Archived Idol Statue[suggestion]

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A lost Architect of an ancient Helvetican Empire
Sep 9, 2012
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As many of us know, making a monument for another is quite lengthy in time and resources and yet, the easier, cheaper, and faster way has been introduced to us. With the latest update bringing us the "Armo(u)r Stand" and the ability to takes one head is simple. Why not combine the 2, allowing a figurable statue of a tyrant or oneself without having to take up several chunks and making a mess to per-fect the statue that stands so tall. I am not well with photoshopping but I am quite certain with these details you may be able to imagine what is being suggested.

There are several ideas or ways to go about this:
-Takes ones head whether it be mob or player and have them arranged on the crafting grid so that it is already on the stand without having to re-click the head on later.
-Place the Armo(u)r Stand in the position you would like it and make sure it's facing the right way. Then with the head in hand, right-click to place it where the head would "appear" to go.

Now of course you must be wondering, well what about the armo(u)r, how would it fit? From Boots to Cuirass the issue does not exist, however depending on the size of the armo(u)r on the stand and on persons could be different (some re-arranging may be needed). Alas, with final touches, your monument has been born and recognizable.

Please do not hesitate for comments and/or concerns however reframe from attempted flame and do not rate without giving your opinion, thank you.
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Here we can see the issue, one can place only either or and not both.


  • 2015-02-28_23.19.32.png
    451.1 KB · Views: 45
I dont see a point in this. also, armo(u)r stands are not blocks, but entities. this can cause a huge amount of lag when a lot of them are placed. using an armor stand is a great way to make a monument yes, but why would you need to put the head and helmet on it. there is once again no point to this.
The point to this is not having to build one of these(seen below). As for the armour, why wouldn't you want to dress up whomever's head is on there in armour. It could also be used in some sense to trick your enemy.


  • 2mea2h1.png
    398.5 KB · Views: 13
so, you want to be able to put a helmet on an armor stand that already has a head in that slot?
that's it right?
so, you want to be able to put a helmet on an armor stand that already has a head in that slot?
that's it right?

As simple as that. Cause if you notice in the first picture, the head when placed on the ground is smaller than the head placed on the stand. Why not convert the head size on the stand and add a 5th slot for hearwear..
okay, because, i agree with pinguin, your wording is very confusing. and to teh sugestion itself, i do not see how an armor stand can replace a giant monument.... this seems a useless sugestion to me

The giant monument takes up a lot of space, just to copy whomever you're building pixel by pixel. With the ability to takes someone's head in Massivecraft already in place and armour stands recently being added in why not combine the 2 to remove all that space being taken up by a giant monument with a simple 5 slot armour stand. I've already seen it done in pictures, just can't find the mod/plugin for it.
The giant monument takes up a lot of space, just to copy whomever you're building pixel by pixel. With the ability to takes someone's head in Massivecraft already in place and armour stands recently being added in why not combine the 2 to remove all that space being taken up by a giant monument with a simple 5 slot armour stand. I've already seen it done in pictures, just can't find the mod/plugin for it.
the whole purpose of a monument is it to bee seen from far away, and you can brag about it when you succesfully build it.
you can't do that with an armor stand
the whole purpose of a monument is it to bee seen from far away, and you can brag about it when you succesfully build it.
you can't do that with an armor stand

Tis true but think about it for a minute, How many chunks are you going to need for a Giant Monument? Those alone (to look proper) would need to be cleared, loss of land for building above ground. Meanwhile this small 1 x 1 x 2 can fit nearly anywhere. It be guarding the enterance to your faction home, used to trick your enemies by placing them randomly (picture just a head+helmet) poking up above a wall).
Tis true but think about it for a minute, How many chunks are you going to need for a Giant Monument? Those alone (to look proper) would need to be cleared, loss of land for building above ground. Meanwhile this small 1 x 1 x 2 can fit nearly anywhere. It be guarding the enterance to your faction home, used to trick your enemies by placing them randomly (picture just a head+helmet) poking up above a wall).
i think that, one chunk is all you need for a statue, never build one so don't quote me on the number.
and everyone can see your statue from a distance, that armor stand you basiclu have to be next to it in order to see it
i think that, one chunk is all you need for a statue, never build one so don't quote me on the number.
and everyone can see your statue from a distance, that armor stand you basiclu have to be next to it in order to see it

I wouldn't exactly say next to but it adds a nice effect. This idea could also be implemented into Regalia as Guards/Soldiers or townfolk.
for that they have NPC's

True but it would be more for background purposes. Like making a crowd of bystanders for an event. I know I'd use this in my faction if it was implemented. However the head size as seen back in the first picture dwarfs the armour.
True but it would be more for background purposes. Like making a crowd of bystanders for an event
this would only contribute to the lag you get when there is an event in regalia (totes not looking too the ball of last harvest festival wich was insanly laggy because of the amount of people that where gather on one place)
this would only contribute to the lag you get when there is an event in regalia (totes not looking too the ball of last harvest festival wich was insanly laggy because of the amount of people that where gather on one place)
Y U DO DIS.. making it hard to read -_- I hardly go to Regalia so I wouldn't know but okay scratch that.
this would only contribute to the lag you get when there is an event in regalia (totes not looking too the ball of last harvest festival wich was insanly laggy because of the amount of people that where gather on one place)
you are correct, it would generate a lot of lag because armor stands are entities. also NPC's are better because they have arms as well instead of nothing in the arm slots.
this would only contribute to the lag you get when there is an event in regalia (totes not looking too the ball of last harvest festival wich was insanly laggy because of the amount of people that where gather on one place)
Y U DO DIS.. making it hard to read -_- I hardly go to Regalia so I wouldn't know but okay scratch that.
you are correct, it would generate a lot of lag because armor stands are entities. also NPC's are better because they have arms as well instead of nothing in the arm slots.

Not to cause conflict but while searching through images on google about armour stands, I seen some with "arms" so you can add tools/weapons :S
That is done using command blocks

Also why not just put on your friends head and not have a hat on?

The comparison to the giant statues is also confusing
@Ha5h Mind locking this for me, thanks.
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