Archived Ideas To Push For Player Interaction

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
In light of the recent change to faction worlds to create more player interaction, I have thought of some ideas to push for more player interaction. In a time for drastic changes some of these are drastic and some may not be as good as others.

Remove the Trade world and allow players to create shops in faction worlds

Pros: What this does is remove a centralized location of trade and make it so that players have to go to other factions for trade. Factions can advertise their faction as having a trade center. This will mean that players need to forge alliances and friendships for more than just war but also trade. Trade chat would still be a useful tool if players want to advertise their faction markets or have auctions and other such activities. Another problem is shops who pay rent in the market but don't contribute to the economy at all. This would remedy that as markets would be moderated by factions owners/officers and there wouldn't be a limit to the space for markets.

Cons: Players may not enjoy having a centralized location for trade and the work people put into their markets stalls being lost may upset people.

Encourage road making
Part of this would possibly be the removal of teleportation to other players factions which would also mean raiders need to plan more when going to war with other factions.

Pros: Roads (Especially in medieval times) were important for linking cities. On massivecraft it would be nice to see roads used to get between factions. This would mean that there would be a fun way to get to factions as well as a place for raiders to take down traders. Traders could also trade with each other on the roads to other factions. Players who want to have a protection service would also have more business as traders hire mercenaries to protect them from raiders.

Cons: Depending on how it is implemented, players may not like going long distances to get to other factions. There may also be a lot of unwanted player deaths than angers people if it isn't handled properly.

I may add more ideas later and if you want to respond and criticize please make sure it's constructive! Staff please respond and put your ideas forth. If pros/cons are put forth for these ideas that I think work well, I will also add them. Also if you follow the format, I'll add your ideas too!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Pros: Roads (Especially in medieval times) were important for linking cities. On massivecraft it would be nice to see roads used to get between factions. This would mean that there would be a fun way to get to factions as well as a place for raiders to take down traders. Traders could also trade with each other on the roads to other factions. Players who want to have a protection service would also have more business as traders hire mercenaries to protect them from raiders.
While im all for this, in theory... in practice its gonna end up being "Why do i want to pay 1248274124 regals in tax for some stinkin roads"
While im all for this, in theory... in practice its gonna end up being "Why do i want to pay 1248274124 regals in tax for some stinkin roads"
Could make an application process for nicer, well-build roads to be staff perma claimed. Lot of issues that could arise from that though besides the amount of work it would take from the staff.
The big concern shouldn't even be about roads. It should be about which factions become the hubs for trade if this idea were implemented. Would it be the most active factions? Would the markets that mainly get used be located in only the most active factions?

Screw needing roads, just use portals. Get rid of the /tp market and you'll see prices fluctuate a ton as the active factions setup shops and try to get people to visit and the smaller factions compete.

I think if you get rid of /tp market, people will actually interact a lot more than they do. The /tp market in all its versions and time it's been on the server has always gathered attention. Remove it and players will need to interact with others and seek out good deals for items.
Screw needing roads, just use portals
I mean this is already a thing and most people are too lazy to set them up. Have a straight road though, you can sit there with a weight on w and walk away to setup your portal, which you can use to raid in the future. I don't think it's really in terms of practicality anyways, just adds a bit more realism. I have quite a lot of fond memories of the ithanian spawn roads when I was a new player, so also a bit nostalgic I guess.
While im all for this, in theory... in practice its gonna end up being "Why do i want to pay 1248274124 regals in tax for some stinkin roads"
I feel like for it to work there would need to be something to counter taxes and actually encourage the roads themselves, like making players walk faster when on the roads.
The big concern shouldn't even be about roads. It should be about which factions become the hubs for trade if this idea were implemented. Would it be the most active factions? Would the markets that mainly get used be located in only the most active factions?

Screw needing roads, just use portals. Get rid of the /tp market and you'll see prices fluctuate a ton as the active factions setup shops and try to get people to visit and the smaller factions compete.

I think if you get rid of /tp market, people will actually interact a lot more than they do. The /tp market in all its versions and time it's been on the server has always gathered attention. Remove it and players will need to interact with others and seek out good deals for items.
The thing about portals is it makes it easier to raid willy nilly whereas roads and having to travel would make it harder to do that and it would mean there needs to be more strategy in pvp.
I mean this is already a thing and most people are too lazy to set them up. Have a straight road though, you can sit there with a weight on w and walk away to setup your portal, which you can use to raid in the future. I don't think it's really in terms of practicality anyways, just adds a bit more realism. I have quite a lot of fond memories of the ithanian spawn roads when I was a new player, so also a bit nostalgic I guess.
Yah I like roads too. First faction I joined was settled in a valley that had that three roads leading into it. This was before nonprems could make portals so roads were essential for travel.

I like the idea of realism. And I think small factions that trade between each other that are in the same world might just travel between each other and not bother with portals. But we both know large factions that would take setting up markets seriously would make a portal directly to the market and give out the combo to increase traffic.

I'm just more interested in the impact this would have on the economy. I think overall it would be positive. Removing /tp market and making trade happen in trade chat and in the survival worlds that is. Roads between factions are kind of insignificant in the bigger picture in my opinion.
Yah I like roads too. First faction I joined was settled in a valley that had that three roads leading into it. This was before nonprems could make portals so roads were essential for travel.

I like the idea of realism. And I think small factions that trade between each other that are in the same world might just travel between each other and not bother with portals. But we both know large factions that would take setting up markets seriously would make a portal directly to the market and give out the combo to increase traffic.

I'm just more interested in the impact this would have on the economy. I think overall it would be positive. Removing /tp market and making trade happen in trade chat and in the survival worlds that is. Roads between factions are kind of insignificant in the bigger picture in my opinion.
Oh, for sure. I'm not really thinking of it in terms of the economic consequences, I really couldn't care less what happens to market; I think it won't change a ton either way, and both have their pros and cons which are relatively even.
In light of the recent announcement regarding the deletion of worlds, and to make it better for factions moving across, my suggestions are as follows;

Increase faction tax for over-claimed factions
Factions which have gone over their allotted power should definitely be penalised. This will wound 1-man factions claiming large cities or storage units in the remaining worlds forcing them to either sell up, disband, recruit or merge into another faction.

Turn off the ability to claim away from faction land
Once upon a time, it was not possible to claim land unattached from the current faction land. All land had to be connected. This has now resulted in the world being riddled with singular chunk claims of land for raid portals and the like, taking up land which factions may want to claim and build on. In my opinion, purely my opinion, this decision to unrestrict claiming land, was one of the biggest mistakes the server made. If you're going to compact the server into 3 or so worlds, make all claims in one area, not a dozen areas.

Make a rule regarding storage factions
They should either be in a new potential world (a storage world), or inside their main faction. There is no reason what so ever to have a storage faction outside the main faction you are a part of and infact the storage factions are taking up a large portion of the world(s) resulting in less territory to claim. If you don't feel safe or comfortable putting your storage in your main faction, use /lock or find another faction. My suggestion is to have a no storage/vault faction rule.

I had more but I forgot.
In light of the recent announcement regarding the deletion of worlds, and to make it better for factions moving across, my suggestions are as follows;

Increase faction tax for over-claimed factions
Factions which have gone over their allotted power should definitely be penalised. This will wound 1-man factions claiming large cities or storage units in the remaining worlds forcing them to either sell up, disband, recruit or merge into another faction.

Turn off the ability to claim away from faction land
Once upon a time, it was not possible to claim land unattached from the current faction land. All land had to be connected. This has now resulted in the world being riddled with singular chunk claims of land for raid portals and the like, taking up land which factions may want to claim and build on. In my opinion, purely my opinion, this decision to unrestrict claiming land, was one of the biggest mistakes the server made. If you're going to compact the server into 3 or so worlds, make all claims in one area, not a dozen areas.

Make a rule regarding storage factions
They should either be in a new potential world (a storage world), or inside their main faction. There is no reason what so ever to have a storage faction outside the main faction you are a part of and infact the storage factions are taking up a large portion of the world(s) resulting in less territory to claim. If you don't feel safe or comfortable putting your storage in your main faction, use /lock or find another faction. My suggestion is to have a no storage/vault faction rule.

I had more but I forgot.
I'm definitely for the over-claimed idea, not so sure on the others.
  • Roads: To make roads viable, we already opted to reduce MassiveRestore to once every 6 months. This should also encourage base looting.
  • Overtaxing: Not possible in our current setup.
  • Rule regarding storage factions: to be considered.
  • Rule regarding far claim: to be considered.
  • Removal of the Market to encourage In-Game trade: to be considered, though we were already leaning towards it.

Thats about all I can say without further confirmation.
Make a rule regarding storage factions
They should either be in a new potential world (a storage world), or inside their main faction. There is no reason what so ever to have a storage faction outside the main faction you are a part of and infact the storage factions are taking up a large portion of the world(s) resulting in less territory to claim. If you don't feel safe or comfortable putting your storage in your main faction, use /lock or find another faction. My suggestion is to have a no storage/vault faction rule.
As a storage faction owner, I would really enjoy having a storage world to keep all my crap. Sure I only have 8 chunks out of the thousands on Massive, but I'd be happy to move all of my crap to another world. Just as long as I have a full chunk to work with, I can move everything over without an issue.
In light of the recent change to faction worlds to create more player interaction, I have thought of some ideas to push for more player interaction. In a time for drastic changes some of these are drastic and some may not be as good as others.

Remove the Trade world and allow players to create shops in faction worlds

Pros: What this does is remove a centralized location of trade and make it so that players have to go to other factions for trade. Factions can advertise their faction as having a trade center. This will mean that players need to forge alliances and friendships for more than just war but also trade. Trade chat would still be a useful tool if players want to advertise their faction markets or have auctions and other such activities. Another problem is shops who pay rent in the market but don't contribute to the economy at all. This would remedy that as markets would be moderated by factions owners/officers and there wouldn't be a limit to the space for markets.

Cons: Players may not enjoy having a centralized location for trade and the work people put into their markets stalls being lost may upset people.

Encourage road making
Part of this would possibly be the removal of teleportation to other players factions which would also mean raiders need to plan more when going to war with other factions.

Pros: Roads (Especially in medieval times) were important for linking cities. On massivecraft it would be nice to see roads used to get between factions. This would mean that there would be a fun way to get to factions as well as a place for raiders to take down traders. Traders could also trade with each other on the roads to other factions. Players who want to have a protection service would also have more business as traders hire mercenaries to protect them from raiders.

Cons: Depending on how it is implemented, players may not like going long distances to get to other factions. There may also be a lot of unwanted player deaths than angers people if it isn't handled properly.

I may add more ideas later and if you want to respond and criticize please make sure it's constructive! Staff please respond and put your ideas forth. If pros/cons are put forth for these ideas that I think work well, I will also add them. Also if you follow the format, I'll add your ideas too!
I personally own a shop and I am for removing them possibly but I expect a refund of some sort and I'm not talking 1k because they are worth at least 30k
  • Roads: To make roads viable, we already opted to reduce MassiveRestore to once every 6 months. This should also encourage base looting.
  • Overtaxing: Not possible in our current setup.
  • Rule regarding storage factions: to be considered.
  • Rule regarding far claim: to be considered.
  • Removal of the Market to encourage In-Game trade: to be considered, though we were already leaning towards it.
Thats about all I can say without further confirmation.
As I said before I'm for removing markets if we get a refund that's not completely terrible would this be the case?
Encourage road making
Part of this would possibly be the removal of teleportation to other players factions which would also mean raiders need to plan more when going to war with other factions.
massiverestore is gonna make that a pain in the ass

And on the subject of removing shops tp, might as well remove regalia too, why not just shut down massive. Market is a great place to sell and buy things. it helps money move around ALOT and also is a money drain (paying rent) /tp salemslot has been a successful shop for a while AND /tp market too. so if ya ll are complaining that your faction shop sucks, then maybe its becuase you just arent doing it right. no reason to remove /tp market.
massiverestore is gonna make that a pain in the love

And on the subject of removing shops tp, might as well remove regalia too, why not just shut down massive. Market is a great place to sell and buy things. it helps money move around ALOT and also is a money drain (paying rent) /tp salemslot has been a successful shop for a while AND /tp market too. so if ya ll are complaining that your faction shop sucks, then maybe its becuase you just arent doing it right. no reason to remove /tp market.
I concur
massiverestore is gonna make that a pain in the love

And on the subject of removing shops tp, might as well remove regalia too, why not just shut down massive. Market is a great place to sell and buy things. it helps money move around ALOT and also is a money drain (paying rent) /tp salemslot has been a successful shop for a while AND /tp market too. so if ya ll are complaining that your faction shop sucks, then maybe its becuase you just arent doing it right. no reason to remove /tp market.
Regalia serves a different purpose than the markets, also I never complained that faction markets suck. Faction markets could drain money by making shops cost money to make. There's no need to be so...angry about the suggestions either. I'm sure that if any of these get implemented the staff will make sure it's done well.
I might be losing my underground faction (I understand that this is still in consideration) But for now I highly doubt that my fac will be able to be saved, considering where it is situated. I just spent thirty thousand regals on a rich shop today and that is the last of my money gone. If I lost both my richshop, and my faction I will not exactly be too happy. I fear that other factions that can't be saved will feel this way too, especially if they have richshops and have had to pay as much as I have.
Make portals cost money to create and modify. For instance, 10r to create a single gate, 10r to lock it, 10r to toggle enter/exit. That might take changing the plugin, or making a new one, but it would also reduce the number of portals, and lead to people seeking alternate ways of travel.

As for roads, there's nothing keeping players from building them. Especially with how it is now, chunks only restore around every, what, three months?
Make portals cost money to create and modify. For instance, 10r to create a single gate, 10r to lock it, 10r to toggle enter/exit. That might take changing the plugin, or making a new one, but it would also reduce the number of portals, and lead to people seeking alternate ways of travel.
That's a small enough number for something which is relatively rarely used that I doubt it would make any significant impact on anyone's travel decisions.
Make portals cost money to create and modify. For instance, 10r to create a single gate, 10r to lock it, 10r to toggle enter/exit. That might take changing the plugin, or making a new one, but it would also reduce the number of portals, and lead to people seeking alternate ways of travel.

As for roads, there's nothing keeping players from building them. Especially with how it is now, chunks only restore around every, what, three months?
-rates this is so goth-
Maybe make it so portals may only be built and used if they travel between your faction claims. So you would not be able to teleport form your faction to a portal in the wilderness/ in a claim. But you will be able to teleport from your f home to a claim. Pros. Encourages travel. Encourages faction embessies. Encourages the building of forts to act as hosts for raid portals. Cons. Increase in scattered 1 chunk claims
Maybe make it so portals may only be built and used if they travel between your faction claims. So you would not be able to teleport form your faction to a portal in the wilderness/ in a claim. But you will be able to teleport from your f home to a claim. Pros. Encourages travel. Encourages faction embessies. Encourages the building of forts to act as hosts for raid portals. Cons. Increase in scattered 1 chunk claims
Combine this with a world claim limit of 2 and I don't think you have a bad idea.
Encourage road making
Part of this would possibly be the removal of teleportation to other players factions which would also mean raiders need to plan more when going to war with other factions.

God, I miss roads. But I really should be honest and admit that there have been many very... "opinionated" people in the past who have fought tooth and nail to eliminate any sort of roads. Maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist but I have a feeling that removal of player made roads was one of the reasons for the implementation of massiverestore. While some of us may love the idea of roads, others probably (still) don't so we'd need to find a way to implement this without awakening the outrage machine.

And I think it's already been said, but in reply to Marty's comment about the massiverestore reset being lengthened to 6 months and that this allows for road making, no, it really doesn't. Considering I laid down over 5km of road in NC before massiverestore whiped it all, I think I have the right to say that road construction isn't fun or easy work. If a map spanning road has to be rebuilt every 6 months, it's gonna be a major pain and people aren't gonna do it.

Remove the Trade world and allow players to create shops in faction worlds

As another owner of one of the large shops, I also support this position, but only on one condition; shop owners need to be compensated. As Plutopup already stated above, large shops are worth BUCKET LOADS of regals, so we should at least be given something if the market world gets the noose.

Now to wrap up my thoughts about both the roads and moving shops to the faction worlds, I have a story for you guys. Back in the day when I was a wheeee scrub and Verdandil was just three houses in a swamp, my friends and I had the idea to make a marketplace in our town (not too much unlike the market world) but unlike the market world, we wouldn't have to pay rent! As you might've suspected, it initially flopped. Despite our best efforts to offer prices lower than those you could find in the trade world, our problem was that no one could find us. But then I got an idea. A ridiculously long road, winding through the New Ceardian mountains from our humble faction market all the way to spawn. It took a lot of time and effort to complete, but hot damn was it worth it. After it's completion, people "miraculously" started showing up on our doorstep every single day. Some of them came to trade, some of them came to kill us, and most were just curious where the road went, but regardless of why they came, all that matters is that they did. There's just something about roads that perpetuates exploration and travel, and I think we all finally agree that that's what our faction worlds need. I think there's a reason you find roads on almost every single survival server you'll visit.

TL;DR: about 3-4 years back my faction made a marketplace. Despite frequent advertisement and lower prices than the market world, no one showed up. Then I made a road stretching all the way to spawn and low and behold, people started using our shops and coming by for visits. Roads (especially player made roads) perpetuate travel and can help stitch a divided map back together.