Preserved Sheet Illyana Meital

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Fazai / Cisva
Aug 11, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Illyana Fee Meital - Mei
  • Age: 58
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ceilothar (Aiel)
  • Preferred Weapon: None

Inventory Information (Optional)
  • A roll of bandages
  • A Flask of water
  • A medical book
  • An alchemy book
  • A drawn family portrait
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: Total: 60

  • Proficiency Points
  • Medical Sciences - 20
  • Alchemy Sciences - 25 (+5 from race cap)
  • Culinary Arts - 10 (Hobby)

  • Linguistic Knowledge 15

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 0
  • Body Shape: Toned
  • Body Fat: Moderate

  • Plains Elven (Learned in childhood)
  • Common (taught by parents)
  • Modern Altalar (Learned from linguistics knowledge)
  • Old Ceardian (Learned from linguistics knowledge)
  • Alt-Regalian (Learned from linguistics knowledge)
  • Daendroqin (Learned from linguistics knowledge)
  • Dragon Script (Learned from linguistics knowledge)
Whimsy Sorcery: Wardrobe of Feeling
Whimsy Sorcery: Creeptastic
Racial Spells: Lightblessed Familiar, The Wind's Cradle, Sense of Compassion, Restore to Grace, Radiant Soul

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Illyana has never been to Regalia before, having only recently moved into the city a few days ago after being accepted for a house medic for the Kreiburg family.
  • Illyana was an only child in in her family, born to her mother Ynda, and her father Tordo Meital in Daen, her first sibling arrived when she was 20. Her extended family didn't have much to do with her, as they had all traveled to various places around the world.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: 1 blue, 1 green
  • Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
  • Hair Style: Simply down and loose
  • Skin Color: A light tan
  • Clothing: She wears a Blue dress, along with a hip pouch and alchemy belt.
  • Height: 5'0"
  • Racial Familiar: Capuchini

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option One: The Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Illyana would be more talkative and bubbly, or generally well collected and less impulsive.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • She'd be the first few to run or hide, and tenses up greatly at first if it's sudden.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • She would typically shut down with large amounts of stress, though with smaller amounts, she'll slow down a bit and bottle it up so she can continue doing what she was doing.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • She tends to not notice them, though she will respect them.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • She's fine with the other races, though she might charge a small amount more during medical procedures.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • She doesn't like to get too entangled with faiths, unless she has to.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • She's interested in it, though she doesn't want to get involved.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • She loves them, and felt bad for leaving them, but she knew her future would be brighter moving away, she had plans to visit them once a year.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • She's most proud of her knowledge that she can use to help others.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The ideas of her future drive her forwards, her dreams and goals.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Her height, her lack of strength.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Heights, The Ocean, Spiders.

  • Helping - She loves to help everybody she can. Generally doing this, whether it be medically, financially, or any other way, she will feel contempt and relaxed, though stress builds up over time. She loves making sure people will live another day, as she knows that she will be rewarded in the future with karma.
  • Cooking - As her hobby, she's spent a lot of time cooking, and has developed a natural sense of calm while smelling the several scents. She also enjoys being able to taste her own creations after any length of work it took to make.
  • Isolation - She May love being able to help everybody, but she also loves her isolation, being able to take out stress alone. She loves being able to relax and enjoy some of the smaller things she wouldn't have been able to previously.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.
  • Racism - She's been around several places that have a lot of racism, where certain races wouldn't be treated in a clinic or denied service entirely at a restaurant, she will not stand for it and has made sure to treat anybody that needs it. She will get stressed and anxious when experiencing it.
  • Fights - She May love to help, but she can't help in a fight, with 0 training she can really only watch. She also grew up having to deal with fights, either against her, or other people around her. Fights will generally bring back those memories and result in her feeling depressed afterwards.
  • The heat - The heat has always bothered her, she just wants the world to cool down sometimes. Normally when she's hot, she's also angry or irritated, and leads to her making hasty decisions to cool down, for better or worse. She'd much rather be cold than have to deal with sweat and the inability to find someplace cool.

Life Story (Required)

Ages 0-15

She was born in Daen, 250, to a decently wealthy family. Her family, her father, mother, and herself were around the world, primarily because her parents were trying to find a general place to stay, and have each place about five years to try it out, see if they like it or not. Each place she went with them, learning several languages on top of Plains Elven she had learned in Daen in the first five. Through these years, she discovered what a horrid place the world can be, as she wandered to the less approachable areas, such as the slums. She experienced plenty of racism here, as well as fights. She was the first to run from these situations. She also helped her mother out with cooking every now and then, kinda making it her hobby, and something she could conversate about with her family and friends. Near the end of these 15 years, her and her family returned to Daen where she moved out on her own with support from her family.

Ages 15-40

Illyana became interested in alchemy after moving out, seeing as there were a lot of possibilities for decorating with it, as well as a less smoky house with the solacrux ingredient, allowing her to place plenty of small lanterns without the use of fires and other resources, she also began to work at clinics once she learned about the healing properties of certain brews, and as time passed, she became one of the best in her small area, as she had nothing else to learn and freed up herself to the next thing to learn.

Ages 40-58

Seeing herself in the medical field already, she decided to kick up her game a bit, and aimed to become a walking clinic. She began to study medical sciences and began to work in both fields at the local clinics of her town. After several years of studying, she started looking across the world for employment, interested in the cultures of places, as well as their food. Her best bet at employment was to the Noble family, Kreiburg, and she sent her letter there, and once she heard back, she began her journey via boat with many others. Where she is now, just a few days away from land.
Last edited:
Claimed for review.​
  • Please put the parts of your app marked as (Optional) in spoilers.
  • Please remove the opening paragraphs for each of your sections. And the word "Answer" in front of the answers to your questions.
  • Based off of your proficiencies, Ilyana shouldn't have any physical stat whatsoever.
@fantuinn I have gone through, and made the spoilers and removed the opening paragraphs, I have also set her physical stat to zero.
@fantuinn i have updated her proficiency points to fit the new linguistics cap and buffed her medical sciences, and changed not so big features of her life story asides from age sections.
@Jute_Len Re-approved. In the future, please set to "Needs Re-Review".
@fantuinn I decided that the 5 points would be better in Alchemy than Medical sciences, I have also changed the age grouping of the life story to fit. Sorry to ping again when it's only been a day.
@fantuinn Since Cielothar was changed, I decided to add the new sorcery spells, and add the racial familiar, and sub-race (If that's what I can even call it). Sorry to ping you again.
@fantuinn sorry to ping you again, but I made a mistake in the racial familiar, as another staff member had pointed out, that it cannot be a crab, so I have updated it to make it a domesticated mammal, as directed by the Aiel Familiars, and provided a link.
@Jute_Len Don't worry, I'm not too crabby about it. Approved.​