Imperial Court Conduces ❁ Introductory Address

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by CrimsletMonarch, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. CrimsletMonarch

    CrimsletMonarch Priestess?? Dawn Songstress?? Emotional Wreck??

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Published 10 March 309 AC
    Mistress of Conduces, Novellia Reinard av Fristadvlom

    To all members of the Respectful Peerage, Regalian Government, and the Imperial Court, the Mistress of Conduces extends a warm greeting for the current social season and new change with the Conduces regulations and additions. It is with good intent that the nobility become more mindful of the importance in propriety and etiquette.


    First, the matter of Conduces in Etiquette.

    As of the present, there will be no changes made to the previous policies enacted by the previous Master of Conduces. However, the current Mistress of Conduces is extending an invitation to nobles to suggest alterations or send in inquiries.

    Upcoming Additions

    Despite a lack of changes to previous policies on the specific etiquette codes, there are upcoming codes that will be released in regards to codes designated for one’s behavior, appearance, and other important notes when within the premises of the Imperial Progress and Imperial Palace.


    How to Report

    To report violations in Blueblood Honneurs and Etiquette codes, either organize a private meeting with or send a letter to the Mistress of Conduces. Letters must never be anonymous. If you are placing an accusation, then it is the accused who has to fear and not the accuser, unless said accuser may be falsifying their claims.

    There are two kinds of reports:


    In basic context, reports sent in without evidence could be perceived as hearsay or rumor. While not ideal, these will still be read and can serve as leads for a formal investigation of the conduct of subjects. Note however that these take longer to process as an actual investigation and collection of evidence is required.


    These are reports that contain compelling and verifiable evidence. Examples of said evidence are authentic letters, records, physical items, and other such paraphernalia. Also, the account of a group of witnesses may also be taken in as evidence, but only if said witnesses are also of noble standing or higher. To combat nobles ‘dog-piling’ on possibly false accusations, the latter is only truly accepted as valid evidence in some cases. What these cases are will not be outlined and will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

    Also, should the Mistress of Conduces herself witnesses the violation a noble is accused of, this also is considered evidence for a substantiated report.

    The Issue on Establishments

    With the occupancy of Conduces and in the time prior to full alterations being finalized, the Mistress of Conduces would like to warn and reeducate nobles that they are not supposed to serve in businesses that involve tending animals, bars, restaurants, stalls, and other such menial jobs.

    As the exact code is outlined within Regalian Law:

    “Nobility may also not engage in employment that is otherwise for commoners, such as tending bars, tending livestock, or manning a stall. Exceptions are made for businesses that handle high value items exceeding 5,000 Regals in price, and establishments with high-society relevance, such as noble-only tea houses.”

    An active list of individuals and houses violating such rules has already been compiled and the Mistress of Conduces will extend a brief period of pardon to take actions. This period will last only one week from the release of this address.

    Here is a list of some choices approved for these said offenders:

    ⬦ Having commoners serve non-noble patrons and take a managerial/supervising position.
    ⬦ Making business a noble-only establishment.
    ⬦ Close the business.

    Other alternatives may be proposed to the Mistress of Conduces and most favorably through a formal meeting about said issue.

    Offenders found guilty after the period of pardon will be punished through a public announcement about their incompetence and unbecoming behavior along with lashes by riding crop given upon sight of them in the act. Persons will only be safe from this only if they publicly announce the action they will take and follow through their changes.

    The Mistress of Conduces encourages that nobles who see this behavior practiced after the pardon period and even after announcements are to report it so punishments may be swiftly given.

    If a noble is to serve in such businesses, why not simply live as a commoner in the first place?

    Dress Codes During Assemblies and When at the Imperial Progress and Palace

    Regardless of the delay with the rest of the code for the Imperial Progress and Palace, the dress code is to be outlined now after immediate complaints were sounded on clothing of tasteless and effortless mindset. Just because skin is shown, it does not mean a person is fashionable. There is a time and place for everything.

    For convenience, a chart has been made:

    preliminary dress code.PNG

    While important, it is expected that this dress code will be altered overtime depending on the needs, views, and decisions made. Either way, it is expected that the nobility are to follow this dress code.

    It is to also be clarified for the future that this dress code may only extend to the Imperial Palace, Progress, and Assembly, but this does not give nobles full range to wear whatever they wish in public.

    Next, in the regards of Conduces in Fashion.

    Two main changes to be made will be the Point System and the Seasonal Fashion Noble Rankings. The explanations are as follows:

    Point System

    In hearing the complaints of nobles in previous Hotiers seasons, a Point System is replacing the old format of judging fashion. All seasonal releases will include suggestions rather than clear cut rules for what is fashionable for a code and what is not.
    Many nobles have struggled in securing clothing that meet every standard set in the previous, so as to alleviate anxiety and a lack of ability to schedule with a competent tailor or seamstress, the current system allows for nobles who do not have interest in being the most fashionable to be safe from exposure while those who do have interest have the ability to participate and enjoy.
    For each of the four seasons, releases will be published detailing suggested themes and items to add into one’s daily wardrobe. Items such as accessories and smaller details give the wearer a lesser point set. While larger details such as a style of shirt, a certain detailing with the outfit, or additions of larger and more detailed accessories like capes and the like will give the wearer a greater point set. The point guidelines will be different for each season, so it is asked that all keep vigilant.
    It should be noted that there are also fashion traits that will lower or even ‘tank’ one’s score. These can range from an excessive presentation of one’s skin to even having too many items in the lesser point set category. These, too, change from season to season.

    A Sneak Peek | [Seasonal Fashion Guidelines Example]

    Important Note: This document isn’t final in look, point values, etc. The system is preliminary and will need to be tweaked as time passes.

    Seasonal Fashion Rankings

    With the new Imperial Court comes a new function, the Seasonal Fashion Rankings will serve as an alternative to the previous Hotiers’ system of Commendations and Condemnations. Instead, this ranking serves to allow nobles the choice to be more flexible.
    Rankings will have a review released every two weeks beginning with the first review. At the end of each season, whoever stands at the first place is given the right to be the most fashionable of that season, while receiving other boons that are yet to be decided by the court.

    The ranking sheets will look as follows:

    Fashion Rankings.PNG

    While 10 nobles will be seen in the running, there will be a place for a noble in the Record Low(subject to being renamed in the future). This is not necessarily someone who wears the same sets of outfits everyday, but is someone who decidedly chooses to wear offending fashion pieces within and outside of Imperial Premises.

    It should be more than emphasized that what is looked for is tasteful, balanced, and creative fashion.

    Dressing with an egregious showing of skin indicates one is dependent more on their body to keep the interest of conversation partners rather than using their wit.

    Official rankings will start sometime after the release of the fashion guideline. There is also the possibility that the rankings may affect the debutante and bachelor ratings, but this has not been finalized as of yet.

    May the brightest minds and the most beautiful of appearance prevail.


    Upcoming Releases to Look For.

    ⬦ Conduces Code for Imperial Premises [Imperial Palace and Imperial Progress]
    ⬦ Spring Conduces Fashion Guide
    ⬦ Seasonal Fashion Ranking [Spring 1]

    The Mistress of Conduces welcomes letters for inquiries, suggestions, and meetings in regards to any of the topics mentioned within this address.


    Long Live the Emperor.
    May the Empire Prosper.
    Imperial Court Mistress of Conduces
    Duchess of Baarlowe, Rennais, and Worthing
    • Winner Winner x 8
    • Powerful Powerful x 4
    #1 CrimsletMonarch, Mar 10, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021

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