I'm A Tree


rip lol
May 18, 2016
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Hey hey hey!

I'm bored, so I figured I'd make one of these threads.
I am Aspen (wow observant) and my name has two underscores, contrary to popular belief, because I make things inconvenient.
I swear I've tried to change it but someone already has Aspen_. Eventually I will hunt them down.
If you know me, it's probably from my awful art and bad puns, rather than actual roleplay or interaction with me.
I consider myself to be a roleplayer, and I have a few characters, though I don't often sign on to the actual server and participate.
I have been on Massive for around two years now, (awesome, wow) though I did go under a different name for about a year before realizing I acted like a cringey idiot and was ashamed because I'd ignored several art commissions for about a month and a half.
What'd I do? I changed my name, made another forum account, and ignored my past sins instead of facing my problems.

Aside from that fun anecdote, I have been roleplaying technically since I was nine, though actually on FanFiction because I had an obsession with the Warriors series. Those memories make me shudder.
Because of that, I guess I can say I've been roleplaying for a grand total of four years, as I'm a smol little 13 year old.
Sorry if I lied about my age to you? I probably did at some point. I'm a liar.

Fun Facts:
  • I created my edgiest OCs in 2nd grade. That's right, folks! I went through my edgy emo phase incredibly early!
  • Puns are punderful. (wow original)
  • I have no creativity when it comes to choosing usernames
  • I spend around half of my "life" on Tumblr and go on this site way too much
  • I'm trash for about everything
  • I like drawing but I don't like my drawings
  • I italicize things too much
Ask me questions if you want I guess

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I started actually trying to draw in third grade (four years ago), though it was mostly copying from manga tutorial books because awkward weeaboo stage @Gabauchi
EDIT: I started with digital stuff a little more than year ago when I got my tablet
I'm definitely not stalking this thread waiting for alerts
I started actually trying to draw in third grade (four years ago), though it was mostly copying from manga tutorial books because awkward weeaboo stage @Gabauchi
EDIT: I started with digital stuff a little more than year ago when I got my tablet
I'm definitely not stalking this thread waiting for alerts
that was like, this close >< to being me

but wow you went through your stages early didn't you