"The reader is a friend, not an adversary, not a spectator, not an ENEMY." - John Franzen
I am honestly very sorry for this, and I hope I will get lots of advice on help, and ways to show I'm sorry. If I have ever done this to anyone on the server I apologize, and I promise I will never do such a thing again
Most of you don't know why I'm saying this because you probably didn't know me eleven months ago. Eleven months ago I was a selfish idiot that was going with an extremely rough time that everyone eventually has to go through, and the main one was my dad losing his fight to Leukemia , but it doesn't make what I've done acceptable.
I'm banned forever from the actual server itself, but not the forums. The reason why is because I was "Telling player to kill herself, and harassing." Sounds like a mistake, but its the truth. There were reasons why I said this, but it's still outrageous, and I deserved every part of this. Since my ban the first six months I felt like something was missing inside if of me, and that was this. Imagine a great world where everyone is allowed to go to, but not you. This world was a place where I could be me, and its gone. Don't feel bad for me, cause it doesn't matter anymore. What does matter is me showing the world that I have changed! The past eleven months seemed like torture at first, but then it started to feel like it was a gift. A time for me to think about what I've done, and ways to change it. Believe it or not I found another stress relief for this. Wrestling. Wrestling is a sport I've been doing since I was five or six. The way I would get rid of my stress is using all of that long held up anger, and use it on the mat, and it worked, like really well. Good enough for a scholarship scout to come, and watch me wrestle. I'm very proud of what I've become through wrestling. If you have interacted with me recently you will notice I like to make everyone happy now. Just recently someone else's character name was Rye. I cannot role-play on the forums, but I can make characters which I may use if I do ever get unbanned, which I'm unsure of. So someone else said His characters name was Rye and threw in a joke as well. He didn't mind me having the name, but I didn't want a negative impression, so I changed it. I've decided that I'm sick and tired to be known as the douchebag anymore. I want to be known as the nice, kind, and generous friend. I loath what people think of me now, and I'm determined to change it by any means necessary. Please give me advice on how to change, because I still have little work to do. Any type of advice I promise I will try.
I am honestly very sorry for this, and I hope I will get lots of advice on help, and ways to show I'm sorry. If I have ever done this to anyone on the server I apologize, and I promise I will never do such a thing again
Most of you don't know why I'm saying this because you probably didn't know me eleven months ago. Eleven months ago I was a selfish idiot that was going with an extremely rough time that everyone eventually has to go through, and the main one was my dad losing his fight to Leukemia , but it doesn't make what I've done acceptable.
I'm banned forever from the actual server itself, but not the forums. The reason why is because I was "Telling player to kill herself, and harassing." Sounds like a mistake, but its the truth. There were reasons why I said this, but it's still outrageous, and I deserved every part of this. Since my ban the first six months I felt like something was missing inside if of me, and that was this. Imagine a great world where everyone is allowed to go to, but not you. This world was a place where I could be me, and its gone. Don't feel bad for me, cause it doesn't matter anymore. What does matter is me showing the world that I have changed! The past eleven months seemed like torture at first, but then it started to feel like it was a gift. A time for me to think about what I've done, and ways to change it. Believe it or not I found another stress relief for this. Wrestling. Wrestling is a sport I've been doing since I was five or six. The way I would get rid of my stress is using all of that long held up anger, and use it on the mat, and it worked, like really well. Good enough for a scholarship scout to come, and watch me wrestle. I'm very proud of what I've become through wrestling. If you have interacted with me recently you will notice I like to make everyone happy now. Just recently someone else's character name was Rye. I cannot role-play on the forums, but I can make characters which I may use if I do ever get unbanned, which I'm unsure of. So someone else said His characters name was Rye and threw in a joke as well. He didn't mind me having the name, but I didn't want a negative impression, so I changed it. I've decided that I'm sick and tired to be known as the douchebag anymore. I want to be known as the nice, kind, and generous friend. I loath what people think of me now, and I'm determined to change it by any means necessary. Please give me advice on how to change, because I still have little work to do. Any type of advice I promise I will try.