Preserved Sheet Ikaiko Yamu Mordida

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The Blood Banker
Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information

Full Name:
Ikaiko Yamu Mordida




Main Ambition:
Respect, Power, and Honor

Special Permission:
Graklak Expert

Ikaiko is currently a common class citizen, living under Fong's adventure mansion in his own coven. He is a guard for Fong, patrolling the tunnels around his coven and under his factory. He was born from Kekoa Mordida and Wikolia Namiko, with several other deceased siblings. He was trained in the art of Graklak for most of his life.

School of Graklak


17 years in Daendroc, training from The Pit.

Visual Information

Eye Color:
Sickly yellow

Skin Color:
Jade-ish Aqua

Maroon robes around waist and across chest. Large golden belt across belly.

7 feet

Body Build:

Weapon of Choice:
Fists, Jaws

Personality and Abilities

Ikaiko, simply put, is seen as intimidating and wise. His large and beastly appearance often makes others deter from interacting with him, despite his calm and blunt demeanor. Often, Ikaiko can be seen as disrespectful to people of higher power, as he treats most people depending on their respect for him. He is almost like an orc, though holds himself with a more intelligent, collected attitude.

Always striving to keep an open mind as taught by his tribe, Ikaiko finds himself constantly changing with time. He bases most of his morality around his honor, and does not hesitate in his actions. He sees himself as the product of his work and effort. With this, he believes that the more effort he puts into his work, the better he will become and the more he will gain.

kaiko has very few close friends, and no one to call family as of yet. Though to those who are seen as very close friends, he most likely finds them honorable and well grown, showing more respect to them than anyone else. He will do anything for them without much question, as he finds that denying assistance to those close to him is dishonorable. To these people, he would seem less stone faced and more humorous in some ways; laid back.

Ikaiko is a strong, chaotic good kind of character. He follows the laws unless he finds that the laws prohibit a better outcome, in which case he would take matters into his own hands. Heavily basing his morals off of honor and wisdom he has learned over the years, he does not act out without thought, though does so without hesitation. Ikaiko finds that using laws to shape morals is like putting chains to one's self, whereas instinct is being too sloppy.


Graklak Champion:

Through seventeen years of training, Ikaiko has managed to win in the tournament in the Ring of Grak. . His body is covered in various patches of scales through a life of labor and training, though more patchy across his back, back of arms. His knuckles and hands are lightly scaled from scrapping over the years.

Strong Bite:

Ever since the start of his life, he had insisted on sticking to a diet of meat and bone. To be able to consume the marrow of an animal's bones meant that he was able to get more from what he ate. This originated from a habit of eating turtles and crabs, allowing Ikaiko to grow large tusks to pierce through the shell and crush bones. The ability to crush bones with his bite gave him his name, Ikaiko Mordida, meaning "Strong Bite".


Passing through both his Trial of Life and Trial and the Trials of the Pit, most of his life demanded of self sufficiency and survivability. Not to say that he would survive better from a horrid injury, but to keep himself alive in the wilderness. He would have knowledge of hunting or fending off wildlife, only allowing him to keep himself alive more efficiently.

Ikaiko is a decent hunter regarding his past and childhood of being taught how to do such. Though he is not professional, he gets the job done. He is also a very good leader, though this will only show when he has to be, or if the situation calls it.


Why wouldn't a large crocodile man like food?

After being under Orcish influence his whole life, it would be a SIN to deny gold if offered.


Growing up in some of the warmest areas in Aloria, it should be no surprise. Whether it is warm sea water or a sunny day, he would much prefer the heat than being in any sort cold.


Growing up in a very tropical region of Aloria, he much prefers heat, and on contrary to his likes, he despises the cold.

Being called "Fish"
"...Do NOT..."

Well, as a child… He went to take a stroll on the beach and...

Doctor Fong:
Met in a jiffy, almost instantly hired Ikaiko for his guard job. Ikaiko finds him very strange as such an important figure in Regalia.

N'Fali Tangara:
Once raid buddies during their training in Daedroc, they have reunited in Regalia as Graklak friends. Ikaiko finds this him to be the most honorable man he has met.

Gue is a massive dog of a Maiar Ikaiko had met during his first days in Regalia. The only way he could describe him is… "Gue." He is loyal and trustworthy in Ikaiko's eyes.

Life Story
  • In 268 AC, Eight Maiar are born of Kekoa Mordida and Wikolia Namiko on a group of islands off the costs of Daendroc and Guldar.​
  • Tribal tradition is for newborn Murr to undergo the "Trial of Birth". They released far off in the sea, and whichever comes back to the island alive is strong enough, and worthy of life. This is to also keep the island population controlled.​
  • Only one of the Murr return, that being Ikaiko.​

  • Ikaiko is taught Orcish traditions and honor as it had been adapted into the Maiar tribe.​
  • He learns to eat hard shelled animals like crabs and turtles, not only growing tusks as an adaption, but earning his name through his strong bite.​
  • Ikaiko is inspired by Graklak fighting from the neighboring Orc tribe, excelling in its practice after a maiar of the tribe goes to privately teach it. He is then recommended to the school of Graklak in Daendroc, where is happily accepts to join.​
  • Ikaiko arrived in Daendroc only to be confronted a challenge when trying to join the school, then succeeding​
  • Many years pass over Ikaiko's training regarding raids, training other whelps, and so on. He eventually becomes expert in the art, successfully winning a tournament before heading back home.​
  • Four years of training the youth of the tribe, he is suddenly promoted to chieftain. Though during the celebration, the Bone Horror incident occurs, causing Ikaiko to regretfully flee upon his tribe's command.​
  • Ikaiko flees the horrors back through Daendroc and to Regalia.​
  • He gains wisdom through his stay in Regalia, learns to be less aggressive and is taken under Doctor Fong's employment as a tunnel guard.​
  • Ikaiko now strives to recollect Maiar to recreate his tribe, and to gain respect and influence through Regalia.​
It was 268 AC, and the Isles of the Guldarian and Daendroci seas, three islands shared by the Orcish and Maiar tribes Orlak and Yamu; they grew excited. As the sweltering mid-summer sun peaked overhead, the chitters and squeaks of infantile Murr filled the humid air. All eight spawn of Kekoa Mordida and Wikolia Namiko sprawled out across the beach, only to be gathered, as the ceremony welcoming their birth was about to begin. Chants and cheers began to echo throughout the small island, as each infant's chest was carved into with a gilded dagger, embedding the crest of the tribe into their skin. Then, the chieftain of the tribe, taking all of the infantiles in a large bowl, carried them far out to sea. Only to release them and swim back; the Trial of Life has begun.
This trial was not only used to keep the small island's population controlled, but to prove which of the spawn were strong enough to survive in the sea, and which were chosen by the gods of the sea to be guided back to land. The trial lasts between six months to a year, though after a full year of the infants either being eaten off, starved, or lost, a single Murr rose to the surface of the beach. The reptilian jawed murr had crawled up onto the sands, only for those that gathered, to see the tribe's crest centered on its chest. The Murr rejoiced, celebrating the return of one who had proven its worth in the Trial of Life.​

As this Murr began to grow over the next few years, it would be taught of honor, and the customs the Maiar adopted from the Orcs they had shared the islands with. Not yet given a name, this would change when the Murr had its talent show, its purpose. After a hunting trips to teach the small Murr on how to survive efficiently on both land and water, it became apparent that the child had grown a habit of eating hard shelled creatures. This had made the child grow tusks, and not only allowing it to soon eat large sea turtles, but to appeal to the Orcs of the other tribe as well. Though as time went on, and the habit grew, it was witnessed how the massive tusks of the Maiar began to shatter bone as it entered its years of adolescence. After the chieftain witnessed this, he had decided to name him Ikaiko Morida, translating to "Strong Bite".
As Ikaiko had grown to roughly twelve years of age, it was mandatory he began to learn combat. As he had gone through countless weapons and showing no excelling use in any of them, it was when a celebration between the Orc and Maiar tribes, that Ikaiko had found his greatest weapon. Watching how the Orcs pummeled their enemy with just their fists, Ikaiko had instantly adored the art. While it was rare for a Maiar to invest in the Orc's arts, one of the high warriors of the Murr tribe had taken Ikaiko under his wing as to teach the combat privately. As Ikaiko began to excel beyond even his own expectations, his talent showed during the celebration between tribes years later. At fifteen years of age, Ikaiko was recommended the school of Graklak and The Pit. He accepted without hesitation.​

The long swim to Daendroc, and the treck through his jungles were only his first trial, he suddenly upon the school of Graklak. Upon arriving in the pit, he was immeditatly challenged by a Ring of Grak member. Taking this challenge, he had overcome the orc with effort; it was obvious that he had a long way to go. After a time he could not fathom, he had built himself up more strength and mass than he could have thought, his evolutionary physiology obviously helping with this. Through keeping his jaws strong by eating bone over this time, he would have not used his bite in battle in fear of being seen as dishonorable. Upon reaching Warrior level in the school, Ikaiko had grown a thick, rocky layer of scales over his fists after training countless hours of punching wooden posts.
After a full sixteen years in the jungles of Daendroc fighting, raiding, bleeding, and training both himself and whelps beneath him, he had finally found himself ready to fight in the annual tournament. It was a week long tournament, with the final fight between Ikaiko and a massive Orc, the fight had lasted for a full half hour before Ikaiko had won, covered in blood. Then, arriving back home with welcoming arms, he had wore the large gold belt of the school with pride.
After four years of training the youth of his tribe, and proving his worth to them, a ceremony was held a week after the last chieftain had past. Ikaiko had been chosen for this position due to his promising leadership for the tribe, and was then given yet a second belt to adorn him, the chieftain's belt and loin cloth. Though, as he would have put on the belt, a flash of bright light had echoed from the sky, screeching as it beamed and landed down between the three islands. The shock of this had only followed when the once dead chieftain had risen from the sea, along with all the other deceased members of both tribes. As both tribes had begun to try and fight off the undead horrors, it soon became apparent how grim the situation was, as the monstrosities only put themselves together again with arms ripped from those still alive. Against Ikaiko's instinct to fight to the death, he was threatened to be disowned from the tribe as an act of dishonor if he had not fled the battle to recreate the tribe in a brighter day. Then, to do as he was told with regret he still holds to this present day, he had fled the battle with a broken honor.​

Fleeing back to the jungles of Daendroc, he had found the school had been fending the threat off well, though with casualties, of course. Ikaiko took this chance to tell no one of what happened, knowing he would be unwelcome to come back for his dishonor, and instead used this as a way to traverse to the east side of Daendroc, only to begin his swim again. Weeks of swimming through the central oceans of Aloria, had he arrived among the archipelago of the Regalian empire. After a few days of wandering, he had arrived at the crown city by word of it having been untouched by the undead.
After familiarizing himself with the city through various encounters, both social and combat, he had compared the ways of life to what he once lived. Finding much wisdom in this, he had learned how to act in a less aggressive, more empathetic manner than he initially did. Half a year from his arrival, he had been taken under Doctor Fong's wing as a guard for his export tunnels, continuing this job till this day. Though, as of recently, he strives for a greater power, feeling as if he has been idle for too long, as he also looks forward to reuniting a tribe once more.​



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Ok, for anyone that sees the two spoilers, I rather don't care about it. I've spent over an hour trying to fix it with the corrupt posting system the forums give, and it will just have to be dealt with. I'm finished.
...toatally didn't pick the top voting choice... I'm sorry friendo it was the best possible choice lmao
Alright, let's get started:

So while I really like the look of the app, I do have a few concerns, largely focused around the whole "Maiar raised by Orcs" thing. I have never heard of any sort of relationship between Orc and Maiar, and it sounds rather... questionable, if it would actually work. I could potentially see it working as the orcs were masters over the maiar, but I am not certain that they would exist peacefully together. So while I think the concept is cool there are a few things I will need to have you change.
  • First, The languages. Vashkularr is one of the most difficult languages for any other race to learn. So while orcs can learn it, it is fundamentally different from all other languages, being that it uses a lot of incredibly guttural sounds and arm movements. Then combine that with the fact that Maiar do not pick up languages easily, you end up with a problem. So you will need to change his ability to speak Vashkularr to at most knowing four or five commands (sit, fight, strike, etc.). He would actually have an easier time learning common, since the sounds of the common language also come from the throat/mouth.
  • Second, he would not have an orcish mentor, since orcs care little for other races. I could see an orc training him to fight because the orcs could see the maiars as a useful group of soldiers, and so he'd get training. He'd probably still be made into a soldier, but the orcish student would not have happened as well. The orcs would train their own kind instead of allowing a maiar to do it, since it bring honor to the orcs. They may spar with Ikaiko as they train, but he wouldn't get his own student.
Really those are the two biggest holes I see in the character. Overall it was well written and I really enjoyed reading it, but the matching up of orc and maiar is a bit fishy to me. Make changes in Red please and tag me when you've made them.

@Doc_Cantank Probably making you want to punch my throat in. Just replaced a picture inside the post, and the prefix is gone again. I don't remove it intentionally.
Looks like Evolutionary Physiology caused Ikaiko to look pretty deformed at some point in his life. (Click the seagull spoiler in the Fun Facts section if you don't know what I'm referencing)

Great character by the way. Digging the alligator head idea. :P
Looks like Evolutionary Physiology caused Ikaiko to look pretty deformed at some point in his life. (Click the seagull spoiler in the Fun Facts section if you don't know what I'm referencing)

Great character by the way. Digging the alligator head idea. :P
@Doc_Cantank Changed his physique to Strong man, due to the whole body type page having came out
Remove the "Rock like scales" on the knuckles under the Graklak Champion and give me evidence of requesting a special permission as a reply to this comment to be re-approved.
Any staff to come here, I request that this sheet is removed / deleted as it is being redone into an updated version! Thank you!