I'm Gonna Do This Now Or Never


i'll rot like a dove
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
the marshes

I'm totally late by introducting myself two years after I started here at Massive, but I'm not really into forums so. Yeah.
I found MassiveCraft when I was just searching for good Minecraft RP servers, and I fell in love with the lore immedietly! So I created a character, joined the server, the usual. The sad part is that during these two years I haven't roleplayed more than some people RP in week. Yup, I suck. Mainly 'cause I get socially anxious BIG TIME, even online, and because of that I haven't roleplayed a lot and because of that I really don't know how to anymore. Oh well, I've enjoyed this server alot during these 2 years, mainly doing quests, exploring and having some misadventures in factions.

Now lets actually tell something about myself!

I'm a pretty sad creature all the way from Finland. I go by Markus, thats it, it's hard to come up with nicknames alright? My likes include reading, indie games, pretty much everything Nintendo related, watching anime 2 years after it has finished, cats, watching 60 episodes of a youtube lets play series in two days, Homestuck, and drawing I guess, even though my art skills are almost as shaky and bad as I am.

I'm not a really good writer, or atleast I'm not confident enough to write anything, but you'll probably see me trying to write some lore for my OCs. You'll actually probably see a lot of my OCs if I finally choose to kick my poor ass into roleplaying.

That's pretty much it, I hope I don't waste another 2 years fucking around!
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Hey there! Don't fret, I'm much newer than you and I've been feeling that sense of social anxiety. I keep telling myself it's because I invest too much in my characters from a first person view, thus I'm trying to widen my horizons of seeing them all as pieces to a bigger play.

So far, the only time I've ever had fun on this server is when I decided to just jump in there. The hesitation would hit me, the procrastination to try again, but eventually I'll just assume it gets easier to handle so I can personally enjoy whatever I'm doing in the moment. A lot has happened since you've last roleplayed, it seems, so I'd suggest you just throw yourself back over here! Surprisingly enough, I've yet to meet anyone really harsh or mean. You may worry about what to say or when to say it, but they won't care as long as they get to say their lines as well. Though, you probably know all of this, and knowing it won't save you from the impending doom that is hesitation.

Well, anyways, I hope to see you in RP! There are many fun and friendly peoplez on this server, so don't let your own fears overcome you. Take the reins! Have a nice day. ^^