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Il Galo Nero - Letter To Those Capable


Thank you! And goodnight.
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I bet you'd like to know.



A yellow-tanned notice would be hung from up from Old Town to New town- each page with a dagger stabbed through the top, holding it against whatever wooden post there was behind it. The writing was legible, and word would spread fast that the active Il Gallo Nero company were in the market for new swords.
Dear Public,
The Il Gallo Nero company has been at the forefront of contracts. Signing with charters such as The Violet Order, and the Holy Theomar Inquisiton. We've also served various noble and common houses alike in the means of protection. There are only a limited amount of spots, but the company is hiring for valient, and skilled blades who yearn to garner some decent coin through lending your weapon to a company. Few restrictions are in place to make sure our work is h̶o̶n̶e̶s̶t̶ efficent. List your name and your preffered weapons down below, and you will surely hear back from us.
Rules before listing your name:

No Magi shall work under the company
Silven shall work under the company
No named heretics shall work under the company

- Shall Spirit guide you, and your families to Everwatch -

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To the Nero,

i cant writ. i am good wit sowrds n knife

i ran warband bre mat. i hate mat.

i talk better, interview pleas

Enzo Celso
To the honorable Il Galo Nero,

After a long trip in the Drixagh wilderness, I have come back to the city of Regalia, seeking a job. A man by the name of Nicolow dey Marchezi told me this company would suit me. He told me he knows whoever is in charge of this group. I have plenty of experience in this field, as I am a trained Skagger warrior, I formerly served as a house guard for House Ravenstad, and I fought in the war against the Avanthar. My preferred weapons would be the Skagger axes. I hope to work alongside you all in the future.

Bjorn Storfjell

(Bjorn isn't very good at writing, but he was able to get some intelligent-looking person on the street to help him write this letter for a couple of regals.)
To the honorable Il Galo Nero,

After a long trip in the Drixagh wilderness, I have come back to the city of Regalia, seeking a job. A man by the name of Nicolow dey Marchezi told me this company would suit me. He told me he knows whoever is in charge of this group. I have plenty of experience in this field, as I am a trained Skagger warrior, I formerly served as a house guard for House Ravenstad, and I fought in the war against the Avanthar. My preferred weapons would be the Skagger axes. I hope to work alongside you all in the future.

Bjorn Storfjell

(Bjorn isn't very good at writing, but he was able to get some intelligent-looking person on the street to help him write this letter for a couple of regals.)
Accepted PM me your Discord.
To Those Concerned Of The Il Galo Nero Company,

My name is Joppa Engeram, and I'd like to express interest in joining up in arms with this particular collection with particular note of the lack of restrictions in mind. My skill in arms is preferential to the spear and on horseback, horseback lending itself very little to city-work mind you, and the longsword.

I've had respectable familiarity with such tools for the past handful of years. I did work in Etosia and fought as an independent party against the Lo forces during the Battle Of Rothburg, and charged the walls with the reclamation forces during the following battle.

Before I am further considered, however, it is imperative that I meet in person with one of your membership. I suffer from an illness that must be discussed in person.

Joppa Engeram

Relevant Character Sheet:
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To the honorable Il Galo Nero,

After a long trip in the Drixagh wilderness, I have come back to the city of Regalia, seeking a job. A man by the name of Nicolow dey Marchezi told me this company would suit me. He told me he knows whoever is in charge of this group. I have plenty of experience in this field, as I am a trained Skagger warrior, I formerly served as a house guard for House Ravenstad, and I fought in the war against the Avanthar. My preferred weapons would be the Skagger axes. I hope to work alongside you all in the future.

Bjorn Storfjell

(Bjorn isn't very good at writing, but he was able to get some intelligent-looking person on the street to help him write this letter for a couple of regals.)
It sounds like you bring a wealth of experience and skill, especially with your background as a Skagger warrior and your service with House Ravenstad. With your expertise, especially in handling Skagger axes, you'll be a strong asset. Looking forward to working alongside you!