Archived Imerialist

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Feb 11, 2013
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We all can see that Argoinia/Valyria is taking over the server. They raid and pressure People into joining their empire and forcing them into what they call slavery for protection.
Even though they pay them SEVERAL people do not like this. They say yes to them feeling pressured by the raid along with (and this is simply immoral and feels like abuse) the influence of koertge who we know is a trusted, this makes many people thinking argonia/valyria can get away with it, its even caused many people (myself included) debate leaving the server entirely. This is just not right and its ruining RP.
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Koertge was pressured into siding with Argonia and Valyria by 9th Legion. You should join either hide in your homes until they leave, or join with the Coalition and request their help.
Ive seen how koertge acts and he was even in their faction at one point, i highly doubt he was "pressured"
They are allowed to wage war, it is completely RP. They have made statements (very RP) about the reasons for their conquest. While I myself am taking arms with my faction to defend our land, I don't think there is any reason to complain on the forums about it.
I hate people that don't think staff can actually raid, play the game, or RP without stuff like this being said about them. No proof that Koertge is making people leave, so your claims are false. Staff are, at heart, players. You are treating them like they are more pwoerful then everybody else and that because they are taking part in a raid or event, they are always accused of wrongdoing.

This just stands out in my eyes as dumb and not needed. Koertge can make whatever decision he wants as it is his choice. Complaining about it on the fourms won't do anything anyway. Furthermore, if you don't like the war going on in Massivecraft, leave the server for a while. Take a break, get some fresh air, and do something else. Then, after a bit, log on and see what is left. That isn't so hard, is it?

Finally, people who accuse others of admin abuse, unfair actions, and other stuff when they are trying to roleplay and fight like a regular player simply aren't smart or compassionate enough to realize that the team has feelings, they make mistakes, and they, above all, want to play the game of Minecraft as it was laid out for them. Not to listen to people like you whine about stuff that isn't important at all.
Imboring im not saying staff are not allowed, but a friend told me the only reason they did give in was due to the fact that they felt they could not file a harassment charge when they were threatened to be raided daily simply because koertge was there.
A friend told you that...I don't think you are getting good information from trusted sources.
I know this friend and she has too much honor to lie. I may not have proof so i know it dosnt matter, im just expressing my thoughts on it.
I don't think any one has to join any Empires it's there move if they want to join a empire that's fine but I know some factions that like being solo so I don't know why factions have to join any empire they just need a good army
To answer you avery, they dont want to join empires, but when theres about 15-20 high leveled premium players outside your faction threatening daily raids, its a little compelling. (even though some of them dont realize they can simply stay inside and they will eventually leave) and austin i know my research. I cant explain how since i am trying to remain anonymous for safety reasons. It pretty bad that some one has to do that >:l
If you're worried about defense, speak with me in-game. I have a proposition with you. Until then, I really dislike discussing things with faceless people.

or message me on the forums.
To answer you avery, they dont want to join empires, but when theres about 15-20 high leveled premium players outside your faction threatening daily raids, its a little compelling. (even though some of them dont realize they can simply stay inside and they will eventually leave) and austin i know my research. I cant explain how since i am trying to remain anonymous for safety reasons. It pretty bad that some one has to do that >:l
Lol you could always give in to thier demands. I was "evil" for months a while ago and it was fun.
My feelings on this thread

On a more serious note, an authentic roleplay world with living people is changing for better or for worse. What the imperials are doing is preceded by alot of RP for RP motives. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it non RP. In fact, alot of people scream non RP but are in my opinion, just really bad roleplayers because they refuse to roleplay in a situation they don't like, even though roleplaying is all about adapting to the situation, not making the situation adapt to you.
My feelings on this thread

On a more serious note, an authentic roleplay world with living people is changing for better or for worse. What the imperials are doing is preceded by alot of RP for RP motives. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it non RP. In fact, alot of people scream non RP but are in my opinion, just really bad roleplayers because they refuse to roleplay in a situation they don't like, even though roleplaying is all about adapting to the situation, not making the situation adapt to you.
A million likes for this! but seriously our roleplay is more or less event driven not pre-written.
A million likes for this! but seriously our roleplay is more or less event driven not pre-written.

The typical roleplay I have seen is simple text. *Grixer summons a super aweome lazer cannon and shoots you in face*. To me this is unrealistic. Imperial poses a "real" threat to your everyday gaming environment. We are not some "MrsBaver event" that you can scream admin abuse about. If you refuse to comply, we as players, will go out of our way to make you suffer for that decision. This RP is pure in the sense that instead of RPing with the server, the server is RPing with you. It may be a bit uncomfortable at times, but the end result is imersive gameplay. Isnt that the whole reason we RP in the first place ?
That's what I mean what's the fun in just writing out back stories all day when you can go out and actively shape the game environment.
I'm just going to agree with the admins cause I'm scared of them :P

Seriously though, admins are volunteers from the player base. They are players who volunteered to help the server run. Complaining about this is a surfire way to lose them, and thus get a less-stable server. If Koe wants to go godmode on my ass for lols, I'm fine with that because, overall, he increases the server quality. So quite whining like a baby and play the game!
I dont understand how somebody can seriously rant about koertge being on the Imperial side. I'm pretty sure the coalition has MonMarty, Tom1804, Ulu, and Gnarff. That isnt mentioning all of the other trusteds in Auxillian.
Its making people want to leave the server! Thats an issue.
That's their problem. I myself have been trounced in every battle I've participated in except one, but you don't see me complaining. If you aren't willing suffer losses, join a non-roleplay, non-pvp, server in which admins will protect land for you and hold your hand while you build everything. Sorry to be rude :/ In real life and roleplay, there is no ultra god who walks around saying, "This empire is too powerful, you aren't allowed to conquer and dominate, even though that's what empires do"
We all can see that Argoinia/Valyria is taking over the server. They raid and pressure People into joining their empire and forcing them into what they call slavery for protection.
Even though they pay them SEVERAL people do not like this. They say yes to them feeling pressured by the raid along with (and this is simply immoral and feels like abuse) the influence of koertge who we know is a trusted, this makes many people thinking argonia/valyria can get away with it, its even caused many people (myself included) debate leaving the server entirely. This is just not right and its ruining RP.
Koertge is a player just like you and me, he can pick whichever side he wishes to pick. A lot of the staff members, even admins actively participate against the "Imperials" on a daily basis, they hold more influence than Koertge ever would. No one here is filing complaints that MonMarty is intimidating us with his influence to surrender to the Coalition. Of course this was bound to happen, people complaining that a single staff member is Imperial, all the while everyone looks the other way when the majority of staff are Coalition. Of course there is automatically a problem when a single staff member chooses our side instead of the alternative, it's never a problem when the whole staff is against us. It just never ceases to amaze me at how ironic and hypocritical this is.
This thread goes to show that our influence is having quite an impact afterall.
We all can see that Argoinia/Valyria is taking over the server. They raid and pressure People into joining their empire and forcing them into what they call slavery for protection.
Even though they pay them SEVERAL people do not like this. They say yes to them feeling pressured by the raid along with (and this is simply immoral and feels like abuse) the influence of koertge who we know is a trusted, this makes many people thinking argonia/valyria can get away with it, its even caused many people (myself included) debate leaving the server entirely. This is just not right and its ruining RP.

This makes no sense at all. So mods can't play the game? Syko_Reaper117, a friend and retired admin used to raid, lead and play the damn game with little complaints. Why has this changed?
ever played a game about wars? are you going to sit back and hope everyone just gives in to you, or are you going to attack? what they do is rp, not abuse, if you had the power, would you go around trying to make them, 'assimilate or perish' (ya long words) or hope they dont make you perish
Koertge was somewhat on our side, but he created 9thLegion, then gave leadership to ulumulu. His own faction tried to annex him, koertge is doing nothing wrong.
Oh my. This is silly you guys. Not that I need to even defend myself in this, but I've only actually raided with Imperial once. I sit in my farm and plant crops all day. I enjoy the little "Slave trade" RP. I have only one thing to say to those of you who believe I am being unfair by influencing players:

In all seriousness though, I am a reasonable guy, and for you to point fingers at me like this is just rude.
Even though they pay them SEVERAL people do not like this. They say yes to them feeling pressured by the raid along with (and this is simply immoral and feels like abuse) the influence of koertge who we know is a trusted, this makes many people thinking argonia/valyria can get away with it, its even caused many people (myself included) debate leaving the server entirely.

Koertge is a player and can play however he feels. So shut up.
Stop it whiners! Stahp! If you want valyria to not take over the server, DO SOMETHING! Whining ain't getting you anywhere! Word of advice, make it enticing to actually join the alliance. All they really do is go on suicide missions.
I don't know what you mean about being "forced". My faction has not, and probably will not, join the war on either side. Although my faction hasn't joined, I still RP with this topic. Like others before me have said, this war is actually helping the server roleplay more, in a way. Anyway, before I get too distracted, if you don't like what's going, leave. This server doesn't need people who don't want to RP or be active in what's going on. Farewell! (party)
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