy's blessed blood, and as such the next Emperor should be an male-born son of Theomar's line from their blessed House.
  • Lord Alexander Kade is the prime candidate for such an Imperial Restoration, and has the full confidence of myself and my kin.
  • Further discussion at tonights hosting at the Allar Embassy.

@MonMarty @Arendan @Eccetra @AlphaInsomnia @dogbew @Morpheus_Dream @Svyatogorye @Bagley_ @Tiber_ (Some tags that came to mind - sorry if I forgot you)
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"I thought Alexander was the one to give these elves human souls. Cedromar would surely be the better candidate in terms of maintaining status quo. Though Alexander was always the intellectual sort, and Spirit knows we need a stable mind running things.

Maybe just split the Imperial Seat and have co-emperors or something?"
"While the return of an Imperial Sovereign would be for the benifit of the realm, we must remember that Emperor Cedromarr dismantled most of his predecessor, Emperor Alexander's policies. Even revoking the eleventh creed. Re instating him may cause more social unrest.

Cedromarr's proven himself a capable Ruler in what short time he's reigned. However, he may not be interested in returning to the Imperial Throne... though the imperial Bloodline carries on through his sons, nephews, and brothers. Prince Xavier, for example."
Otto Bergmann was beyond elated at the suggestion of an Emperor, the loyalty and reverence to one being deep rooted in his soul and psyche. "I wouldn't jump to Alexander, perhaps Cedromar if he be willing. At the end of the day however, what's an Empire without an Emperor?"
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Azra simply called from the crowd of those around her, "Ailor aren't superior! Try going to the desert and shouting that- you'll find yourself in chains!"

Siselle scratched her chin with a sigh, "Good grief, this is just getting worse and worse- a race war in the middle of a charter war."
Paullus Tyrannian simply nodded in agreement to the essay. An Empire needs an Emperor