Preserved Sheet Ilse Van Der Meer

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Iced Coffee Addict
Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
the Universe

Ilse van der Meer

|| Character Information ||
♥ Name ~ Ilse
♦ Full Name ~ Ilse Francisca van der Meer
♥ Race ~ Ailor

♦ Culture ~ Anglian
♥ Age ~ 21
♥ Gender ~ Female
♥ Eye Color ~ Blue
|| Core Concept ||

♥ Ilse is a young woman, funded by her family's wealthy background, who's motivations in life lie in her view that the world is her playground, a need for creative expression, and an ever strict devotion to Dragon Worship.

|| Religion ||

Dragon Worship: Regulus Devoted

|| Proficiencies ||

♥ Strength (0)
♥ Constitution (5)

♦ Earthenware Craft Pack
♥ Wisdom (2)
♥ Dexterity (2)
♥ Magic (0)
♥ Charisma (5)

♦ Empire Linguist Pack
♦ Mount Husbandry Pack
♦ Pet Husbandry Pack

|| Abilities ||


|| Pets and Mounts ||

Finn: Stadder Horse
♦ Mount Husbandry Pack
Muis: Grey long haired domestic cat
♦ Pet Husbandry Pack

|| Languages ||

Main Languages ~
♦ Common ~ Learned at Home (Free)
♦ Anglian ~ Native Language (10/10)
Empire Linguist Pack ~
♦ Calem ~ Fluent (10/10)
♦ Lëtz ~ Fluent (10/10)
♦ Breizh ~ Fluent (10/10)
♦ d'Ithanie ~ Conversational (7/10)
♦ Skodje ~ Basic Understanding (5/10)
♦ Dressalo ~ Basic Words (3/10)
♦ Daendroquin ~ Basic Words (3/10)
♦ Etos ~ None (0/10)
♦ Kriv ~ None (0/10)
♦ Altalar ~ None (0/10)

|| Appearance Information ||

♥ Ilse stands at 5'6" with a small frame with some weight resting in her chest and hips. Her blonde hair and blue eyes stand out against her fair skin that is dusted with freckles. Her hair is usually tied back in some way, whether that be with a ribbon or in a braid to allow her the ability to work on her pottery at any time. The young woman is most often seen in expensive dresses and jewelry and does her best to always look half-way presentable.
♥ Ilse has no mutations or physical abnormalities.

|| Life Story ||

Childhood ~ Isle was born the second youngest to a large Anglian family, boasting eight total brothers and sisters. She knew from a young age that her family was well off, her father frequently boasting about the family's successes in merchantry. Ilse was first raised with Dogmatic Unionism after her father's conversion in an effort to make his business more appealing across the empire, her Grandfather remained staunchly devoted to Dragon Worship, often creating conflict between the pair.

Adolescence ~ Ilse, while at first doing her best to fit into the picture-perfect ideals of what an well-off Anglian woman should look like, slowly morphed into the black sheep of the family due to her love for farm animals and creative expression, especially in the form of ceramics. Her grandfather always indulged these loves and is ultimately what led her to privately return to Dragon Worship later on in life. That is not to say however that the girl didn't love a good party or the local gossip. She could be the life of the party when she wanted but seemed to always drift back to her little arts studio and her father did little to stop her as she was one of the youngest and seemed to get away with more than her elder siblings.

Early Adulthood ~ Her early adulthood that she spent in Anglia was filled with parties, her elder siblings marriages, and her own introduction into her small town's "society". She found ways to escape this pressure in her daily life by visiting her grandfather as often as possible in his old age and establishing a small presence in the town as an artisan with her selling of her own pottery.

Journey to Regalia ~ After the young woman's 21st birthday and incessant nagging to her father, he finally conceded that he would give her the chance to move to Regalia in an attempt to make herself a well known artist and expand the family's name there.

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funded by her family's aristocratic background
  • Change any mentions of aristocracy in your application to being simply wealthy unless your character is registered within the aristocrat system.
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