Preserved Sheet Idorri Vuhnreniirn

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Character Information
⛧ Full Name: Idorri Vuhnreniirn
⛧ Race: Kathar
⛧ Cult of Pride
⛧ Envy Silven​
⛧ Age: 360 (Appears in her early 30's)
⛧ Sex: Female
⛧ Sexuality: Bisexual​
⛧ Eye Color: Golden​
Core Concept
⛧ An old and learned noblewoman of Kathar descent who practices blood magic.​

Proficiency Information
⛧ Strength: 0
⛧ Short Blade Pack (Magic Dagger)​
⛧ Constitution: 0
⛧ Wisdom: 4
⛧ Common Alchemy Pack
⛧ Affliction Wisdom Pack
⛧ Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
⛧ Volacorum Wisdom Pack​
⛧ Dexterity: 1
⛧ Trailing Pack​
⛧ Magic: 7
⛧ Blood Magic Pack
⛧ Healing Magic Pack
⛧ Sensor Magic Pack
⛧ Space Magic Pack
⛧ Light Magic Pack
⛧ Body Magic Pack
⛧ Ice Magic Pack​
⛧ Charisma: 2
⛧ West Linguist Pack
⛧ Ancient Speech Pack​
Ability Information
⛧ Magic Packs (Void)
⛧ Silvenism​
⛧ Common (Free)
⛧ Modern Altalar
⛧ West Linguist Pack
⛧ Ancient Speech pack​

Appearance Information
⛧ Idorri has golden eyes due to her silven heritage, though has an added mutation of her eye-whites being a similar golden color
⛧ Idorri is an excessively pale Kathar with white hair turning to blonde at the ends. She is relatively tall at 6'7.​

Life Story
⛧ Born the second child of Altalar nobles. Pre cataclysm, in the original Allorn Empire
⛧ Idorri was a natural practitioner of both magic and alchemy, her studies focused on such matters. Her morbid fascination with extra-planar dimensions, particularly the void, led her down a path similar to her brother.
⛧ Into adulthood, while her brother was sent to become an admiral, she focused on her arcane studies. She utilized her magic and assisted in the night of the weeping starts, becoming a kathar on that night.
⛧ While her family focused on politics, Idorri focused more on the arcane and some subterfuge. She helped where she could in politics, but it wasn't her forte.
⛧ Idorri followed her family to the crown isle, hoping to learn more about recent magical events there, and to help the family progress in politics.​
Last edited:
Review time.
  • Character Information
    • Specify your character's eye color as gold, not orange due to their Silvenism.
  • Proficiencies
    • Specify which dimension (Void or Exist) your character's magic belongs to.
  • Languages
    • Is it intentional that you haven't put an Ancient Speech language here?
That is all. Let me know about the languages in a reply along with the edited eye color. Tag me in a reply once you have don this.
Review time.
  • Character Information
    • Specify your character's eye color as gold, not orange due to their Silvenism.
  • Proficiencies
    • Specify which dimension (Void or Exist) your character's magic belongs to.
  • Languages
    • Is it intentional that you haven't put an Ancient Speech language here?
That is all. Let me know about the languages in a reply along with the edited eye color. Tag me in a reply once you have don this.
Changed eye color, set magic to Void and added the Ancient Speech Language.