Preserved Sheet Iladar Eolora

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mega gay
Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Iladar Eolora
  • Age: 140.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Full-blooded Central Altalar.
  • Sexuality: A solid 5 on the kinsey scale.
  • Preferred Weapons:
    • Chrysalis
      • The shorter of the pair, Chrysalis is a blade with a highly abnormal design. Made as a specialised type of swordbreaker, this weapon features a blade divided down the middle into a pair of prongs, the inside of each lined with deep inward-facing serrations meant to catch an enemy's blade and hold it while Imago is used to strike.
    • Imago
      • The longer blade, Imago is a swept-hilt sidesword, in late renaissance Italian style. A blade lined with pure nelfinite that gradually gives way to flowerite - both materials being mixed with finely ground solacrox during the forging process - produces a uniquely striking visual effect; that of a glowing golden blade fading into a soft peach, imbued with swirls of purple and black respectively. The cutting edge, however, is assena-reinforced nightsilver, as is the core, leaving the blade both quite durable and astonishingly sharp.
  • Patron: Sca'elle.
  • Special Permissions:
    • Aleia Soul Shard
      • Iladar bears a Soul Shard, specifically that of an Aleia - the mark of a lineage that can be traced back to the Seraph. While she has previously been assuming the identity of a Silven in order to keep a relatively low profile in Regalia, she now has sufficient support to make her true nature known without too much danger.
    • Backstory Attachment: Scalay Line
      • A distant descendant of Talea Sunvidal, the first Empress of the Allorn Empire, Iladar sees this not as something which inherently elevates her above others; but rather, as a chance to redeem, and perhaps in some form resurrect, the now-fallen Sunvidal bloodline.
Total Points: 70
  • +10 Historical Knowledge | Racial
  • +24 Linguistic Knowledge | Invested
  • +55 Metallurgy | 10 Racial Freeform, 10 Patron Boost, 30 Invested, 5 Group Boost (Lesser Gang)
  • +16 Fast Blades | Invested
    • Exclusively covers her two blades as detailed above.
  • 30+16=46 (Metallurgy plus Fast Blades)
  • Athletic Body Shape | While of course unable to maintain even close to as much strength as someone with a similar body stat due to the physical limitations of Altalar, she still has deceptively powerful reserves of strength, as, to quote, "Altalar physique seems to not dictate much in terms of their actual strength, which is more defined by their martial proficiency and athleticism than their body build". In all, she could be described as similar in strength to an Ailor with a Muscular body shape, though she does fall short of them in stamina.
  • Moderate Body Fat | Despite her surprisingly well-toned musculature, Iladar does have some rather troublesome habits when it comes to food, leaving her with a surprisingly soft and even curvaceous figure.
  • Unless listed, automatic languages from 24 Linguistic Knowledge are not known.
  • Modern Altalar | Parental
  • Plains Elven | Linguistic Knowledge
  • Isldarin Elven | Linguistic Knowledge
  • Kathar Elven | Linguistic Knowledge
  • Middle Altalar | Linguistic Knowledge
  • Ancient Altalar | Automatic from 24 Linguistic Knowledge, noted for clarity
  • Void Script | Automatic from 24 Linguistic Knowledge, noted for clarity
  • Seraph Script | Automatic from 24 Linguistic Knowledge, noted for clarity
  • Common | Free
  • Eye Color: Steely grey-blue, with a luminescent silver ring around the iris that dominates it at a glance.
  • Hair Color: Golden Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Long and straight.
  • Skin Color: Pale, nearly white.
  • Clothing: Usually a long dress of gold and white Isldarin silks, but currently a more practical set of clothing.
  • Height: 6'10".
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • When afraid, Iladar's response is generally to wrap herself in her wings and attempt to retreat, though she will make an effort to protect her own and ensure they leave before she does. If cornered, however, Iladar does not hesitate to lash out, albeit primarily with the intention of forcing the threat back enough to make an escape.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • While stress does not come easily to Iladar, when it does, it builds up quickly - at times even enough so for her to reach a tipping point and try to remove herself from the situation. Under circumstances where this is not possible, she will generally try to defuse things as quickly as possible, and failing that, simply refuse to take part in matters at all.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • Iladar's reaction to happiness varies wildly - generally she will express it verbally, but just as often she expresses this through physical shows of affection, making it somewhat unpredictable. Without more specific situations, it's impossible to give further details about her reactions.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • In her eyes, law and order are a good thing, and authorities - provided they are not corrupt or enforcing corrupt laws - are crucial. However, laws should always be watched carefully - lest they fall prey to abuse and corruption that could do immense harm.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • For the most part, Iladar sees the different Nelfin races as simply wayward Altalar, who could - and, indeed, should - be brought back into the fold. She does not, however, particularly disrespect them or their philosophies; instead, she believes them to each have their own merits, akin to the Altalar cults (even if their ideologies are taken a good deal further).
      There is, however, one key exception - the Kathar. In Iladar's eyes, the Kathar fall into two groups; the redeemable and the irredeemable. Those who can be redeemed should be cleansed of the Void's influence, while those who cannot should instead be purged from Aloria by any means necessary.
      Beyond this, the other races across Aloria are each viewed with their own complex web of nuances by her, and so for the sake of brevity the specifics will be left out here.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Iladar is a steadfast supporter of the Faith of Estel, and while she does believe some of its doctrines are outdated, she still follows it. As for Unionism, the other religion with significant prominence in her life, she is quite aware the Imperial Spirit exists - but she does not see it as her faith, instead seeing Unionism as the faith of Humans, and the Altalar Pantheon as the faith of Elves. All the same, Iladar does seek to find a Unionist reverend willing to work with her in order to create a more syncretic faith.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Being bound by her very nature to such things, Iladar is not necessarily opposed to magic in and of itself. However, over the course of her life she has witnessed both good and evil wielding such powers - and as a result, has gradually formed the view that while magic should not be purged from Aloria, it ought to be carefully controlled, lest it reach the hands of those who would seek to do ill with it.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • By and large, family for Iladar consists exclusively of her adoptive children - her blood relatives are all dead or missing, save for a few Mortis Dael (though those, too, are dead in a sense). Toward these, she feels immense affection, frequently doting on them, even to the extent of being downright excessive at times.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • The greatest insecurity in Iladar's life is the fear that she may truly be incapable of achieving her goals of reunification, and thus her efforts are wholly in vain. This idea unsettles her to the core, and even at the best of times it can leave her uncharacteristically quiet to consider.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • If there is anything Iladar is truly and unabashedly proud of, it is her
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The belief that the disparate Nelfin races can be reunited once more, brought together under the banner of a reformed Allorn Empire - one that does not subjugate the rest of Aloria, but instead coexists.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Being turned into a Kathar, her mind and will corrupted by the Void's influence. Not much more to say about that.

  • Born into one of the Scalay Lines, Iladar's early life was one lived in luxury. Her mother was a silven, and something of a modernist by Altalar standards; her father, meanwhile, was a hardline revanchist who firmly believed that the Allorn Empire would return to power. However, despite this, she never truly fell in line with either of them - something that became clear from the day she was born, with her mysterious and largely unknown paternal grandmother having died not long prior. Born with silver rings around her irises, she was initially mistaken for a Silven like her mother; but before long her first shift into her Gateway Form occurred. Considerable confusion followed the revelation of her true nature, and while a reasonable amount was gleaned from surviving Allorn texts on the topic of Aleia, ultimately only Iladar herself would understand what she truly was.
Coming of Age:
  • Upon reaching 20 - still a child by Altalar standards, and indeed physically so as she had barely entered puberty - the young Aleia set out on a decade-long pilgrimage to the different races the Nelfin had long since shattered into. She spent a year with each, the rest of the time being consumed by travel. Travelling to each corner of what had once been the Allorn Empire was no small feat, especially for one so young, but investing some of her family's wealth into the matter ensured she was well-escorted and ready for any risks.
  • The first of her goals was to visit the Cielothar, something that posed no major issue. Spending a year amongst them, she gradually came to understand their way of life, but inevitably, her time among them came to a close and she set out for the Avanthar tribes. During this period she also encountered a young Yanar named Wilwarin, eventually being persuaded to bring the plant-child along on her pilgrimage.
  • She had a harder time getting to the Avanthar than the Cielothar, and indeed the first half of her year with the tribe was spent simply gaining their trust. But in time, she learned from them, too, and their wild ways opened her eyes to much she had never witnessed in her pampered upbringing.
  • It was once she sought the reclusive Isldar, however, that she found her first true obstacle. Months of work to gain the trust of a Dragon Priestess were nearly undone when the Isldarin woman was caught in the midst of an attack on a wraithhold. However, Iladar's escort managed to bring her safely back, and in the process gained her access to an Isldar enclave. In the time spent there, she was taught their unique dialect of Elven, and recieved as a parting gift a dress of Isldarin silk.
  • The Kathar were even harder to approach; and it was only by cutting a deal with a Saivale who sought a number of imports from the remains of the Allorn Empire that Iladar was able to gain insight into the lives of the Kathar. Posing as a slave, she witnessed their lifestyles and politics firsthand, and left with a considerably deeper understanding of what had caused the collapse of the Allorn Empire and the corruption of its aristocracy.
  • Her last visit in the pilgrimage was to the Sihndar of Drowda. A dangerous trip, they never truly trusted her despite her doing everything in her power to prove that her nature was primal in origin. In spite of this, she was witness to some of the horrors of Drowda,
  • In the end, Iladar's pilgrimage came to a close, and she returned to the Shrine of Talea to meditate upon all she had learned. A full week was spent in the mirrored pools, and eventually, she came to a decision. If she was to strengthen those who might choose to follow her, she would need her crafts to be unparalleled. Something that could not only earn her considerable wealth to work with, but grant strength to her disciples. And so, Sca'Elle was chosen.
  • While passing through Daenshore for business, Iladar happened to be quite near the crash site of the Maraya breeding chamber that resulted in the Skyfallen Maraya. Indeed, she even took several of the eggs herself, stowing them with supplies - having assumed them to be some sort of exotic animal eggs being transported by airship. Being kept along with a fair amount of plant matter in the form of food supplies, these later hatched into Maraya of all different subspecies - a few Haat- and El-Maraya as well as a trio of Ka-Maraya (and a Nol-Maraya at that). The Ka- and El-Maraya - the former having hatched from the same, abnormally large egg - stayed under her tutelage as scholars and smiths, while the Haat- and Nol-Maraya went wayward.
Later Life:
  • For Iladar, time spent within Altalar politics was - in its own way - just as enlightening as her pilgrimage had been. A great deal of time was spent consolidating a position simply acting as an advisor to a minor lord, a position where she learned far more about the Allorn political environment than was taught in her childhood.
  • The more Iladar learned of politics, the more she began to feel dissatisfied with its state among the Altalar. At times it seemed to her they actually wound up moving backwards, undoing overnight what had taken years to build.
  • What finally pushed Iladar to abandon her homeland altogether was witnessing the destruction and bloodshed of recent war firsthand. She openly spoke against it, only to be rejected by her people. In the end, this led her to a realisation - so long as the Ailor and the Altalar were at odds, the situation would never improve. The only chance the Allorn Empire had of becoming a world power once more, of reuniting the erstwhile Elves, was not against Regalia - but alongside it. And so it was that she set out to Regalia, in the hopes of bringing together any Nelfin who would listen in open cooperation with the Empire, and perhaps proving their peaceful intentions, taking the first step toward reconciliation.

Edit Log:
24/03/2019 - Rewrote her to fit her new role as an Aleia. Cleared edit log because it's not really applicable anymore. Also set the tag to Needs Reviewer, because Bagley is no longer staff and so he can't really re-review it.
6/04/2019 - Added metallurgy boost from lesser gang, since it's the one we selected.
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You're one point over proficiency cap.

Middle Altalar shouldn't be a parental language, given how it is a near-dead fringe language spoken in isolated pockets and among groups like the Isldar.

The Allorn Language is not applicable as a language to be listed given that it is practically untranslatable, as stated in the lore. Isldarin Elven has been replaced by Middle Altalar. Seraph, Ancient Altalar and Void Script can go unmentioned as a character is automatically able to translate these dead languages once they reach 24 proficiency. These cannot be spoken fluently.

The Wings of Valleia are not a passive thing that are actively present. They can be summoned to protect oneself and others when needed.
Rewritten as an Aleia, updated to latest character application format, and now in need of a new reviewer as the previous one has left staff.
Also, if the staff member who picks it up could clear the old replies from the thread - or ask someone with the ability to do so to, well, do so - that would be immensely appreciated.