

Milo lay with the side of his head resting on Uri's shoulder and one of his arms wrapped around the younger mans waist. The purple bags under his eyes were almost invisible in the dark room and his grip on the other man was lacking it's usual strength, another one of the cons from not sleeping. His eyes gazed weakly about the room, ginger locks having long since fallen down over them, shielding his view slightly, though occasionally the slight breeze coming from the open window pushed them out of his way. His jaw slackened from its previous position and he began to quietly sing.

"I thought I saw the devil
This morning
Looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue
With the warning
To help me see myself clearer
I never meant to start a fire
I never meant to make you bleed
I'll be a better man today."

The young man knew he was desperate for love, just wanting somebody who would hold him at night when he was scared or would want to wake up with Milo's arms wrapped around them.

"I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the time
That I never could."

Uri was amazing. He was everything Milo needed and more, with the way he smiled to the way his eyes lit up when he was happy. His hair that was just the perfect shade of grey and his glasses that framed his face in a way no other pair could. How he would become flustered and turn red in certian situations or adorable smile on his lips as he slept.

"My past has tasted bitter
For years now
So I wield an iron fist
Grace is just weakness
Or so I've been told
I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death
Maybe I'm waking up today."

Milo's voice cracked as he began to card his fingers through Uri's hair, a small smile settling on his face. Nothing had really changed between the pair from when they were younger, except for their appearances and experiences.

"I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
I'll be good, I'll be good
I'll be good, I'll be good."

He wasn't as broken as he'd once been, thanks to both Uri and several others. Uri had made him realise there was more to life than just arguing and cussing, even if he didn't quite know it yet. Not even those closest to him has managed to make him see that, and so Uri's name was now stored in that dark and dusty corner of his heart he hadn't visited in almost a decade and a half, where only those who's names he hadn't dared to even utter for the fear of the small light he still held for them was snuffed out.

"For all of the light that I shut out
For all of the innocent things that I doubt
For all of the bruises I've caused and the tears
For all of the things that I've done all these years
And all
Yeah, for all of the sparks that I stomped out
For all of the perfect things that I doubt."

Many people had told him to change, but he'd never allowed their views to influence his lifestyle. Only Uri could do that for him. Milo would tear the world apart with his bruised and scarred hands if it mean keeping his lover safe.

"I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the times
I never could, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh-oh
For all of the times I never could
All of the times I never could."

As the song slowly came to a finish Milo snuggled further into Uri and, for the first time in a while, allowed himself to fall asleep against the one person he trusted his entire being with, knowing he was safe.

/@xXFizzyFoxXx I hope I got his personality right <3\​
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