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Imperial Edicts Of April 306


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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A list of Imperial Edicts announced by the Imperial Court, pinned to various public notice boards across the city, and a copy sent to each noble house.

Establishment of the Dragon Knight Guard
"Bellators trained by the Bellator Order who progress to the Imperial Training Retinue, and succeed in beating the entrance exams, enter into a competing organization where the higher ranks are appointed as Dragon Knight Guards. Dragon Knight Guards will fight personally with the Emperor on the battlefield, as well as act as his vessels of the Dragonblood where necessary as so called Dragon Knights. Contact your local Grand Bellator to begin training and rank up through the ranks to get a chance at the Imperial Examination"

"Keep in mind, there are Three Bellators and they do not work together. They compete with one another, so make your evaluations before deciding to join a specific Grand Bellator's service."

Establishment of Ministry of Non-Human Commissions
"Reflecting the growing presence of Non-Human elements in Regalian society, the Emperor has deemed it necessary to establish the Ministry of Non-Human Commissions which shall be in charge of observing racial tensions, moderating between them, advising the Emperor personally on racial rights and matters, as well as generally keep well informed on racial theories and established doctrines. Applications to the Non-Human Commission are to be sent to the Imperial Steward who will filter the useful applications before presenting the final draft applications to the Emperor in three days, who shall make a decision on appointments."
Establishment of Armor Rotations between Charters
"It is the Emperor's belief that the Guard Charters must evolve as crime in the slums continues to evolve with them. As such, the charters for various organizations are being modified. Nobles will also henceforth have to pay for their own armaments in their house guards, to unburden the state's costs for the private security of the nobility. For the charters, the differences are:"
  • Guard Charters may choose whatever armor category they like free of charge. They may even differentiate armor styles and qualities between ranks, but must stick to the Categories.
  • Misc Charters may choose up to a level of Chain for their businesses, so they may choose either None, Light, or Chain, and no higher.
  • Healing Charters may choose up to a level of None, as Healing organizations require no actual guards or military capacity to defend themselves.
"The Categories of Armors are as followed:"
  • None - Guards wear only a tabard over clothing
  • Light - Only Leather. This includes a Leather Chestplate, Shoulder Guards, Bracers, Shinguards and a skirt of sorts.
  • Chain - Only Chainmail. This includes a Chainmail coat, leather Shoulder Guards, Bracers. Shinguards.
  • Half - Chainmail & Half Plate. This includes a Chainmail coat, a Plate Chest Guard (stomach without Plate) and Plate shoulders, Plate Bracers and Plate Shin Guards. Helmet permitted as long as there is no visor and the face is visible fully.
  • Plate - A full Plate Outfit, including Helmet and cape and fur coat.
"The Interior State Minister retains the right to either enforce a lower or higher level armor permission to specific organizations or charters."

Establishment of Imperialized Standard
"It is of the Emperor's belief that personal glory, sentimental attachment to homeland, as well as cultural inclinations and favoritism versus universal Imperialism has no place in the Regalian Government, or the Imperial Court. As such, the Emperor is proclaiming the Establishment of Imperialized Standard, which demands the following of all members of both the Regalian Government, as well as the Regalian Court:"

  • All members who hold a Ministerial or Courtly function are demanded to adhere to the Imperial culture. This should not only just be to dress as an Imperial, but to exhume Imperial values and to further the Imperial cause in culture and in the Empire.
  • All members who hold a Ministerial or Courtly function are demanded to be Unionists of the main current as professed by the Synod. Those who are currently not Unionist must undergo conversion by the Synod.
"Those who fail to adhere to these stipulations within 3 days shall be dismissed and barred from Ministerial or Courtly positions until they fulfill the requirements, and must re-apply afterwards. Imperialized announcements and Conversions are expected of the following individuals:"
  • Valbrand Haagenvig - Conversion & Imperialization
  • Garth Viduggla - Imperialization
  • Mordred Howlester - Imperialization
  • Charles Ravenstad - Imperialization
  • Percival Ravenstad - Imperialization
  • Augustin Reinard - Imperialization
  • Rodderick Howlester - Imperialization
  • Agatha Harhold - Imperialization
  • Benedict d'Vaud - Imperialization
"For further advice on how to dress Imperial, contact the Imperial Courturist."
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