Archived Illrelevant Rating

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Lesser Noble
Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
Sometimes people make posts that are not relevant to the thread or topic e.g someone posts a random dog picture when people are talking about role play.
For situations like these I suggest the rating Ill Relevant (Or a different name) which is given to posts or threads that are not relevant or are un-constructive to the post. The pink cloud rating was somewhat used for this but it was intended to be given for bad role play not Ill relevant posts.

Hope this helps :D

I had an idea for another rating called lacking. This is given to posts or threads that lack information e.g someone creates a thread called bavers massacre and only says "There was a massacre" or is given to posts that lacks screen shots or evidence.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Oh, make it in the shape of a kitten with yarn! Nothing more completely irrelevant than a kitten with yard :P
Or maybe make it the shape of yarn if the kitten included it too big
I think this is much better, its usage is more obvious to others and its reasons are nearly impossible to seem different because it is self explanatory.
oh my god im sorry, i would abuse that rating to no end. i wouldnt even use it to rate a post irrelevant, just the person cus im a butthole like that
Lets hope that this kitten illrelavant rating won't be the new pink cloud of the forums
All ratings will be abused, its not the fault of the rating but of the abuser.
Admins are working hard on banning people who abuse ratings so I doubt that anyone would have the guts to abuse it.
Don't just instantly assume it will be abused chron wait to see it be played out
๖ۣۜI am quite surprised you didn't read my post very well... And, people do have the guts to abuse. It happens very often, actually. If you checked the thread as I intended you to, you can see it all occur. I got over 40 pink clouds from that thread alone because of people abusing a rating they considered quite cute and fabulous.
A kitten with yarn won't help.

Plus, this is a useless idea, as I already stated.
Use the ReadMore rating, or in some occasions, PinkCloud.
There are already ratings designated basically for what you are trying to recommend.
My support still stands as a disagree.

Its may not necessarily be a kitten with yarn. And it could just be bringing back the off topic rating, with the clock symbol. As far as I know read more means the poster could have their answer if they just read some more posts or server rules/lore while pink cloud is used to mark bad RP. perhaps your post needs a read more rating...

Are you encouraging people to misuse ratings?

Anyway I like to idea, but not call it irrelevant because people will deem peoples post not important to the conversation even if they are on topic and uses the rating without explicitly abusing it.

+1 Support (so long as its off topic not irrelevant)
๖ۣۜI am quite surprised you didn't read my post very well... And, people do have the guts to abuse. It happens very often, actually. If you checked the thread as I intended you to, you can see it all occur. I got over 40 pink clouds from that thread alone because of people abusing a rating they considered quite cute and fabulous.
A kitten with yarn won't help.

Plus, this is a useless idea, as I already stated.
Use the ReadMore rating, or in some occasions, PinkCloud.
There are already ratings designated basically for what you are trying to recommend.
My support still stands as a disagree.

Imagine if someone posted a random photo of a dog in this thread? What rating would you give that?
Thats why I suggested the idea of illrelevant rating.
Also that was ages ago chron now there are rules against ratings abuse, you abuse a rating and a warning will be given to you switftly followed by a ban if you continue to do so.
Also pink cloud is only for bad roleplay not illrelevant things
  • Pink Cloud - Rate this if you think the roleplay value of a post is bad, or needs improvement.
I don't intend for the rating to be a kitten with yarn, it was a suggestion by mech that the admins can consider if they want.

Its may not necessarily be a kitten with yarn. And it could just be bringing back the off topic rating, with the clock symbol. As far as I know read more means the poster could have their answer if they just read some more posts or server rules/lore while pink cloud is used to mark bad RP. perhaps your post needs a read more rating...

Are you encouraging people to misuse ratings?

Anyway I like to idea, but not call it irrelevant because people will deem peoples post not important to the conversation even if they are on topic and uses the rating without explicitly abusing it.

+1 Support (so long as its off topic not irrelevant)
The admins can decide on the official name since I'm not sure if illrelavant is a proper way to classify it
I'm thinking maybe the name off-track or de-rail although the name doesn't quite state the purpose as clearly
Are you encouraging people to misuse ratings?

๖ۣۜNot my intention whatsoever. If that is what I am doing, it's probably because it is 2:49AM where I currently am.
Nonetheless, I did poorly word the last post, I'll revise it slightly;
The lacking rating isn't needed because of the ReadMore rating. When someone posts to display an answer or information yet are missing important details, as you stated above and such as reading other posts, then they get the ReadMore, as I deserved from above. Pink cloud could be used in a manner somewhat similar to this as well, say someone makes an introduction and barely puts information on it, and the information is extremely un-detailed to the point of just about no storyline. From what I ~understand~, you can pink cloud it.

Now, the off-topic idea as a clock would be good. I actually would like there to be a form of off topic. I mainly was disagreeing with it being the kitten with yarn, because it would eventually have somewhat similar results to the pink cloud, considered too fabulous for it's own use. The forums moderators don't have eyes everywhere, so sometimes something is gonna hop where they might not be able to see it.

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