Archived /ignore List

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Mr. Valucio
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Pretty straightforward idea.

Idea: Creating a command: /ignore list. It simply lists all the players you have ignored currently.

Benefits: I constantly forget who I have ignored. And a lot of times I tend to unignore the person later on. It'll keep people from permanently ignoring each other. And seeing your ignore list is often times helpful.

Thoughts or feedback?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I support. It's really hard to keep track of the people you've ignored and if you forget ,it leads to pretty awkward stand stills in role-play somtimes.
I agree this would be nice.

I have /ignored people in the past for being disruptive to roleplay, but forgot to unignore them later until someone else asked me to unignore them. I typically only temp ignore people if I have to, and I feel bad if I forget to unignore them. So a list would be nice xD
I've always wanted this idea and several times thought this idea actually existed. I support, but what I would also like to be added to this feature is the ability to see who is ignoring you, so you may perhaps talk with them about getting unignored. Because me personally, I hate being ignored.
most of the people I have ignored have left the server, normally due to them not understanding how to RP. but I would like this in the game.
"Just a sec"-
I've been wanting that for about a year now. When people want to trade with me or rp, sometime i just can't hear them, think they are afk and walk off. With a list of who i ignored it wouldn't make me feel like an idiot when i can't hear someone. I support this idea and hope it comes soon.
This used to exist back in the old days, I have no idea why it was removed, could have been to the change in chat pluggin.
This would be a great idea! (Even though I tend not to ignore) It's quite difficult to RP with a few people that all have each other ignored! x
Pretty straightforward idea.

Idea: Creating a command: /ignore list. It simply lists all the players you have ignored currently.

Benefits: I constantly forget who I have ignored. And a lot of times I tend to unignore the person later on. It'll keep people from permanently ignoring each other. And seeing your ignore list is often times helpful.

Thoughts or feedback?

๖ۣۜI remember someone screaming at me to try to get me to see something important, but I forgot I had them ignored.

๖ۣۜWhich sucks, because they were trying to warn me about raiders.
+1 Support
I was actually wondering if this was a thing, and I was doing the wrong command or something last week.

๖ۣۜWhich sucks, because they were trying to warn me about raiders.
+Support, I've been hoping something like this might be added soon.
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