A light red missive is posted under the same notice board, penned from the desk of House Blàrach:
As a Hvarkirik of the Fornoss fate, I am not blind to our Faithful's history with the Allorn Empire. It was our Eili Gods that shepherded our escape from the endless bloodshed, misery, and slavery by the gilded Allorn fist. When the brief security of Aldra proved infeasible, our kind Eili tirelessly created a Pact with the more powerful Vola, leading us to Volaheim. This is all to say, any ignobility spoken is not spoken lightly.
The Medes Corsair Fleet has declared the island chain of Eriu-Innis "liberated", as their Living-Metal 'Khepers' sacrilegiously reap through Grove and Temple alike. In response Lady Vasnaf, their commander, cites the threat of resistance against their counter-invasion as indication of friendship with the Allorn Elves, making transparent that 'every coin, every scrap of iron, every ingot and every sheet of steel, is necessary' for a war to come. No experienced General is blind to war, nor the tactics used to fill the war chests needed to fuel it.
On one hand, the Corsairs wield a shield of moral justification, decorated with the historic burdens of their people's subjugation by the Allorn. They take position as the lesser of two evils, intending only to occupy until the stocks of export start dwindling, and even then in preparation of a worse state of affairs. In the other, they wield the sword. By strip-mining Eriu-Innis of its value, the Corsairs intend to cripple the Aontaithe and Gallovian Faithful at their wrists, leaving them ravaged and destitute to the restored advance of a currently retreated Allorn force. Their shield does not permit them to enchain the Faithful themselves, only to plunder with such zeal that the Faithful have no strength of hand or leverage of land value with which to resist the chains of those proceeding their brief counter-occupation. This is not "liberation", it is a slow poison.
To rebuke the uncondoned actions of the Corsairs in blind retribution is not my intention. I will accept the courtesy of the Corsairs towards relief efforts of my Faithful, as well as the hopeful re-occupation of civilian areas towards the protection of my Faithful in such times as their inability to protect and support themselves. I will strive to secure the safety of our Faithful, and I call on all others of similar mind, soldi and svaldi to join me. However, we will do so with transparency, devoid of the veneer cast by the Corsair's shield to excuse their strategy.
Should you intend to wield your sword, and your supporters to endorse this crippling, do so proudly and without false pretence.
Just as the Allorn laws, politics and policies of old permitted their actions then, those of today permit your actions now.
Natharia Shona Blàrach
Countess of Atherdin, Bergengreep and Overbos
Matriarch of House Blàrach
General in the Regalian Army