Preserved Sheet Ilkizassa- Green Snekey

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Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ilkizassa Khanasslazzan Aurzieon, Commonly known as just Izassa 'iz-ass-a' or Zas
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male - Can switch at will
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
Inventory Information
  • Small pouch of regals( self explanatory)
  • Has gold bangles and jewelry on person
  • Small flask of some sort of beverage, usually a wine or spirit
Skill Information
Total Points: Has a Total of 50 points (core) and also 10 free hobby points.
Melee Combat- 15 (CORE) in Glaives Combat
Sorcery - 12 (CORE) in Magic sight I, Element Brand I, Element Control I, Superself I
Special Training- 10 (5 CORE + 5 Racial Boost) in Perception
Hobby Skills- 15 (5 CORE + 10 Allocated Hobby Points) in Sailing Art
Schooling- 6 (CORE) in Admiral School, Zurmaaltaarvan, Imperial Regalian Naval Academy

*Leaves 7 Core points for IC development.

Body Shape
Physical Stat- 15 (Slizzar cap) worked out by- 1 x 15 (Melee Combat Skill)

Body Shape- Athletic across all slizzar forms

Body fat- Average Body fat

Zorraana- Slizzar language from mother

Ilkhardaal- Suvial Altalar language from father

Common- From travels and Regalia

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Melee- Zas is experienced and skilling with a glaive weapon, he uses this in combat to avoid getting too close and keeping distance with his opponent to avoid being overpowered by strength.
  • Sorcery- Zas is also experienced with few magic spells. Zas magic is Exist based and water themed. The spells are as such;
Magic sight I >
The user is able to activate this Ability, causing their eyes to glow an intense solid color (Cyan) . While active, the user is Immune to any Ability or Mundane based Darkness or Blindness. They can even see through blindfolds and Ability-created substances covering their eyes, and if any of these effects was applied before the Ability was Toggled on, the effects are removed. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be Toggled on and off as many times as the user pleases.
SuperSelf I >
Upon being physically harmed by any Mundane Attack or Ability, or upon hitting another person with any of these, the Character triggers a battle-state. When battle-state is activated, anyone within 2 blocks of the person is knocked over, while the person's appearance may change with a wide variety of non-identity altering aesthetics including but not limited to: steaming skin, flaming eyes, electrified hair, increased vascularity, darkening of the eyes and sockets, shreddings skin, colored glow, and other visuals of rage and battle. While Super Self is active, the Character gains +5 Physical Stat.
Element Control I >
The user gains a number of utility functions. They may remove all water from their clothing and themselves, instantly drying them. They may walk on water as if it is merely the road. They may also use the Water as a trampoline, allowing them to jump 6 blocks high while standing on the water. They may also super-cool any lukewarm or warmed up drink and become immune to the slowing (but not rooting) effects of any Ability that uses frost, snow or ice to slow down movement. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
Element Brand I > T
his Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with an Ice or Water enchant that makes the weapon watery and dripping or dusting with frost and white. Additionally, anyone struck with this weapon becomes unable to move at a speed greater than walking speed. Parrying does not count as being hit, while being hit on the armor does. The effect lasts for 1 minute, and while being hit multiple times does not stack this effect, it does refresh every time the opponent is hit. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else's weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
  • Perception Training- Zas is trained highly in perception which grants him Immunity to Rogue 1 through 5, except 4 where the users handheld items are still muted, and can detect guard and government forgery.
  • Sailing art- Zas has access to his own yacht-tier boat.
  • Racial Abilities- As a Slizzar, Zas has access to a number of skills, however not all are learnt yet.
Learned abilities:

Slizzar Shift I >

The Slizzar has no legs, and a lower body in the shape of a snake tail that is 3 times as long as their body. With the snake tail, the Slizzar can at most run at jogging speed, but can swim faster than all races, except Mai-Allar. They can form pseudo-gills, allowing them to breathe underwater for up to 48 hours. They can un-fuse the snake-tail to gain humanoid legs to run, but can no longer swim at high speeds. This change can occur instantaneously, unless the Slizzar is being pursued. They can adjust various visual features in this form, but can never change the colors they were born with. Slizzar can also manifest some of their aesthetics in other Mythic Shifts, such as their Snake-like Lower Body, as well as patches of scales, Slizzar Eyes, and Hair.
Flux Shift I >
This Ability allows the user to seamlessly mimic the features of any Race, changing their own appearance to exactly match any Race, or even combine various visual aspects of races in a combination. This Ability cannot be used to create a copy of another person visually, they will always look off or distinguishably different from the original. This Ability has no Cooldown.
Flux Shift II >
This Ability allows the user to change all visual aspects about themselves besides Race. This Includes: Sex-Coding, Hair Color, Eye Color, Skin Color, Body Shape, Body Fat, Body Height, Age Appearance. Hair Length, Hair Texture, Skin Markings, Tattoos, Scars, and Face Shape. Any of these changes occur instantaneously and seamlessly. This Ability has no Cooldown.
Flux Shift V >
This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Mythic or Racial Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.
Mind Surge I >
This Ability allows the user to target any Character without Control Power Immunity to transmit a strong desire to the subject. This Ability does not force them to comply, it merely gives them a strong urge to do what the Character is suggesting they do. The target is unaware that they are being Emotion Surged, and the Character using this Ability also gives off no telltale signs that they are using an Ability. This Ability can only be used to encourage a Target to do something, it cannot make them change their beliefs or alter things they consider truth. This Ability has no Cooldown, but players are expected not to spam it to every person.
Mind Surge IV >
This Ability allows the user to, through Direct Touch, apply a Control Power that creates a bi-directional telepathic communication link. This Ability remains active indefinitely, unless some form of Exorcism or Possession removal mechanic or Ability is used on the target, or the user breaks the communication link voluntarily. The user is also able to mute the Target from speaking back, thus subjecting them only to their telepathic communication. This Telepathic communication can be done from any distance, but both players must be Online for it to be used. After the link is broken, this Ability cannot be used for another 24 hours. Any Target can only have one active Mind Surge 4 on them, and anyone who has access to the Ability Mind Surge 4 also cannot be the Target of Mind Surge 4 from someone else. A maximum of one Telepathic link can be active at any time.
Mind Surge V >

The user is completely immune to Mind Surge 1, 2, 3, and 4. It also gives them Immunity to Puppet Control 1.
Puppet Control I >
This Ability allows the user to target another person, and establish complete Control over their actions and thoughts. After Direct Touch, the user creates a Control Power link with the Target that allows them to issue any command, which the Target must explicitly follow to the letter, even if the user of this Ability is no longer within Emote Distance of the Target. This Ability also allows the user to change the thought process or ideas of the target, and make them forget things that happened in the last hour so as to alter their perception. The Target is not incapable of independent actions or thoughts, but can at any point in time from any distance be overridden by the user of the Ability, and have their thoughts altered. The Target is unaware that they are being Controlled, and even after Control is removed, will be unable to fathom why they thought or did certain things. They will also be fiercely defensive of the user of the Ability on them for as long as Control remains, and not engage in any actions that would be detrimental to the user of this Ability. This Ability can be broken by the user at any time from any distance, or removed from the target with any Possession removal or Exorcism mechanic or Ability. While Control Power Immunity blocks this Ability from being used, the user may propose this level of control over the Target, and if the Target consents in Roleplay, then Control Power Immunity no longer applies. After this Ability is broken off, it cannot be re-used within 7 days. A maximum of 3 people can be targeted by this Ability at any time.

Unlearned as of yet:

Flux Shift III, IV & Mind Surge II, III

Basic Information Extended
Zas has been in regalia for a few years now, he originally came to study at the admiral school for regalia however has stayed now, he often uses his skills to earn money from fighting, using his sailing skills to ferry people to and from places as well as for trading. Zas has no place of his own as of yet and often rents out a room to stay at.

Wealth- Zas loves his gold and wants to have enough money to buy vast amounts of it to wear as his collection of jewelry, he would like to earn money to be able to have a place of his own, the bigger the better..

Visual Information

Birth Form: Zas has teal coloured eyes which are slitted like a snake, with a dark grey sclera, his hair snakes start at a dark blue at the 'roots' and gradiate down to an electric blue at the ends where the snake heads are. His scales are a mix of vivid and deep greens in a typical snake-like pattern with a cream-ish green underbelly. In birth form, Zas usually takes a more humanoid appearance with the face, with a flatten snake like nose, narrow eyes and an unhinged jaw comparable to that of a snake. His face is usually green in this form and the under belly stops on his jawline with parts of it coming slightly onto the face. He wears a silk and fabric like robe on his upper body with gold bangles on his arms and his tail on some parts. He has a forked tongue and has an athletic body shape.

Half glamour: in this form, Ilkizassa's lower half is still that of a snake body and the same colours/ patterns, however his upper half is that of a Suvial Altar with an athletic body shape, he has a mid caramel almost golden-brown like skin tone, with a warm deep brown hair colour, styled as short and sort of messy. He keeps his teal eyes. He also has green scales come across the eye area if he chooses to. He keeps the bangles and has piercings of gold on his ears which are rather large. He wears the same silky style robe on his upper body.

Glamour Form: In his glamour form, Zas appears as a regular suvial Altalar which is the same as his half glamour form, for his clothes, he wears the full length version of the robes he is often seen in, its descbried as an elegant, unisex style robes which are made of a mixture of materials including; shawls, silks, leather, scarfs and belts. It's coloured as light blue/ pale lilac colour with hues of greens and gold. He appears as about 6 foot 3 and keeps his teal coloured eyes with slitted pupils and has his green scales coming across his eye area and on parts of his body unless he wishes to be undetectable.
  • Eye Color: Teal slitted Iris with a dark grey sclera
  • Hair Color: gradient from dark blue to Electric blue at the ends
  • Hair Style: long-waist length of snake hair/ dreads
  • Skin Color: Green scales with green-ish cream white underside
  • Clothing: robes of pale blue and purple with hues of green and gold, gold bangles and bracelets/necklace.
  • Height: 5'10 (ft)
*Usually is seen in his half glamour form more often as he only lets other slizzar, or those he is close to and trusts to see his true/birth form.

Visual Information Extended

The forms are described above, however for more detail; Zas has a more angular and sharper face but somewhat softer than a typical Altalar, he has an average sized forehead that slopes back slightly. He often has green scales across his teal eyes which are sharp and angled slightly with slitted pupils like that of a snake. His hair consists of mobile snakes that are medium thickness and are about waist long that are usually straight until the ends where they flick up and move as the heads of snakes are there. When dreads are used (barely ever) they are also straight down and some are down his shoulders at the front. The hair colour is a dark shade of blue not too dissimilar to navy/midnight blue when graduates down into a more electric blue at the ends and a slight greenish at the very very end. The snake's eyes are white fully but do not allow additional sight.

Zas' body can be described as a lean and athletic body shape with some muscle definition which is visible, the lower half of his body is that of a snakes which eventually thins and narrows to a point (like a snakes does), the tail is long and heavy about 3x his body height and is coloured a mix of vivid to more dull greens depending on lighting with some darker green patterning, the underside of his body is a much lighter colour green with a cream-ish colour differentiating where his under belly and sides are. The body has low fat and no body hair.

The clothes which he wears and flowy robes with silks, heavier fabrics, scarfs, belts, bandanas. The colours are usually pale blues and purples with hues of green and gold and allow movement so as not to prevent him using his abilities. The jewellery which Zas often wears is all gold, the bangles slither around his arms like snakes and also just standard circle gold bracelets, Zas loves jewellery. He often wears a necklace which is also gold that crests a green gem stone of some kind.

Being a serpent creature, Zas has a forked tongue that slithers out as he talks, his common is 8/10 as he still gets a few words mixed around and has an accent that emphasises a lot of the 's' sounds and the 'z' sounds however not on ever word in a sentence.

The Question List
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Zas will express happiness by the typical jovialness like most people, smiling face, happy eyes and will often laugh, his laugh although is a mix of laughing and hissing. When happy and feels the setting or people are genuine he may feel more inclined to use his birth/natural form.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Zas when experiencing fear is not flight.. He is fight. Zas will react badly to fear with aggressive hissing and threatening behaviour, when in birth form his snake hair will also raise up and hiss. However Zas isn't a blind idiot and in odds that seem impossible for him to win he will withdraw and back down, lowering his posture.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • When stressed Zas will often coil his tail tightly and sit within it, his hand on his chin or a similar pose hissing quietly/ talking to himself.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Zas believes that rules are there for a reason. However he doesn't believe that there aren't ways around them, Zas can be quite sly and likes to bend the rules to his favour without breaking them. Zas is a loophole looker -type of person.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Zas does not discriminate against any other race specifically as he admires earth races unique quirks and history, this however, does not mean that Zas thinks they are better than the Slizzar, who he believes are without a doubt, the top race.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Zas believes in the Nessassarian faith 6.5/10 as this was how he was raised by his mother, but as this was his only source of knowledge about the religion he is not zealous about it. Zas really couldn't care less about other's religions as he sees this as just their personal belief.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Being a sorcerer himself, Zas loves the arcane as he feels that it brings him more in tune with the natural world, being a water sorcerer Zas thinks this makes him somewhat favourable in the deep sea serpent gods.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Zas is respectful and loyal to his family, both his altalar father and sister and slizzar mother. He feels like they are very important and shares a strong bond with them, especially with his mother as she was his mentor growing up.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Zas feels proud at his progression with his skills through his life so far and how he has managed to combine both parts of his heritage.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and improve their life?
    • The motivation Zas has comes from his desire to become the best at what he does and that he knows that not everything is a straight road, sometimes a shortcut can be taken and you beat out everyone else in the race.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Zas biggest insecurity is how other people see him, although zas believes he has the better race as he can be any race he wants on top of having his birth form, he is also insecure at the reputation that slizzar have and that people will always have a first impression of him.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Zas biggest fear is that he dies without having proved his capabilities and made his family proud of him, Zas is equally frightened of large birds, may seem strange to some but Zas has always had a fear of large birds.
Weaknesses To Be Added
  • Bullet out the character's Weaknesses with at least three sentences expanding on each.
  • A Weakness should inherently be a weakness in roleplay of sorts, or some sort of trait that flaws your character.
  • You don't need to have any Weaknesses, it's entirely optional. You also don't get any additional points for Weaknesses, they are purely aesthetic.

The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Relationships (Optional) To Be Added

Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.

Life Story

Early life-
Ilkizassa Khanasslazzan Aurzieon, born a Slizzar from his Slizzar mother and Suvial father was born with a twin sister who is Suvial. As a child Zas was always aware of his slizzar disposition as this was an open thing in family life, with his mother teaching him about how to be a slizzar and what was to come. While Zas was young, he and his family often resided on his fathers boat which they would use to travel and trade with, becoming accustomed with the oceans and marine life.
As Zas grew into his teen years he had began practicing on how to use melee combat along with his sister, this was a skill that his father had almost mastered in his own life and was passing on to his children, Zas was the less capable of using the weapon than his sister but practiced hard nonetheless. During this time he was also being taught and mentored by his mother who was an excellent sorcerer, they practiced water magic as this was the most logical magic to study being on open water a lot of the time. With magic his mother was also teaching things about training in perception to spot those things not easily spotted and slizzars and their own abilities which he would soon possess. In the meantime Zas spent his free time learning the art of sailing, often taking the helm from his father for a short time so he could gain experience.
Late teen/early 20's-
Zas continued his practices into his late teens where he had become skilled with the glaive, although not as much as his father, and had learnt four spells from his mother. He was now more frequently taking charge of the ship while his father had other responsibilities and became quite adept. On his eighteenth age day he now had access to his slizzar form and abilities that he had been taught of from his mother, Zas became quite accustomed to this form over the next few years and often used it to dive into the sea and swim for extended periods of time, something he loved to do even as a teen without access to his slizzar gills. As his sister was now leaving to take her skills to a maritime academy for the altalar, Zas too was now to leave to better his skills by himself and achieve other accomplishments. The advice from his mother was to travel to Hadaria, to the slizzar home and complete schooling in admiral school, which he did. For the next few years into his late 20's, Zas partook in the school of Zurmaaltaarvan. Here he learnt the slizzar ways and tactics of their navy and admirals.
Late 20's to 30's-
After completing in the school of Zurmaaltaarvan, Zas had learnt a lot more about slizzar ideology and religion too, which helped to shape the person he is today. From there it was advised that he made his way into the regalian school for admirals and pretend like he had no knowledge of the slizzar's school back in Ssassrakand. Zas took this opportunity and began his course at the Imperial Regalian Naval Academy, where he expressed interest in helping the regalian navy and learning how to have naval leadership. This of course wasn't entirely true as he already had much experience in this from Ssassrakand. This allowed Zas to pick and choose which sides to float between when he so chose to. After completing this Zas has remained in regalia as he finds this has many opportunities and room to become better and what he does.
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