Preserved Sheet Ifris Askai'ba

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Feb 12, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Full Name: Ifris Askai'ba (middle: Batet) (nickname: Ifri)

  • Age: 50

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Songaskia

  • Sexuality: Bisexual
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 points, from 50 years of age.​

  • +10 Dragon Knowledge (from Songaskia Race Boost)

  • +10 Bodycare Training (from Songaskia Race Boost)

  • +15 Axes Combat Skill (from Points)

  • +15 Extra-Heavy Combat Skill (from Points)

  • +5 Nature Care Sciences (from Points)

  • +5 Historical Knowledge

  • +10 Marshal Knowledge

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 15 Axe Combat Skill + 15 Extra-heavy Combat Skill (x2) + 10 Bodycare Training (1/2) = 50 Physical Stat

  • Body Shape: Strongman

  • Body Fat: Moderate


  • Common (learned as a child during education)

  • Sofaal (learned from parents)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Elder Shift-- an ability to shift to a more human-friendly form (Lesser form: non-draconian)

  • Elemental Shift--aesthetic change (hair) to match one of the four elements (earth, wind, fire,water)

  • World Flow Powers--subtle/weak control over the four elements in the nearby space (not to be confused with magic)

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Amber

  • Hair Color: light gold

  • Hair Style: Ear-length, curly/wavy

  • Skin Color: Ash-brown

  • Horns: main set black and curled with crimson-painted tips, secondary on the forehead (small)

  • Clothing: Usually formal, Black shoulder cloak, heavy black scaled armor, gold armor pads (pauldrons)

  • Height: 6'6"
Personality and Abilities (Required)

1: Perception
Ifris' build and menacing demeanor often intimidates passerby, but the scowl on her face means no harm. Ifris is not a troublemaker and is very courteous in public. She carries herself with dignity, obviously proud of her appearance. She will not often initiate conversation but is open and provides a listening ear to any and all who wish to talk. She enjoys strategy-based things (such as chess) and is surprisingly cunning when it comes these sorts of games. to Conversations with her often lead to a clamorous discussion, as her voice increases in volume as she becomes more comfortable with her surroundings. While she is polite and extroverted, she is more of a question-asker than one to talk about herself. However, she is very headstrong when it comes to her own honor. She does not believe most are worth a physical fight, and she will turn to her extensive vocabulary of insults and curses (or compliments, if she wishes to piss off her assailant further) to fight instead. But if someone poses a physical threat, she will not hesitate to send a punch or two their way.

2: Internal

A heavy amount of pressure has been placed upon Ifris since her birth into a military family in the Songaskian Masaya. Ifris has always shown an interest in nature-based sciences and art, but these hobbies were pushed to the side to make way for physical and military training. She is a perfectionist, but only for herself-- she sees a minor mistake as a great flaw. She sometimes finds herself wishing that she had gone down a different path--one involved in alchemy or the arts--but quickly stamps out this idea since, with her upbringing, it is impossible. She wishes to one day become a high-ranking general and governor who will be remembered in Songaskian history and will do almost anything to achieve that goal. She fears that in her stay in Regalia, her society back home will evolve and change without her.

3: Friends and Family
Her sense of humor and wordplay comes out when in the presence of friends and family. She forms close, kin-like bonds with friends and accomplices, especially if they have been in combat together in the past. She is not especially close to her family--her father died when Ifris was young, and her mother puts constant pressure on her to uphold and maintain her family's military status. Close friends are the only people she will open up to about her life back in Johari. Even then, she can lie easily and does not enjoy discussing her future. While at first, she seems to simply roll with the tide, underneath she has larger plans for herself she does not like to talk about with anyone. Friends are the only people that she will participate in her old hobbies with, such as cooking, beer-brewing, gardening, and (rarely) music-making.
4: Morals

Ifris, even in her time in Regalia, remains extremely loyal to the Songaskian Masaya. She has a strict view when it comes to justice, often only seeing "good" vs. "evil". Her overall demeanor tends to be lawful neutral. She is forgiving (to an extent), and is willing to listen to other's ideologies and philosophies, but is steadfast in her own traditional Songaskian views--she is a faithful follower of the Shambala religion (although she doesn't actively follow it 24/7), and believes that the Songaskian Masaya is the greatest power, over Regalia. However, she is not anti-Regalia and believes there is a lot to study in Regalian culture. She does not wish to change the current relations between the Empire and the Songaskians, but would be fine with the scales tipping towards war or peace.

Life Story

Ifris was born to two military parents in a small town outside Johari, the capital of the Songaskian Masaya. Her mother was often gone, most of her business being conducted in the capital. Up until the age of ten, Ifris' life was fairly free of any strict rules or guidelines. She was rambunctious as a child, but still enjoyed reading and make-believe games along with the roughhousing she did with her peers. She found a taste for growing plants after her grandmother gifted her a small patch of a garden.

The village she grew up in constantly had an uneasy air about it--the residents were strongly split on their political views, half anti-Empire, and the other pro-Empire. Her parents, being well-known in the town for their pro-Empire views, were often caught up in dangerous fights and arguments in the streets. Her mother was a very headstrong figure, but her father was not. At the age of 12, Ifris' grandmother (her father's mother) passed away. Ifris' father was distraught, leading to his reckless decision to get involved in a political fight in the local tavern. With such a prominent figure in the town fully involved, the fight escalated further than normal, and one drunkard, angry over her father's views, stabbed Ifris' father to death. Her mother returned home in a rage. Three days later, Ifris and her mother moved to Johari, where her mother believed they would be safer and bad memories would be left behind. Thus, Ifris left her friends, garden, and everything she'd known.

Ifris' mother was far different than her father, especially after his untimely death. She expected Ifris to quickly assimilate to life in a large city and did not want to talk about anything that had happened before their move. She quickly sent Ifris to a military school, saying that she was far overdue for the training that was necessary for her to uphold the family honor. Ifris, wanting to impress her mother, eagerly showed off at her new academy. It acted as a coping mechanism and distraction from the grief that had struck her early in life. She quickly recovered from the tragedy of the village she grew up in, refusing to talk about it at all until her later years (even then, only in the form of a joke).

Years went by, and Ifris furthered her education into the military, her competitive nature fueling her to do better than anyone else. She saw a lack of physical strength and hygiene as a weakness and was highly attentive to her physical form to an almost religious point. She was quick to learn how to develop strategies and war tactics but also believed that an understanding of the enemy's culture and society was necessary to do well in battle. She put her interest in arts and sciences to use by studying her own people's religion and culture, as well as others. However, she was not strongly vocal when it came to wartime politics. She believed that the Songaskia was the strongest military power, but befriended both pro- and anti-empire peers. Experience was important to Ifris--she enjoyed politics, but had not seen enough of the Empire first-hand to have a firm say yet.

At the age of 49, an opportunity of a lifetime came to her. Ifris' interesting tactics regarding warfare were well known to her friends and family (and her mother's friends). Ifris was summoned to be one of the pairs of eyes and ears of the Songaskians in Regalia. With her strong traditional beliefs and loyalty to the Songaskians, but also her friendly demeanor and openness towards other people, she accepted the task of traveling to Regalia to learn more for herself and for the Songaskian Masaya. She does not see herself as a spy--she simply sees herself as a temporary resident, here to learn as much as possible. However, she still strictly follows the orders of her superiors, no matter what they may be.
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S'up there! I'll be claiming this for staff review! You can expect a reply soon.
Hey again, it's review time!

My review:

Skill Information

  • Physical stat: Half of your Bodycare Training points counts towards your physical stat, please include this.
Other than that bit, you've written a solid and wonderful application! Make the small change and tag me when you're done!
Hey again, it's review time!

My review:

Skill Information

  • Physical stat: Half of your Bodycare Training points counts towards your physical stat, please include this.
Other than that bit, you've written a solid and wonderful application! Make the small change and tag me when you're done!
Thank you for the review, the Bodycare training issue has been fixed in green! @Katiesc