Archived Ignitable Tnt As A Hat

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
For the premiums, could we make TNT ignitable when people wear it as a hat? I do not know if this is possible because I do not know the code for it. Instead of going on into a long rant about this, I'll just post a list of pros and cons that will be edited as people post replies.

- Gives the RP of suicide bombers
- Gives premiums something to mess around with

- Might be impossible or not worthy of Cayorion's time to code in
- Might cause a lagfest and could be too unstable
- Might be abusable as people like those guys who dressed up as world leaders against greater good, would go around and act like a kami blowing errbody up

Credit of this idea goes to WatchDogEditor. The list will be updated as soon as more people reply to this.
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Now that Imboring is donator he'll be suggesting all sorts of random stuff. xD I think this would be fun, but also abusable as people like those guys who dressed up as world leaders against greater good, would go around and act like a kami blowing errbody up.
Actually, now that I think of it, it shouldn't cause that much lag. If people wanted to set off a lag fest, they could've planted 300 mines and blown them up at the same time. This shouldn't affect it as far as I know.[DOUBLEPOST=1359428785][/DOUBLEPOST]
Now that Imboring is donator he'll be suggesting all sorts of random stuff. xD I think this would be fun, but also abusable as people like those guys who dressed up as world leaders against greater good, would go around and act like a kami blowing errbody up.
I guess abusable could be a con, depending on what people do with it. Added that to the cons list in your exact words.
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