Shelved Character Imaelyah

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Imaelyah | Sukanya
  • Race / Culture: Bene Vixit Isldar | Slizzar
  • Age: 26 | 168
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/They | Non-Gendered, They/Them
  • Occult: Archon (Warden), Dragon Magic
Core Concept
Imaelyah is a Warden Archon with Isldarrin heritage, but lives as an Anglian Witch. She strives to heal the wounds magic leaves behind on the world, while not going out of her way to extinguish it entirely. She leaves this to other Archon, focusing on a more support role for herself. She is skilled in both Dragon Magic and Alchemy, using both to cure illness, heal wounds, and mend broken limbs. As for her faith she worships Umbra primarily, though in more recent years she has been paying homage to Aurora and Regulus.

Sakanya is a spymaster and Warden Archon who has traveled most of the world and integrated themself into multiple cultures. They never tend to stay in one place, usually creating a disguise for themselves and "burning" it once they believe their identity has been revealed. They always have their own agenda, often taking advantage or manipulating people to fulfill their goals and desires. They have currently taken the identity of a female Life Isldar and are stationed in Regalia as an Archon. As for religion they worship the Dragon Pantheon, primarily Nox.

Appearance Information
Imaelyah stands at a rather average height for an Isldar, at 6 feet flat. Her body can be described as very thin, lacking any prominent build in muscle mass. Her eyes are a solid purple with a light lavender iris. Her hair is a snow white along with her pale skin that lacks any color. She however also has blackout tattoos with various patterns symbolizing the dragons she worships. She wears her hair neck length with the left side of her head shaved. She often sports a copious amount of jewelry and piercings appearing rather intimidating at first glance.

Sakanya's base form is that of a Slizzar with dark gray scales, a dark teal primary color and a light cyan secondary color. Instead of legs they have a lower body of a snake, standing about 6'0" while being much longer in total length.

Combat Style
Ranged Mage
Magic Warrior

Hobbies and Talents
Alchemy Hobby
Medical Hobby
Magical Talent

  • Strength: 1
    • Athletic: Building Scale
  • Constitution: 0
    • N/A
  • Intelligence: 0
    • Adapt: Mindcontrol (Free - Magic Variant), Shapeshift (Free - Magic Variant)
  • Wisdom: 5
    • Chem: Hyperfocus, Purge, Mend, Bloodboil, Technique Parry
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Roguery: Soft Landing
  • Faith: 0
    • N/A
  • Magic: 7
    • Magic: Bolts, Snare, Curse, Disengage, Cleanse, Warp, Counter



Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Imaelyah can often be found in nature, away from the main city of Regalia. The reason for this is because she forages natural ingredients for her various healing salves and potions.
  • She is mostly a centrist, taking no sides. She prefers not to fight if she has to, but will for necessary defense.
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